
 * @license
 * Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @fileoverview The file contains generated enumerations for ARIA roles
 * as defined by W3C ARIA standard:
 * This is auto-generated code. Do not manually edit! For more details
 * about how to edit it via the generator check go/closure-ariagen.


 * ARIA role values.
 * @enum {string}
goog.a11y.aria.Role = {
  // ARIA role for an alert element that doesn't need to be explicitly closed.
  ALERT: 'alert',

  // ARIA role for an alert dialog element that takes focus and must be closed.
  ALERTDIALOG: 'alertdialog',

  // ARIA role for an application that implements its own keyboard navigation.
  APPLICATION: 'application',

  // ARIA role for an article.
  ARTICLE: 'article',

  // ARIA role for a banner containing mostly site content, not page content.
  BANNER: 'banner',

  // ARIA role for a button element.
  BUTTON: 'button',

  // ARIA role for a checkbox button element; use with the CHECKED state.
  CHECKBOX: 'checkbox',

  // ARIA role for a column header of a table or grid.
  COLUMNHEADER: 'columnheader',

  // ARIA role for a combo box element.
  COMBOBOX: 'combobox',

  // ARIA role for a supporting section of the document.
  COMPLEMENTARY: 'complementary',

  // ARIA role for a large perceivable region that contains information
  // about the parent document.
  CONTENTINFO: 'contentinfo',

  // ARIA role for a definition of a term or concept.
  DEFINITION: 'definition',

  // ARIA role for a dialog, some descendant must take initial focus.
  DIALOG: 'dialog',

  // ARIA role for a directory, like a table of contents.
  DIRECTORY: 'directory',

  // ARIA role for a part of a page that's a document, not a web application.
  DOCUMENT: 'document',

  // ARIA role for a landmark region logically considered one form.
  FORM: 'form',

  // ARIA role for an interactive control of tabular data.
  GRID: 'grid',

  // ARIA role for a cell in a grid.
  GRIDCELL: 'gridcell',

  // ARIA role for a group of related elements like tree item siblings.
  GROUP: 'group',

  // ARIA role for a heading element.
  HEADING: 'heading',

  // ARIA role for a container of elements that together comprise one image.
  IMG: 'img',

  // ARIA role for a link.
  LINK: 'link',

  // ARIA role for a list of non-interactive list items.
  LIST: 'list',

  // ARIA role for a listbox.
  LISTBOX: 'listbox',

  // ARIA role for a list item.
  LISTITEM: 'listitem',

  // ARIA role for a live region where new information is added.
  LOG: 'log',

  // ARIA landmark role for the main content in a document. Use only once.
  MAIN: 'main',

  // ARIA role for a live region of non-essential information that changes.
  MARQUEE: 'marquee',

  // ARIA role for a mathematical expression.
  MATH: 'math',

  // ARIA role for a popup menu.
  MENU: 'menu',

  // ARIA role for a menubar element containing menu elements.
  MENUBAR: 'menubar',

  // ARIA role for menu item elements.
  MENU_ITEM: 'menuitem',

  // ARIA role for a checkbox box element inside a menu.
  MENU_ITEM_CHECKBOX: 'menuitemcheckbox',

  // ARIA role for a radio button element inside a menu.
  MENU_ITEM_RADIO: 'menuitemradio',

  // ARIA landmark role for a collection of navigation links.
  NAVIGATION: 'navigation',

  // ARIA role for a section ancillary to the main content.
  NOTE: 'note',

  // ARIA role for option items that are  children of combobox, listbox, menu,
  // radiogroup, or tree elements.
  OPTION: 'option',

  // ARIA role for ignorable cosmetic elements with no semantic significance.
  PRESENTATION: 'presentation',

  // ARIA role for a progress bar element.
  PROGRESSBAR: 'progressbar',

  // ARIA role for a radio button element.
  RADIO: 'radio',

  // ARIA role for a group of connected radio button elements.
  RADIOGROUP: 'radiogroup',

  // ARIA role for an important region of the page.
  REGION: 'region',

  // ARIA role for a row of cells in a grid.
  ROW: 'row',

  // ARIA role for a group of one or more rows in a grid.
  ROWGROUP: 'rowgroup',

  // ARIA role for a row header of a table or grid.
  ROWHEADER: 'rowheader',

  // ARIA role for a scrollbar element.
  SCROLLBAR: 'scrollbar',

  // ARIA landmark role for a part of the page providing search functionality.
  SEARCH: 'search',

  // ARIA role for a menu separator.
  SEPARATOR: 'separator',

  // ARIA role for a slider.
  SLIDER: 'slider',

  // ARIA role for a spin button.
  SPINBUTTON: 'spinbutton',

  // ARIA role for a live region with advisory info less severe than an alert.
  STATUS: 'status',

  // ARIA role for a tab button.
  TAB: 'tab',

  // ARIA role for a tab bar (i.e. a list of tab buttons).
  TAB_LIST: 'tablist',

  // ARIA role for a tab page (i.e. the element holding tab contents).
  TAB_PANEL: 'tabpanel',

  // ARIA role for a textbox element.
  TEXTBOX: 'textbox',

  // ARIA role for a textinfo element.
  TEXTINFO: 'textinfo',

  // ARIA role for an element displaying elapsed time or time remaining.
  TIMER: 'timer',

  // ARIA role for a toolbar element.
  TOOLBAR: 'toolbar',

  // ARIA role for a tooltip element.
  TOOLTIP: 'tooltip',

  // ARIA role for a tree.
  TREE: 'tree',

  // ARIA role for a grid whose rows can be expanded and collapsed like a tree.
  TREEGRID: 'treegrid',

  // ARIA role for a tree item that sometimes may be expanded or collapsed.
  TREEITEM: 'treeitem'