* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview The file contains generated enumerations for ARIA states
* and properties as defined by W3C ARIA standard:
* http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/.
* This is auto-generated code. Do not manually edit! For more details
* about how to edit it via the generator check go/closure-ariagen.
* ARIA states and properties.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.State = {
// ARIA property for setting the currently active descendant of an element,
// for example the selected item in a list box. Value: ID of an element.
ACTIVEDESCENDANT: 'activedescendant',
// ARIA property that, if true, indicates that all of a changed region should
// be presented, instead of only parts. Value: one of {true, false}.
ATOMIC: 'atomic',
// ARIA property to specify that input completion is provided. Value:
// one of {'inline', 'list', 'both', 'none'}.
AUTOCOMPLETE: 'autocomplete',
// ARIA state to indicate that an element and its subtree are being updated.
// Value: one of {true, false}.
BUSY: 'busy',
// ARIA state for a checked item. Value: one of {'true', 'false', 'mixed',
// undefined}.
CHECKED: 'checked',
// ARIA state that defines an element's column index or position with respect
// to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
// Value: number.
COLINDEX: 'colindex',
// ARIA property that identifies the element or elements whose contents or
// presence are controlled by this element.
// Value: space-separated IDs of other elements.
CONTROLS: 'controls',
// ARIA property that identifies the element or elements that describe
// this element. Value: space-separated IDs of other elements.
DESCRIBEDBY: 'describedby',
// ARIA state for a disabled item. Value: one of {true, false}.
DISABLED: 'disabled',
// ARIA property that indicates what functions can be performed when a
// dragged object is released on the drop target. Value: one of
// {'copy', 'move', 'link', 'execute', 'popup', 'none'}.
DROPEFFECT: 'dropeffect',
// ARIA state for setting whether the element like a tree node is expanded.
// Value: one of {true, false, undefined}.
EXPANDED: 'expanded',
// ARIA property that identifies the next element (or elements) in the
// recommended reading order of content. Value: space-separated ids of
// elements to flow to.
FLOWTO: 'flowto',
// ARIA state that indicates an element's "grabbed" state in drag-and-drop.
// Value: one of {true, false, undefined}.
GRABBED: 'grabbed',
// ARIA property indicating whether the element has a popup.
// Value: one of {true, false}.
HASPOPUP: 'haspopup',
// ARIA state indicating that the element is not visible or perceivable
// to any user. Value: one of {true, false}.
HIDDEN: 'hidden',
// ARIA state indicating that the entered value does not conform. Value:
// one of {false, true, 'grammar', 'spelling'}
INVALID: 'invalid',
// ARIA property that provides a label to override any other text, value, or
// contents used to describe this element. Value: string.
LABEL: 'label',
// ARIA property for setting the element which labels another element.
// Value: space-separated IDs of elements.
LABELLEDBY: 'labelledby',
// ARIA property for setting the level of an element in the hierarchy.
// Value: integer.
LEVEL: 'level',
// ARIA property indicating that an element will be updated, and
// describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies,
// and user can expect from the live region. Value: one of {'off', 'polite',
// 'assertive'}.
LIVE: 'live',
// ARIA property indicating whether a text box can accept multiline input.
// Value: one of {true, false}.
MULTILINE: 'multiline',
// ARIA property indicating if the user may select more than one item.
// Value: one of {true, false}.
MULTISELECTABLE: 'multiselectable',
// ARIA property indicating if the element is horizontal or vertical.
// Value: one of {'vertical', 'horizontal'}.
ORIENTATION: 'orientation',
// ARIA property creating a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child
// relationship when the DOM hierarchy can't be used to represent it.
// Value: Space-separated IDs of elements.
OWNS: 'owns',
// ARIA property that defines an element's number of position in a list.
// Value: integer.
POSINSET: 'posinset',
// ARIA state for a pressed item.
// Value: one of {true, false, undefined, 'mixed'}.
PRESSED: 'pressed',
// ARIA property indicating that an element is not editable.
// Value: one of {true, false}.
READONLY: 'readonly',
// ARIA property indicating that change notifications within this subtree
// of a live region should be announced. Value: one of {'additions',
// 'removals', 'text', 'all', 'additions text'}.
RELEVANT: 'relevant',
// ARIA property indicating that user input is required on this element
// before a form may be submitted. Value: one of {true, false}.
REQUIRED: 'required',
// ARIA state that defines an element's row index or position with respect
// to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
// Value: number.
ROWINDEX: 'rowindex',
// ARIA state for setting the currently selected item in the list.
// Value: one of {true, false, undefined}.
SELECTED: 'selected',
// ARIA property defining the number of items in a list. Value: integer.
SETSIZE: 'setsize',
// ARIA property indicating if items are sorted. Value: one of {'ascending',
// 'descending', 'none', 'other'}.
SORT: 'sort',
// ARIA property for slider maximum value. Value: number.
VALUEMAX: 'valuemax',
// ARIA property for slider minimum value. Value: number.
VALUEMIN: 'valuemin',
// ARIA property for slider active value. Value: number.
VALUENOW: 'valuenow',
// ARIA property for slider active value represented as text.
// Value: string.
VALUETEXT: 'valuetext'
* ARIA state values for AutoCompleteValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.AutoCompleteValues = {
// The system provides text after the caret as a suggestion
// for how to complete the field.
INLINE: 'inline',
// A list of choices appears from which the user can choose,
// but the edit box retains focus.
LIST: 'list',
// A list of choices appears and the currently selected suggestion
// also appears inline.
BOTH: 'both',
// No input completion suggestions are provided.
NONE: 'none'
* ARIA state values for DropEffectValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.DropEffectValues = {
// A duplicate of the source object will be dropped into the target.
COPY: 'copy',
// The source object will be removed from its current location
// and dropped into the target.
MOVE: 'move',
// A reference or shortcut to the dragged object
// will be created in the target object.
LINK: 'link',
// A function supported by the drop target is
// executed, using the drag source as an input.
EXECUTE: 'execute',
// There is a popup menu or dialog that allows the user to choose
// one of the drag operations (copy, move, link, execute) and any other
// drag functionality, such as cancel.
POPUP: 'popup',
// No operation can be performed; effectively
// cancels the drag operation if an attempt is made to drop on this object.
NONE: 'none'
* ARIA state values for LivePriority.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.LivePriority = {
// Updates to the region will not be presented to the user
// unless the assitive technology is currently focused on that region.
OFF: 'off',
// (Background change) Assistive technologies SHOULD announce
// updates at the next graceful opportunity, such as at the end of
// speaking the current sentence or when the user pauses typing.
POLITE: 'polite',
// This information has the highest priority and assistive
// technologies SHOULD notify the user immediately.
// Because an interruption may disorient users or cause them to not complete
// their current task, authors SHOULD NOT use the assertive value unless the
// interruption is imperative.
ASSERTIVE: 'assertive'
* ARIA state values for OrientationValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.OrientationValues = {
// The element is oriented vertically.
VERTICAL: 'vertical',
// The element is oriented horizontally.
HORIZONTAL: 'horizontal'
* ARIA state values for RelevantValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.RelevantValues = {
// Element nodes are added to the DOM within the live region.
ADDITIONS: 'additions',
// Text or element nodes within the live region are removed from the DOM.
REMOVALS: 'removals',
// Text is added to any DOM descendant nodes of the live region.
TEXT: 'text',
// Equivalent to the combination of all values, "additions removals text".
ALL: 'all'
* ARIA state values for SortValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.SortValues = {
// Items are sorted in ascending order by this column.
ASCENDING: 'ascending',
// Items are sorted in descending order by this column.
DESCENDING: 'descending',
// There is no defined sort applied to the column.
NONE: 'none',
// A sort algorithm other than ascending or descending has been applied.
OTHER: 'other'
* ARIA state values for CheckedValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.CheckedValues = {
// The selectable element is checked.
TRUE: 'true',
// The selectable element is not checked.
FALSE: 'false',
// Indicates a mixed mode value for a tri-state
// checkbox or menuitemcheckbox.
MIXED: 'mixed',
// The element does not support being checked.
UNDEFINED: 'undefined'
* ARIA state values for ExpandedValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.ExpandedValues = {
// The element, or another grouping element it controls, is expanded.
TRUE: 'true',
// The element, or another grouping element it controls, is collapsed.
FALSE: 'false',
// The element, or another grouping element
// it controls, is neither expandable nor collapsible; all its
// child elements are shown or there are no child elements.
UNDEFINED: 'undefined'
* ARIA state values for GrabbedValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.GrabbedValues = {
// Indicates that the element has been "grabbed" for dragging.
TRUE: 'true',
// Indicates that the element supports being dragged.
FALSE: 'false',
// Indicates that the element does not support being dragged.
UNDEFINED: 'undefined'
* ARIA state values for InvalidValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.InvalidValues = {
// There are no detected errors in the value.
FALSE: 'false',
// The value entered by the user has failed validation.
TRUE: 'true',
// A grammatical error was detected.
GRAMMAR: 'grammar',
// A spelling error was detected.
SPELLING: 'spelling'
* ARIA state values for PressedValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.PressedValues = {
// The element is pressed.
TRUE: 'true',
// The element supports being pressed but is not currently pressed.
FALSE: 'false',
// Indicates a mixed mode value for a tri-state toggle button.
MIXED: 'mixed',
// The element does not support being pressed.
UNDEFINED: 'undefined'
* ARIA state values for SelectedValues.
* @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.SelectedValues = {
// The selectable element is selected.
TRUE: 'true',
// The selectable element is not selected.
FALSE: 'false',
// The element is not selectable.
UNDEFINED: 'undefined'