
// Copyright (c) 2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
// found in LICENSE.txt or at

syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package CoreML.Specification;

 * The 64-bit integer feature type.
message Int64FeatureType {}

 * The double-precision floating point number feature type.
message DoubleFeatureType {}

 * The string feature type.
message StringFeatureType {}

message SizeRange {
  uint64 lowerBound = 1;
  int64 upperBound = 2;  // negative value means unbound otherwise upperbound is
                         // included in range

 * The image feature type.
message ImageFeatureType {
  // Assumes raw (decompressed) format
  enum ColorSpace {
    GRAYSCALE = 10;          //  8 bits per pixel
    RGB = 20;                // 32 bits per pixel: RGBA with A channel ignored
    BGR = 30;                // 32 bits per pixel: BGRA with A channel ignored
    GRAYSCALE_FLOAT16 = 40;  // 16 bits float per pixel

  message ImageSize {
    uint64 width = 1;
    uint64 height = 2;

  message EnumeratedImageSizes {
    repeated ImageSize sizes = 1;

  message ImageSizeRange {
    SizeRange widthRange = 1;
    SizeRange heightRange = 2;

  // The required or default image size is width x height
  // If specificationVersion <= 2 or SizeFlexibility is empty,
  // width x height is the required fixed image size
  // If SizeFlexibility is present, width x height indicate a "default"
  // image size which must be consistent with the flexibilty specified

  int64 width = 1;
  int64 height = 2;

  // For specification version >= 3 you can specify image size flexibility.

  oneof SizeFlexibility {
    // Use enumeratedSizes for a set of distinct fixed sizes
    // e.g. portrait or landscape: [80 x 100, 100 x 8]
    // If the width x height fields above are specified then they must be
    // one of the sizes listed.
    // If width and height are not specified above then the default width
    // and height will be enumeratedSizes[0]
    // Must be non-empty

    EnumeratedImageSizes enumeratedSizes = 21;

    // Use imageSizeRange to allow for ranges of values
    // e.g. any image greater than 10 x 20: [10..<max] x [20..<max]
    // If width and height are specified above they must fall in the range
    // specified in imageSizeRange. They will be treated as the default size.
    // If width and height are not specified above then the default width
    // and height will be imageSizeRange.widthRange.lowerBound x
    // imageSizeRange.heightRange.lowerBound

    ImageSizeRange imageSizeRange = 31;

  ColorSpace colorSpace = 3;

 * The array feature type.
message ArrayFeatureType {
  enum ArrayDataType {
    FLOAT32 = 65568;  // 0x10000 | 32
    DOUBLE = 65600;   // 0x10000 | 64
    INT32 = 131104;   // 0x20000 | 32
    FLOAT16 = 65552;  // 0x10000 | 16

  // The required or default shape
  // If specificationVersion <= 2 or ShapeFlexibility is empty,
  // shape is the required fixed shape
  // If ShapeFlexibility is present, shape indicate a "default"
  // shape which must be consistent with the flexibilty specified

  repeated int64 shape = 1;

  ArrayDataType dataType = 2;

  message Shape {
    repeated int64 shape = 1;

  message EnumeratedShapes {
    repeated Shape shapes = 1;

  message ShapeRange {
    // sizeRanges.size() must be length 1 or 3
    // sizeRanges[d] specifies the allowed range for dimension d
    repeated SizeRange sizeRanges = 1;

  // For specification version >= 3 you can specify image size flexibility.

  oneof ShapeFlexibility {
    // Use enumeratedShapes for a set of distinct fixed shapes
    // If the shape field is specified then it must be
    // one of the enumerated shapes.
    // If shape is not specifed, the "default" shape will be considered
    // enumeratedShapes[0]
    // Must be non-empty

    EnumeratedShapes enumeratedShapes = 21;

    // Use shapeRange to allow the size of each dimension vary within
    // indpendently specified ranges
    // If you specify shape above it must fall in the range
    // specified in shapeRanges. It will be treated as the default shape.
    // If you don't specify shape above then the default shape will
    // have shape[d] = shapeRange.sizeRanges[d].lowerBound

    ShapeRange shapeRange = 31;

  oneof defaultOptionalValue {
    int32 intDefaultValue = 41;
    float floatDefaultValue = 51;
    double doubleDefaultValue = 61;

 * The dictionary feature type.
message DictionaryFeatureType {
   *  Key/value type tags, with the following restrictions:
   *  - ``keyType`` must be a hashable type
   *  - ``valueType`` is assumed to be a ``double``
  oneof KeyType {
    Int64FeatureType int64KeyType = 1;
    StringFeatureType stringKeyType = 2;

 * The Sequence feature type.
message SequenceFeatureType {
   * Currently only categorical int64 and String sequences are supported
  oneof Type {
    Int64FeatureType int64Type = 1;
    StringFeatureType stringType = 3;

  // Range of allowed size/length/count of sequence
  SizeRange sizeRange = 101;

 * A feature, which may be optional.
message FeatureType {
  oneof Type {
    Int64FeatureType int64Type = 1;
    DoubleFeatureType doubleType = 2;
    StringFeatureType stringType = 3;
    ImageFeatureType imageType = 4;
    ArrayFeatureType multiArrayType = 5;
    DictionaryFeatureType dictionaryType = 6;
    SequenceFeatureType sequenceType = 7;

  bool isOptional = 1000;