
// Copyright (c) 2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
// found in LICENSE.txt or at

syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

import public "DataStructures.proto";

package CoreML.Specification;

 * Item Similarity Recommender
 *  The Item Similarity recommender takes as input a list of items and scores,
 *  then uses that information and a table of item similarities to predict
 * similarity scores for all items.  By default, the items predicted are most
 * similar to the given items but not part of that item set.
 *  The predicted score for a given item k is
 *    sum_(i in observed items)   sim_(k,i) * (score_i - shift_k)
 *  Because only the most similar scores for each item i are stored,
 *  sim_(k,i) is often zero.
 *  For many models, the score adjustment parameter shift_j is zero -- it's
 * occasionally used to counteract global biases for popular items.
 *  References:
message ItemSimilarityRecommender {
  /* The items similar to a given base item.
  message ConnectedItem {
    uint64 itemId = 1;
    double similarityScore = 2;

  /*  The formula for the score of a given model as given above, with shift_k
   *   parameter given by itemScoreAdjustment, and the similar item list filling
   * in all the known sim(k,i) scores for i given by itemID and k given by the
   * itemID parameter in the similarItemList.
  message SimilarItems {
    uint64 itemId = 1;
    repeated ConnectedItem similarItemList = 2;
    double itemScoreAdjustment = 3;

  repeated SimilarItems itemItemSimilarities = 1;

  /* One or none of these are given.  If none are given, then the items must
   * number 0, 1, ..., num_items - 1. If either is given, the length must be
   * exactly num_items.
  StringVector itemStringIds = 2;
  Int64Vector itemInt64Ids = 3;

  /* Input parameter names specifying different possible inputs to the
   * recommender.
  string itemInputFeatureName = 10; /* Required */
  string numRecommendationsInputFeatureName =
      11; /* Optional; defaults to all items if not given.*/
  string itemRestrictionInputFeatureName = 12; /* Optional. */
  string itemExclusionInputFeatureName =
      13; /* Optional; defaults to input item list if not given. */

  /* The predicted outputs.  At least one of these must be specified.
  string recommendedItemListOutputFeatureName = 20;
  string recommendedItemScoreOutputFeatureName = 21;