// Copyright (c) 2017, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
// found in LICENSE.txt or at https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package CoreML.Specification;
import public "DataStructures.proto";
import public "Parameters.proto";
* A k-Nearest-Neighbor classifier
message KNearestNeighborsClassifier {
* The "core" nearest neighbor model attributes.
NearestNeighborsIndex nearestNeighborsIndex = 1;
* Number of neighbors to use for classification.
Int64Parameter numberOfNeighbors = 3;
* Type of labels supported by the model. Currently supports String or Int64
* labels.
oneof ClassLabels {
StringVector stringClassLabels = 100;
Int64Vector int64ClassLabels = 101;
* Default value of class label (useful when prediction is called on an empty
* kNN classifier)
oneof DefaultClassLabel {
string defaultStringLabel = 110;
int64 defaultInt64Label = 111;
* Weighting scheme to be used when computing the majority label of a
* new data point.
oneof WeightingScheme {
UniformWeighting uniformWeighting = 200;
InverseDistanceWeighting inverseDistanceWeighting = 210;
* The "core" attributes of a Nearest Neighbors model.
message NearestNeighborsIndex {
* Number of dimensions of the input data.
int32 numberOfDimensions = 1;
* Vector of floating point data that makes up the model. Each data point must
* have 'numberOfDimensions' dimensions.
repeated FloatVector floatSamples = 2;
* Backing data structure for the Nearest Neighbors Index. Currently supports
* a linear index or a kd-tree index.
oneof IndexType {
LinearIndex linearIndex = 100;
SingleKdTreeIndex singleKdTreeIndex = 110;
* Distance function to be used to find neighbors. Currently only Squared
* Euclidean Distance is supported.
oneof DistanceFunction {
SquaredEuclideanDistance squaredEuclideanDistance = 200;
* Specifies a uniform weighting scheme (i.e. each neighbor receives equal
* voting power).
message UniformWeighting {}
* Specifies a inverse-distance weighting scheme (i.e. closest neighbors
* receives higher voting power). A nearest neighbor with highest sum of (1 /
* distance) is picked.
message InverseDistanceWeighting {}
* Specifies a flat index of data points to be searched by brute force.
message LinearIndex {}
* Specifies a kd-tree backend for the nearest neighbors model.
message SingleKdTreeIndex {
* Number of data points contained within a leaf node of the kd-tree.
int32 leafSize = 1;
* Specifies the Squared Euclidean Distance function.
message SquaredEuclideanDistance {}