Name: 2-dim General Purpose FFT (Fast Fourier/Cosine/Sine Transform) Package
Short Name: fft2d
Version: 2006/12/28
Date: 2006-12-28
License: FFT2D
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: yes
Shipped: yes
License Android Compatible: yes
This directory contains the third-party one- and two-dimensional
fast Fourier transform and related sinusoidal transform code written
by Takuya Ooura.
Local Modifications:
- Included only the C source files required by //third_party/tflite
Version details:
"fft2d.tgz (53KB) updated: 2006/12/28"
SHA512(fft2d.tgz)= af993f68e8e1eb3cb927a51e86da8f74cfafc912a7cd055515e50fe543dd19ab5a6f7b1c2be4a55d6f4a0e5d766ead34c3be4c5705be6353f78cb2a55bd5cf16