// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
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/** @fileoverview Interface for bluetooth that can be overriden. */
/** @interface */
function Bluetooth() {}
Bluetooth.prototype = {
* Get information about the Bluetooth adapter.
* @param {function(!chrome.bluetooth.AdapterState): void} callback Called
* with an AdapterState object describing the adapter state.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#method-getAdapterState
getAdapterState: function(callback) {},
* Get information about a Bluetooth device known to the system.
* @param {string} deviceAddress Address of device to get.
* @param {function(!chrome.bluetooth.Device): void} callback Called with the
* Device object describing the device.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#method-getDevice
getDevice: function(deviceAddress, callback) {},
* Get a list of Bluetooth devices known to the system, including paired and
* recently discovered devices.
* @param {?chrome.bluetooth.BluetoothFilter|undefined} filter Some criteria
* to filter the list of returned bluetooth devices. If the filter is not
* set or set to <code>{}</code>, returned device list will contain all
* bluetooth devices. Right now this is only supported in ChromeOS, for
* other platforms, a full list is returned.
* @param {function(!Array<!chrome.bluetooth.Device>): void} callback Called
* when the search is completed.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#method-getDevices
getDevices: function(filter, callback) {},
* <p>Start discovery. Newly discovered devices will be returned via the
* onDeviceAdded event. Previously discovered devices already known to the
* adapter must be obtained using getDevices and will only be updated using
* the |onDeviceChanged| event if information about them
* changes.</p><p>Discovery will fail to start if this application has already
* called startDiscovery. Discovery can be resource intensive: stopDiscovery
* should be called as soon as possible.</p>
* @param {function(): void=} callback Called to indicate success or failure.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#method-startDiscovery
startDiscovery: function(callback) {},
* Stop discovery.
* @param {function(): void=} callback Called to indicate success or failure.
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#method-stopDiscovery
stopDiscovery: function(callback) {},
* Fired when the state of the Bluetooth adapter changes.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#event-onAdapterStateChanged
* Fired when information about a new Bluetooth device is available.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#event-onDeviceAdded
* Fired when information about a known Bluetooth device has changed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#event-onDeviceChanged
* Fired when a Bluetooth device that was previously discovered has been out of
* range for long enough to be considered unavailable again, and when a paired
* device is removed.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* @see https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/bluetooth#event-onDeviceRemoved