// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was generated by:
// tools/json_schema_compiler/compiler.py.
// NOTE: The format of types has changed. 'FooType' is now
// 'chrome.test.FooType'.
// Please run the closure compiler before committing changes.
// See https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/main/docs/closure_compilation.md
* @fileoverview Externs generated from namespace: test
* @externs
/** @const */
chrome.test = {};
* Gives configuration options set by the test.
* @param {function({
* customArg: (string|undefined),
* ftpServer: ({
* port: number
* }|undefined),
* testServer: ({
* port: number
* }|undefined),
* testDataDirectory: (string|undefined),
* testWebSocketPort: (number|undefined),
* testWebTransportPort: (number|undefined),
* loginStatus: ({
* isLoggedIn: (boolean|undefined),
* isScreenLocked: (boolean|undefined)
* }|undefined)
* }): void} callback
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-getConfig
chrome.test.getConfig = function(callback) {};
* Notifies the browser process that test code running in the extension failed.
* This is only used for internal unit testing.
* @param {string} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-notifyFail
chrome.test.notifyFail = function(message) {};
* Notifies the browser process that test code running in the extension passed.
* This is only used for internal unit testing.
* @param {string=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-notifyPass
chrome.test.notifyPass = function(message) {};
* Logs a message during internal unit testing.
* @param {string} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-log
chrome.test.log = function(message) {};
* Open file: URLs for tests.
* @param {string} url
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-openFileUrl
chrome.test.openFileUrl = function(url) {};
* Sends a string message to the browser process, generating a Notification that
* C++ test code can wait for.
* @param {string} message
* @param {function(string): void=} callback
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-sendMessage
chrome.test.sendMessage = function(message, callback) {};
* Sends a result back to the browser as a result of script executing; this is
* handy for communicating results from browser-driven script execution.
* @param {*} result
* @param {function(): void=} callback
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-sendScriptResult
chrome.test.sendScriptResult = function(result, callback) {};
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-callbackAdded
chrome.test.callbackAdded = function() {};
* @param {*=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-fail
chrome.test.fail = function(message) {};
* @param {*=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-succeed
chrome.test.succeed = function(message) {};
* Returns an instance of the module system for the given context.
* @param {*} context
* @return {*} The module system
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-getModuleSystem
chrome.test.getModuleSystem = function(context) {};
* @param {(string|boolean)} test
* @param {string=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertTrue
chrome.test.assertTrue = function(test, message) {};
* @param {(string|boolean)} test
* @param {string=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertFalse
chrome.test.assertFalse = function(test, message) {};
* @param {*=} expected
* @param {*=} actual
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-checkDeepEq
chrome.test.checkDeepEq = function(expected, actual) {};
* @param {*=} expected
* @param {*=} actual
* @param {string=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertEq
chrome.test.assertEq = function(expected, actual, message) {};
* @param {*=} expected
* @param {*=} actual
* @param {string=} message A custom error message to print out with the test
* failure, if any.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertNe
chrome.test.assertNe = function(expected, actual, message) {};
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertNoLastError
chrome.test.assertNoLastError = function() {};
* @param {string} expectedError
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertLastError
chrome.test.assertLastError = function(expectedError) {};
* @param {function(): void} fn
* @param {?Object|undefined} self
* @param {!Array<*>} args
* @param {(string|RegExp)=} message
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertThrows
chrome.test.assertThrows = function(fn, self, args, message) {};
* @param {Promise} promise The promise to evaluate, which is expected to
* reject.
* @param {(string|RegExp)} expectedMessage The expected error message from the
* promise rejection, either as a string or a regular expression.
* @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved once the assertion is
* complete. The promise is rejected if the passed-in promise resolves
* unexpectedly or rejects with an unexpected error.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-assertPromiseRejects
chrome.test.assertPromiseRejects = function(promise, expectedMessage) {};
* @param {function(): void=} func
* @param {string=} expectedError
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-callback
chrome.test.callback = function(func, expectedError) {};
* @param {*} event
* @param {function(): void} func
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-listenOnce
chrome.test.listenOnce = function(event, func) {};
* @param {*} event
* @param {function(): void} func
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-listenForever
chrome.test.listenForever = function(event, func) {};
* @param {function(): void=} func
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-callbackPass
chrome.test.callbackPass = function(func) {};
* @param {string} expectedError
* @param {function(): void=} func
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-callbackFail
chrome.test.callbackFail = function(expectedError, func) {};
* @param {!Array<function(): void>} tests
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-runTests
chrome.test.runTests = function(tests) {};
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-getApiFeatures
chrome.test.getApiFeatures = function() {};
* @param {!Array<string>=} apiNames
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-getApiDefinitions
chrome.test.getApiDefinitions = function(apiNames) {};
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-isProcessingUserGesture
chrome.test.isProcessingUserGesture = function() {};
* Runs the provided function in the context of a user gesture.
* @param {function(): void} functionToRun
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-runWithUserGesture
chrome.test.runWithUserGesture = function(functionToRun) {};
* Sends a string message one round trip from the renderer to the browser
* process and back.
* @param {string} message
* @param {function(string): void} callback
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-waitForRoundTrip
chrome.test.waitForRoundTrip = function(message, callback) {};
* Loads a JS script in the current JS context.
* @param {string} scriptUrl
* @return {Promise} A promise that will be resolved once the script is loaded.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-loadScript
chrome.test.loadScript = function(scriptUrl) {};
* Sets the function to be called when an exception occurs. By default this is a
* function which fails the test. This is reset for every test run through
* $ref:test.runTests.
* @param {function(string, *): void} handler
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#method-setExceptionHandler
chrome.test.setExceptionHandler = function(handler) {};
* Used to test sending messages to extensions.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/test#event-onMessage