// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file was generated by:
// ./tools/json_schema_compiler/compiler.py.
/** @fileoverview Interface for bluetoothPrivate that can be overriden. */
/** @interface */
function BluetoothPrivate() {}
BluetoothPrivate.prototype = {
* Changes the state of the Bluetooth adapter.
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.NewAdapterState} adapterState The new
* state of the adapter.
* @param {function(): void=} callback Called when all the state changes have
* been completed.
setAdapterState: function(adapterState, callback) {},
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.SetPairingResponseOptions} options
* @param {function(): void=} callback
setPairingResponse: function(options, callback) {},
* Tears down all connections to the given device.
* @param {string} deviceAddress
* @param {function(): void=} callback
disconnectAll: function(deviceAddress, callback) {},
* Forgets the given device.
* @param {string} deviceAddress
* @param {function(): void=} callback
forgetDevice: function(deviceAddress, callback) {},
* Set or clear discovery filter.
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.DiscoveryFilter} discoveryFilter
* @param {function(): void=} callback
setDiscoveryFilter: function(discoveryFilter, callback) {},
* Connects to the given device. This will only throw an error if the device
* address is invalid or the device is already connected. Otherwise this will
* succeed and invoke |callback| with ConnectResultType.
* @param {string} deviceAddress
* @param {function(!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.ConnectResultType): void=}
* callback
connect: function(deviceAddress, callback) {},
* Pairs the given device.
* @param {string} deviceAddress
* @param {function(): void=} callback
pair: function(deviceAddress, callback) {},
* Record that a pairing attempt finished. Ignores cancellations.
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.TransportType} transport
* @param {number} pairingDurationMs
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.ConnectResultType=} result
recordPairing: function(transport, pairingDurationMs, result) {},
* Record that a user-initiated reconnection attempt to an already paired
* device finished. Ignores cancellations.
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.ConnectResultType=} result
recordReconnection: function(result) {},
* Record that a user selected a device to connect to.
* @param {number} selectionDurationMs
* @param {boolean} wasPaired
* @param {!chrome.bluetoothPrivate.TransportType} transport
recordDeviceSelection: function(selectionDurationMs, wasPaired, transport) {},
* Fired when a pairing event occurs.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}
* Fired when a Bluetooth device changed its address.
* @type {!ChromeEvent}