
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


# Prepares a CIPD package and generates a package definition.
# Example:
# ```
#   fuchsia_cipd_package("chromedriver") {
#     package = "path/to/cipd/package"
#     description = "Prebuilt test binary."
#     install_mode = "copy"
#     deps = [ "//path/to:test_binary_target" ]
#     sources = [ "//path/to:test_binary_file" ]
#   }
# ```
# Parameters:
#   package:
#     The path where the package will be located inside the CIPD repository.
#     Type: string
#   package_root: [Optional]
#     CIPD package root directory. All file and directory paths specifed are
#     relative to this path. Defaults to $target_gen_dir/$target_name
#         if unspecified.
#     Type: file path
#   package_definition_name:  [Optional]
#     CIPD package definition filename. Defaults to "cipd.yaml" if unspecified.
#     Type: filename
#   package_definition_dir: [Optional]
#     CIPD package definition directory. Defaults to $package_root if unspecified.
#     Type: file path
#   description:
#     Sets the "description" field in CIPD package definition.
#     Type: string
#   install_mode: [Optional]
#     Specifies the installation mode, should be either `symlink` or `copy`.
#      Defaults to `symlink` if unspecified.
#     Type: string
#   files:  [Optional]
#     List of files relative to $package_root to include in the
#       package definition.
#     Type: list of files
#   directories:  [Optional]
#     List of directories relative to $package_root to include in the
#       package definition.
#     Type: list of directories
#   sources:  [Optional]
#     List of files to copy into $package_root and include in
#       the package definition.
#     Type: list of files
#   use_absolute_root_path: [Optional]
#     The value of `root` in the cipd package definition is written as an absolute path.
#       Default value is False, indicating to use relative paths, following the GN conventions of being relative to
#       $root_build_dir.
#     Type: boolean
#   Standard parameters:
#     * deps
#     * public deps
#     * visibility
#     * testonly
template("fuchsia_cipd_package") {

  assert(defined(invoker.sources) || defined(invoker.directories),
         "sources or directories must be specified.")

  _install_mode = "symlink"
  if (defined(invoker.install_mode)) {
    _install_mode = invoker.install_mode
  assert(_install_mode == "copy" || _install_mode == "symlink",
         "\"install_mode\" arg should be either \"copy\" or \"symlink\".")

  _package_definition_name = "cipd.yaml"
  if (defined(invoker.package_definition_name)) {
    _package_definition_name = invoker.package_definition_name

  _package_root = "${target_gen_dir}/${target_name}"
  if (defined(invoker.package_root)) {
    _package_root = invoker.package_root

  _package_definition_dir = _package_root
  if (defined(invoker.package_definition_dir)) {
    _package_definition_dir = invoker.package_definition_dir

  _root_base_path = root_build_dir
  if (defined(invoker.use_absolute_root_path) &&
      invoker.use_absolute_root_path) {
    _root_base_path = ""

  action(target_name) {
    script = gn_sdk_root + "/"
    depfile = "$target_gen_dir/$target_name.d"
    _definition_path = "${_package_definition_dir}/${_package_definition_name}"
    outputs = [ _definition_path ]

    args = [
      rebase_path(_package_root, _root_base_path),
      rebase_path(_definition_path, root_build_dir),
      rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),

    if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
      args += [ "--copy-files" ] + rebase_path(sources, root_build_dir)
    if (defined(invoker.files)) {
      args += [ "--files" ] + invoker.files
    if (defined(invoker.directories)) {
      args += [ "--directories" ] + invoker.directories