
// Copyright (c) 2018, Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-3-clause license that can be
// found in LICENSE.txt or at

syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

import public "DataStructures.proto";

package CoreML.Specification.CoreMLModels;

 * A model which takes a single input string and outputs a
 * sequence of tokens, tags for tokens, along with their
 * locations and lengths, in the original string.
message WordTagger {
   * Stores the resivion number for the model, revision 1 is available on
   * iOS, tvOS 12.0+, macoOS 10.14+
  uint32 revision = 1;

   * Stores the language of the model, as specified in BCP-47 format,
   * e.g. "en-US". See
  string language = 10;

   * Stores the name of tokens output. The output will be
   * a sequence of strings that contains the tokens in the
   * input string
  string tokensOutputFeatureName = 20;

   * Stores the name of token tags output. The output will be
   * a sequence of strings that contains the tags for each
   * token in the input string
  string tokenTagsOutputFeatureName = 21;

   * Stores the name of token locations output. The output will be
   * a sequence of integers that contains the locations (indices)
   * for each token in the input string, location starts from 0
  string tokenLocationsOutputFeatureName = 22;

   * Stores the name of token lengths output. The output will be
   * a sequence of integers that contains the lengths for each
   * token in the input string
  string tokenLengthsOutputFeatureName = 23;

   * Stores the byte representation of learned model parameters
  bytes modelParameterData = 100;

   * Stores the set of output tags
  oneof Tags {
    StringVector stringTags = 200;