
Name: Speech Rule Engine
Version: 2.3.0-beta
Revision: eefaee8bfe5639bbfa936fda1009e4682433a6af
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: no
Shipped: yes

Speech rule engine (SRE) can translate XML expressions into speech strings
according to rules that can be specified in a syntax using Xpath expressions.
It was originally designed for translation of MathML and MathJax DOM elements
for the ChromeVox screen reader.  Besides the rules originally designed for the
use in ChromeVox, it also has an implementation of the full set of Mathspeak
rules. In addition it contains a library for semantic interpretation and
enrichment of MathML expressions.

Local Modifications:
- The lone js file is the packed browser version of SRE.
- All XMLHttpRequest calls were removed.