
Name: Core ML Tools
Short Name: coremltools
Version: 7.1
Date: 2023-10-18
Revision: dbb0094fd0cb936469e35320bf37e866ef7a1da4
License: BSD
License File: mlmodel/format/LICENSE
Shipped: yes
Security Critical: no

This folder is snapshot of part of the Core ML Tools library.
It is required to implement support for WebNN on macOS.

To avoid pulling in unnecessary files this snapshot only contains the
protocol buffer definitions of the Core ML Model Format Specification.

Local Modifications:
git cl format as been run on the .proto files, in order to pass
the Chromium presubmit checks. LICENSE.txt has been renamed to 
LICENSE as per Chromium requirements.

The snapshot of this repository can be regenerated or updated
by running also documents exactly how
this current snapshot was produced.

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