
// Copyright (c) 2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
// found in LICENSE.txt or at

syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

import public "FeatureTypes.proto";

package CoreML.Specification;

 * A mapping from a string
 * to a 64-bit integer.
message StringToInt64Map {
  map<string, int64> map = 1;

 * A mapping from a 64-bit integer
 * to a string.
message Int64ToStringMap {
  map<int64, string> map = 1;

 * A mapping from a string
 * to a double-precision floating point number.
message StringToDoubleMap {
  map<string, double> map = 1;

 * A mapping from a 64-bit integer
 * to a double-precision floating point number.
message Int64ToDoubleMap {
  map<int64, double> map = 1;

 * A vector of strings.
message StringVector {
  repeated string vector = 1;

 * A vector of 64-bit integers.
message Int64Vector {
  repeated int64 vector = 1;

 * A vector of floating point numbers.
message FloatVector {
  repeated float vector = 1;

 * A vector of double-precision floating point numbers.
message DoubleVector {
  repeated double vector = 1;

 * A range of int64 values
message Int64Range {
  int64 minValue = 1;
  int64 maxValue = 2;

 * A set of int64 values
message Int64Set {
  repeated int64 values = 1;

 * A range of double values
message DoubleRange {
  double minValue = 1;
  double maxValue = 2;

 * Precision/Recall curve.
 * The syntax comprises two tables, one to look up the confidence value
 * threshold for a given precision, and the other for a given recall.
 * Example:
 * ----------------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----
 * precisionValues       | .1 | .2 | .3 | .4 | .5 | .6 | .7 |
 * precisionConfidence   | .0 | .0 | .0 | .0 | .1 | .3 | .4 |
 * ----------------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----
 * ----------------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----
 * recallValues          | .1 | .2 | .3 | .4 | .5 | .6 | .7 | .8 | .9
 * recallConfidence      | .7 | .6 | .5 | .4 | .3 | .3 | .2 | .1 | .0
 * ----------------------+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----
 * The application expects that, when it filters out samples with
 * confidence threshold = 0.1, it gets precision = 0.5. Likewise,
 * with threshold = 0.2 it gets recall = 0.7.
 * The table must have only valid values; do not use `NaN`, `+/- INF`,
 * or negative values. The application is responsible for inter/extrapolating
 * approprate confidence threshold based on the application's specifc need.
message PrecisionRecallCurve {
  FloatVector precisionValues = 1;
  FloatVector precisionConfidenceThresholds = 2;
  FloatVector recallValues = 3;
  FloatVector recallConfidenceThresholds = 4;