
// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


#include <windows.h>
#include <dbghelp.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <winnt.h>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "util/misc/pdb_structures.h"
#include "util/misc/uuid.h"

#if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
// C4200 is "nonstandard extension used : zero-sized array in struct/union".
// We would like to globally disable this warning, but unfortunately, the
// compiler is buggy and only supports disabling it with a pragma, so we can't
// disable it with other silly warnings in the build files. See:
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4200)

#define PACKED
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#define PACKED
#endif  // COMPILER_MSVC

namespace crashpad {

//! \brief Minidump stream type values for MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY::StreamType. Each
//!     stream structure has a corresponding stream type value to identify it.
enum MinidumpStreamType : uint32_t {};

//! \brief A variable-length UTF-8-encoded string carried within a minidump
//!     file.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpUTF8String {};

//! \brief A variable-length array of bytes carried within a minidump file.
//!     The data have no intrinsic type and should be interpreted according
//!     to their referencing context.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpByteArray {};

//! \brief CPU type values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProcessorArchitecture.
enum MinidumpCPUArchitecture : uint16_t {};

//! \brief Operating system type values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::ProductType.
//! \sa \ref VER_NT_x "VER_NT_*"
enum MinidumpOSType : uint8_t {};

//! \brief Operating system family values for MINIDUMP_SYSTEM_INFO::PlatformId.
//! \sa \ref VER_PLATFORM_x "VER_PLATFORM_*"
enum MinidumpOS : uint32_t {};

//! \brief A list of ::RVA pointers.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpRVAList {};

//! \brief A key-value pair.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpSimpleStringDictionaryEntry {};

//! \brief A list of key-value pairs.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpSimpleStringDictionary {};

//! \brief A typed annotation object.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpAnnotation {};

//! \brief A list of annotation objects.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpAnnotationList {};

//! \brief Additional Crashpad-specific information about a module carried
//!     within a minidump file.
//! This structure augments the information provided by MINIDUMP_MODULE. The
//! minidump file must contain a module list stream
//! (::kMinidumpStreamTypeModuleList) in order for this structure to appear.
//! This structure is versioned. When changing this structure, leave the
//! existing structure intact so that earlier parsers will be able to understand
//! the fields they are aware of, and make additions at the end of the
//! structure. Revise #kVersion and document each field’s validity based on
//! #version, so that newer parsers will be able to determine whether the added
//! fields are valid or not.
//! \sa MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo {};

//! \brief A link between a MINIDUMP_MODULE structure and additional
//!     Crashpad-specific information about a module carried within a minidump
//!     file.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoLink {};

//! \brief Additional Crashpad-specific information about modules carried within
//!     a minidump file.
//! This structure augments the information provided by
//! MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST. The minidump file must contain a module list stream
//! (::kMinidumpStreamTypeModuleList) in order for this structure to appear.
//! MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList::count may be less than the value of
//! MINIDUMP_MODULE_LIST::NumberOfModules because not every MINIDUMP_MODULE
//! structure carried within the minidump file will necessarily have
//! Crashpad-specific information provided by a MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfo
//! structure.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpModuleCrashpadInfoList {};

//! \brief Additional Crashpad-specific information carried within a minidump
//!     file.
//! This structure is versioned. When changing this structure, leave the
//! existing structure intact so that earlier parsers will be able to understand
//! the fields they are aware of, and make additions at the end of the
//! structure. Revise #kVersion and document each field’s validity based on
//! #version, so that newer parsers will be able to determine whether the added
//! fields are valid or not.
struct alignas(4) PACKED MinidumpCrashpadInfo {};

#if defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma warning(pop)  // C4200
#endif  // COMPILER_MSVC
#undef PACKED

}  // namespace crashpad