
# Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


rust_bindgen("crabbyavif_dav1d_bindings") {
  header = "src/sys/dav1d-sys/wrapper.h"
  deps = [ "//third_party/dav1d:dav1d_headers" ]
  configs = [ "//third_party/dav1d:dav1d_config" ]
  bindgen_flags = [

rust_static_library("crabbyavif_dav1d_sys") {
  crate_root = "src/sys/dav1d-sys/src/"
  # This is a wrapper interface to a C library. So unsafe has to be allowed.
  allow_unsafe = true
  crate_name = "dav1d_sys"

  sources = [ "src/sys/dav1d-sys/src/" ]

  deps = [ ":crabbyavif_dav1d_bindings" ]

  _bindgen_output = get_target_outputs(":crabbyavif_dav1d_bindings")
  inputs = _bindgen_output
              rebase_path(_bindgen_output[0], get_path_info(crate_root, "dir")) ]

rust_bindgen("crabbyavif_libyuv_bindings") {
  header = "src/sys/libyuv-sys/wrapper.h"
  configs = [ "//third_party/libyuv:libyuv_config" ]
  bindgen_flags = [

rust_static_library("crabbyavif_libyuv_sys") {
  crate_root = "src/sys/libyuv-sys/src/"
  # This is a wrapper interface to a C++ library. So unsafe has to be allowed.
  allow_unsafe = true
  crate_name = "libyuv_sys"

  sources = [ "src/sys/libyuv-sys/src/" ]

  deps = [ ":crabbyavif_libyuv_bindings" ]

  _bindgen_output = get_target_outputs(":crabbyavif_libyuv_bindings")
  inputs = _bindgen_output
              rebase_path(_bindgen_output[0], get_path_info(crate_root, "dir")) ]

rust_static_library("crabbyavif") {
  crate_root = "src/src/"
  # This library exposes a C API and uses a couple of C/C++ libraries. So unsafe
  # has to be allowed in order to allow those. The core library itself does not
  # contain any unsafe Rust.
  allow_unsafe = true

  sources = [

  features = [

  public_deps = [ ":header_files" ]
  deps = [

source_set("header_files") {
  visibility = [ ":*" ]
  sources = [ "src/include/avif/avif.h" ]