
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


config("compiler") {
  sdk_version = "${fuchsia_sdk_id}"
  defines = [
    # To force full builds after SDK updates in case of ABI changes.
  cflags = []
  ldflags = []
  if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
    cflags += [ "--target=aarch64-fuchsia" ]
  } else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
    cflags += [ "--target=x86_64-fuchsia" ]
  } else {
    assert(false, "Unsupported architecture")

  # Pass the target API level to the compiler if specified.
  assert(fuchsia_target_api_level >= 1)
  cflags += [ "-ffuchsia-api-level=${fuchsia_target_api_level}" ]

  # Add libfdio by default. This may change in future versions
  # in order to move away from POSIX applications and towards
  # the Fuchsia programming model.
  ldflags += [
    # We always want fdio or else e.g. stdio wouldn't be initialized if fdio
    # happens to not be directly referenced. The common POSIX-y compiler setup
    # uses -Wl,--as-needed which drops it if it's simply "-lfdio" from a libs
    # setting. Disable --as-needed, add fdio, and then set back to --as-needed.

  lib_dirs = [ "${fuchsia_arch_root}/lib" ]

  libs = [ "zircon" ]

  ldflags += cflags
  asmflags = cflags

# This should be applied to all targets.
config("runtime_library") {
  asmflags = []
  cflags = []
  cflags_c = []
  cflags_cc = []
  cflags_objc = []
  cflags_objcc = []
  defines = []
  ldflags = []

  sysroot = "${fuchsia_arch_root}/sysroot"

  # Pass the sysroot to all C compiler variants, the assembler, and linker.
  cflags = [ "--sysroot=" + rebase_path(sysroot, root_build_dir) ]
  ldflags = cflags
  asmflags = cflags

# Copy the loader to place it at the expected path in the final package.
copy("sysroot_dist_libs") {
  sources = [ "${fuchsia_arch_root}/sysroot/dist/lib/" ]
  outputs = [ "${root_out_dir}/lib/{{source_file_part}}" ]

# This adds the runtime deps for //build/config/compiler:runtime_library
# as that is a config target and thus cannot include data_deps.
group("runtime_library_group") {
  data_deps = [

    # This is used directly from //build/config/fuchsia:compiler and thus
    # also needs to be included by default.

config("sdk_lib_dirs_config") {
  visibility = [ "${fuchsia_sdk}/*" ]
  lib_dirs = [ "${fuchsia_arch_root}/lib" ]