diff --git b/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome.js a/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome.js
index 54cf6b1a2bcc..0619bdce01a4 100644
--- b/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome.js
+++ a/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome.js
@@ -562,51 +562,6 @@ chrome.webstore.onInstallStageChanged;
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/runtime.html
- * @const
- */
-chrome.runtime = {};
-/** @type {{message:(string|undefined)}|undefined} */
- * @param {string|!Object=} opt_extensionIdOrConnectInfo Either the
- * extensionId to connect to, in which case connectInfo params can be
- * passed in the next optional argument, or the connectInfo params.
- * @param {!Object=} opt_connectInfo The connectInfo object,
- * if arg1 was the extensionId to connect to.
- * @return {!Port} New port.
- */
-chrome.runtime.connect = function(
- opt_extensionIdOrConnectInfo, opt_connectInfo) {};
- * @param {string|*} extensionIdOrMessage Either the extensionId to send the
- * message to, in which case the message is passed as the next arg, or the
- * message itself.
- * @param {(*|!Object|function(*): void)=} opt_messageOrOptsOrCallback
- * One of:
- * The message, if arg1 was the extensionId.
- * The options for message sending, if arg1 was the message and this
- * argument is not a function.
- * The callback, if arg1 was the message and this argument is a function.
- * @param {(!Object|function(*): void)=} opt_optsOrCallback
- * Either the options for message sending, if arg2 was the message,
- * or the callback.
- * @param {function(*): void=} opt_callback The callback function which
- * takes a JSON response object sent by the handler of the request.
- * @return {undefined}
- */
-chrome.runtime.sendMessage = function(
- extensionIdOrMessage, opt_messageOrOptsOrCallback, opt_optsOrCallback,
- opt_callback) {};
* Returns an object representing current load times. Note that the properties
* on the object do not change and the function must be called again to get
diff --git b/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js a/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js
index 41b2f5b485c7..7110aaf8f223 100644
--- b/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js
+++ a/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js
@@ -233,72 +233,6 @@ if (Math.random() < 1) { // always true but the compiler doesn't know that
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/accessibilityFeatures
- * @const
- */
-chrome.accessibilityFeatures = {};
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
-/** @type {!ChromeSetting} */
* @const
@@ -2557,6 +2491,49 @@ chrome.extension.onRequest;
/** @type {!ChromeEvent} */
+ * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/runtime.html
+ * @const
+ */
+chrome.runtime = {};
+/** @type {{message:(string|undefined)}|undefined} */
+ * @param {string|!Object=} opt_extensionIdOrConnectInfo Either the
+ * extensionId to connect to, in which case connectInfo params can be
+ * passed in the next optional argument, or the connectInfo params.
+ * @param {!Object=} opt_connectInfo The connectInfo object,
+ * if arg1 was the extensionId to connect to.
+ * @return {!Port} New port.
+ */
+chrome.runtime.connect = function(
+ opt_extensionIdOrConnectInfo, opt_connectInfo) {};
+ * @param {string|*} extensionIdOrMessage Either the extensionId to send the
+ * message to, in which case the message is passed as the next arg, or the
+ * message itself.
+ * @param {(*|!Object|function(*): void)=} opt_messageOrOptsOrCallback
+ * One of:
+ * The message, if arg1 was the extensionId.
+ * The options for message sending, if arg1 was the message and this
+ * argument is not a function.
+ * The callback, if arg1 was the message and this argument is a function.
+ * @param {(!Object|function(*): void)=} opt_optsOrCallback
+ * Either the options for message sending, if arg2 was the message,
+ * or the callback.
+ * @param {function(*): void=} opt_callback The callback function which
+ * takes a JSON response object sent by the handler of the request.
+ * @return {undefined}
+ */
+chrome.runtime.sendMessage = function(
+ extensionIdOrMessage, opt_messageOrOptsOrCallback, opt_optsOrCallback,
+ opt_callback) {};
/** @type {string} */
@@ -4380,151 +4357,6 @@ chrome.idle.getAutoLockDelay = function(callback) {};
- * Chrome Text-to-Speech API.
- * @const
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/tts.html
- */
-chrome.tts = {};
- * An event from the TTS engine to communicate the status of an utterance.
- * @constructor
- */
-function TtsEvent() {}
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {number} */
-/** @type {string} */
- * The speech options for the TTS engine.
- * @record
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/apps/tts#type-TtsOptions
- */
-function TtsOptions() {}
-/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
-/** @type {number|undefined} */
-/** @type {number|undefined} */
-/** @type {number|undefined} */
-/** @type {!Array<string>|undefined} */
-/** @type {!Array<string>|undefined} */
-/** @type {!function(!TtsEvent)|undefined} */
- * A description of a voice available for speech synthesis.
- * @constructor
- */
-function TtsVoice() {}
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {Array<string>} */
- * Gets an array of all available voices.
- * @param {function(Array<TtsVoice>)=} opt_callback An optional callback
- * function.
- * @return {undefined}
- */
-chrome.tts.getVoices = function(opt_callback) {};
- * Checks if the engine is currently speaking.
- * @param {function(boolean)=} opt_callback The callback function.
- * @return {undefined}
- */
-chrome.tts.isSpeaking = function(opt_callback) {};
- * Speaks text using a text-to-speech engine.
- * @param {string} utterance The text to speak, either plain text or a complete,
- * well-formed SSML document. Speech engines that do not support SSML will
- * strip away the tags and speak the text. The maximum length of the text is
- * 32,768 characters.
- * @param {TtsOptions=} options The speech options.
- * @param {function()=} callback Called right away, before speech finishes.
- * @return {undefined}
- */
-chrome.tts.speak = function(utterance, options, callback) {};
- * Stops any current speech.
- * @return {undefined}
- */
-chrome.tts.stop = function() {};
- * @const
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/ttsEngine.html
- */
-chrome.ttsEngine = {};
-/** @type {!ChromeEvent} */
-/** @type {!ChromeEvent} */
* @const
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/contentSettings.html
@@ -8474,642 +8306,6 @@ chrome.fileSystem.requestFileSystem = function(options, callback) {};
chrome.fileSystem.getVolumeList = function(callback) {};
- * @const
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider = {};
- * @enum {string}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#type-ChangeType
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.ChangeType = {
- CHANGED: '',
- DELETED: '',
- * @enum {string}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#type-CommonActionId
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.CommonActionId = {
- SHARE: '',
- * @enum {string}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#type-OpenFileMode
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.OpenFileMode = {
- READ: '',
- WRITE: '',
- * @enum {string}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#type-ProviderError
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError = {
- ABORT: '',
- EXISTS: '',
- FAILED: '',
- IN_USE: '',
- IO: '',
- NOT_A_FILE: '',
- NOT_EMPTY: '',
- NOT_FOUND: '',
- NO_MEMORY: '',
- NO_SPACE: '',
- OK: '',
- * @constructor
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#type-EntryMetadata
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.EntryMetadata = function() {};
-/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
-/** @type {number|undefined} */
-/** @type {!Date|undefined} */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
- * @constructor
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#type-FileSystemInfo
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.FileSystemInfo = function() {};
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
-/** @type {number} */
- * @type {!Array<{
- * openRequestId: number,
- * filePath: string,
- * mode: !chrome.fileSystemProvider.OpenFileMode,
- * }>}
- */
-/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
- * @type {!Array<!{
- * entryPath: string,
- * recursive: boolean,
- * lastTag: (string|undefined),
- * }>}
- */
- * @param {string} fileSystemId
- * @param {function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.FileSystemInfo): void} callback
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-get
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.get = function(fileSystemId, callback) {};
- * @param {function(!Array<!chrome.fileSystemProvider.FileSystemInfo>): void}
- * callback
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-getAll
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.getAll = function(callback) {};
- * @record
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-mount
- */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
-/** @type {number|undefined} */
-/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
-/** @type {boolean|undefined} */
- * @param {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.MountOptions} options
- * @param {function(): void=} callback
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-mount
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.mount = function(options, callback) {};
- * @record
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-notify
- */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {string} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ChangeType} */
- * @type {!Array<{
- * entryPath: string,
- * changeType: !chrome.fileSystemProvider.ChangeType,
- * }>|undefined}
- */
-/** @type {string|undefined} */
- * @param {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.NotifyOptions} options
- * @param {function(): void=} callback
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-notify
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.notify = function(options, callback) {};
- * @record
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#method-unmount
- */
-/** @type {string} */
- * @param {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.UnmountOptions} options
- * @param {function(): void=} callback
- */
-chrome.fileSystemProvider.unmount = function(options, callback) {};
- * FSP events that don't "return" values to the caller via onSuccess.
- *
- * @interface
- * @template T
- * @extends {ChromeBaseEvent<function(
- * T,
- * function(): void,
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError): void
- * )>}
- */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * operationRequestId: number,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onAbortRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.AbortRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * entryPath: string,
- * recursive: boolean,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onAddWatcherRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.AddWatcherRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * openRequestId: number,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onCloseFileRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.CloseFileRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onConfigureRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ConfigureRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * sourcePath: string,
- * targetPath: string,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onCopyEntryRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.CopyEntryRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * directoryPath: string,
- * recursive: boolean,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onCreateDirectoryRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.CreateDirectoryRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * filePath: string,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onCreateFileRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.CreateFileRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * entryPath: string,
- * recursive: boolean,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onDeleteEntryRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.DeleteEntryRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * entryPaths: !Array<string>,
- * actionId: string,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onExecuteActionRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ExecuteActionRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {ChromeBaseEvent<function(
- * {
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * entryPaths: !Array<string>,
- * },
- * function(
- * !Array<!{
- * id: (string|chrome.fileSystemProvider.CommonActionId),
- * title: (string|undefined),
- * }>
- * ): void,
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError): void
- * )>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onGetActionsRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.GetActionsRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {ChromeBaseEvent<function(
- * {
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * entryPath: string,
- * isDirectory: boolean,
- * name: boolean,
- * size: boolean,
- * modificationTime: boolean,
- * mimeType: boolean,
- * thumbnail: boolean,
- * },
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.EntryMetadata): void,
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError): void
- * )>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onGetMetadataRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.GetMetadataRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {ChromeBaseEvent<function(
- * function(): void,
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError): void
- * )>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onMountRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.MountRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * sourcePath: string,
- * targetPath: string,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onMoveEntryRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.MoveEntryRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * filePath: string,
- * mode: chrome.fileSystemProvider.OpenFileMode,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onOpenFileRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.OpenFileRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {ChromeBaseEvent<function(
- * {
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * directoryPath: string,
- * isDirectory: boolean,
- * name: boolean,
- * size: boolean,
- * modificationTime: boolean,
- * mimeType: boolean,
- * thumbnail: boolean,
- * },
- * function(
- * !Array<!chrome.fileSystemProvider.EntryMetadata>,
- * boolean
- * ): void,
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError): void
- * )>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onReadDirectoryRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ReadDirectoryRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {ChromeBaseEvent<function(
- * {
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * openRequestId: number,
- * offset: number,
- * length: number,
- * },
- * function(!ArrayBuffer, boolean): void,
- * function(!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ProviderError): void
- * )>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onReadFileRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.ReadFileRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * entryPath: string,
- * recursive: boolean,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onRemoveWatcherRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.RemoveWatcherRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * filePath: string,
- * length: number,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onTruncateRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.TruncateRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onUnmountRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.UnmountRequestedEvent} */
- * @interface
- * @extends {chrome.fileSystemProvider.VoidBaseEvent<{
- * fileSystemId: string,
- * requestId: number,
- * openRequestId: number,
- * offset: number,
- * data: !ArrayBuffer,
- * }>}
- * @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/fileSystemProvider#event-onWriteFileRequested
- */
-/** @type {!chrome.fileSystemProvider.WriteFileRequestedEvent} */
* @const
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/apps/syncFileSystem
diff --git a/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js b/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js
index bd0fd2e51a3bb..12be61c3f581c 100644
--- a/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js
+++ b/third_party/closure_compiler/externs/chrome_extensions.js
@@ -10607,122 +10607,6 @@ chrome.inlineInstallPrivate = {};
chrome.inlineInstallPrivate.install = function(id, opt_callback) {};
- * @see https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/common/extensions/api/input_method_private.json
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate = {};
- * @enum {string}
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.InputModeType = {
- TEXT: '',
- TEL: '',
- URL: '',
- EMAIL: '',
- NUMERIC: '',
- DECIMAL: '',
- SEARCH: '',
- * @enum {string}
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.InputContextType = {
- TEXT: '',
- SEARCH: '',
- TEL: '',
- URL: '',
- EMAIL: '',
- NUMBER: '',
- * @enum {string}
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.AutoCapitalizeType = {
- OFF: '',
- WORDS: '',
- * @enum {string}
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.FocusReason = {
- MOUSE: '',
- TOUCH: '',
- PEN: '',
- OTHER: '',
-/** @constructor */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.InputContext = function() {};
-/** @type {number} */
-/** @type {chrome.inputMethodPrivate.InputModeType} */
-/** @type {chrome.inputMethodPrivate.InputContextType} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
-/** @type {chrome.inputMethodPrivate.AutoCapitalizeType} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
-/** @type {chrome.inputMethodPrivate.FocusReason} */
-/** @type {boolean} */
- * Commits the text currently being composed without moving the selected text
- * range. This is a no-op if the context is incorrect.
- * @param {{
- * contextID: number
- * }} parameters Parameters for the finishComposingText API call.
- * @param {function(): void=} callback Called when the operation completes.
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.finishComposingText = function(
- parameters, callback) {};
- * Resets the current engine to its initial state. Fires an OnReset event.
- */
-chrome.inputMethodPrivate.reset = function() {};
* @const
* @see https://goo.gl/7dvJFW