
Name: The Incremental Distributed Point Functions library
Short Name: distributed_point_functions
Version: N/A
Revision: 2db593b64a99f178f682ef0db222d417c23e5bb5
Date: 2023-11-16
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: Yes
Shipped: yes
CPEPrefix: unknown

This library contains an implementation of incremental distributed point
functions, based on the paper by Boneh et al.

Local Modifications:
The directory code/ is a copy of the source code, modified in two ways. First,
all top-level directories other than dpf/ have been removed as they are unused.
Second, a .clang-format file has been added to disable automatic code
formatting. Parts of code/dpf/ are also
adapted for fuzzing in fuzz/