// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview
* Expression evaluation utilities. Expression format is very similar to XPath.
* Expression details:
* - Of format A/B/C, which will evaluate getChildNode('A').getChildNode('B').
* getChildNodes('C')|getChildNodeValue('C')|getChildNode('C') depending on
* call
* - If expression ends with '/name()', will get the name() of the node
* referenced by the preceding path.
* - If expression ends with '/count()', will get the count() of the nodes that
* match the expression referenced by the preceding path.
* - If expression ends with '?', the value is OK to evaluate to null. This is
* not enforced by the expression evaluation functions, instead it is
* provided as a flag for client code which may ignore depending on usage
* - If expression has [INDEX], will use getChildNodes().getByIndex(INDEX)
* Create a new expression. An expression uses a string expression language, and
* from this string and a passed in DataNode can evaluate to a value, DataNode,
* or a DataNodeList.
* @param {string=} opt_expr The string expression.
* @constructor
* @final
goog.ds.Expr = function(opt_expr) {
if (opt_expr) {
* Set the source expression text & parse
* @param {string} expr The string expression source.
* @param {Array=} opt_parts Array of the parts of an expression.
* @param {goog.ds.Expr=} opt_childExpr Optional child of this expression,
* passed in as a hint for processing.
* @param {goog.ds.Expr=} opt_prevExpr Optional preceding expression
* (i.e. $A/B/C is previous expression to B/C) passed in as a hint for
* processing.
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.setSource_ = function(
expr, opt_parts, opt_childExpr, opt_prevExpr) {
this.src_ = expr;
if (!opt_childExpr && !opt_prevExpr) {
// Check whether it can be empty
if (goog.string.endsWith(expr, goog.ds.Expr.String_.CAN_BE_EMPTY)) {
this.canBeEmpty_ = true;
expr = expr.substring(0, expr.length - 1);
// Check whether this is an node function
if (goog.string.endsWith(expr, '()')) {
if (goog.string.endsWith(expr, goog.ds.Expr.String_.NAME_EXPR) ||
goog.string.endsWith(expr, goog.ds.Expr.String_.COUNT_EXPR) ||
goog.string.endsWith(expr, goog.ds.Expr.String_.POSITION_EXPR)) {
var lastPos = expr.lastIndexOf(goog.ds.Expr.String_.SEPARATOR);
if (lastPos != -1) {
this.exprFn_ = expr.substring(lastPos + 1);
expr = expr.substring(0, lastPos);
} else {
this.exprFn_ = expr;
expr = goog.ds.Expr.String_.CURRENT_NODE_EXPR;
if (this.exprFn_ == goog.ds.Expr.String_.COUNT_EXPR) {
this.isCount_ = true;
// Split into component parts
this.parts_ = opt_parts || expr.split('/');
this.size_ = this.parts_.length;
this.last_ = this.parts_[this.size_ - 1];
this.root_ = this.parts_[0];
if (this.size_ == 1) {
this.rootExpr_ = this;
this.isAbsolute_ = goog.string.startsWith(expr, '$');
} else {
this.rootExpr_ = goog.ds.Expr.createInternal_(this.root_, null, this, null);
this.isAbsolute_ = this.rootExpr_.isAbsolute_;
this.root_ = this.rootExpr_.root_;
if (this.size_ == 1 && !this.isAbsolute_) {
// Check whether expression maps to current node, for convenience
this.isCurrent_ =
(expr == goog.ds.Expr.String_.CURRENT_NODE_EXPR ||
expr == goog.ds.Expr.String_.EMPTY_EXPR);
// Whether this expression is just an attribute (i.e. '@foo')
this.isJustAttribute_ =
goog.string.startsWith(expr, goog.ds.Expr.String_.ATTRIBUTE_START);
// Check whether this is a common node expression
this.isAllChildNodes_ = expr == goog.ds.Expr.String_.ALL_CHILD_NODES_EXPR;
this.isAllAttributes_ = expr == goog.ds.Expr.String_.ALL_ATTRIBUTES_EXPR;
this.isAllElements_ = expr == goog.ds.Expr.String_.ALL_ELEMENTS_EXPR;
* Get the source data path for the expression
* @return {string} The path.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getSource = function() {
return this.src_;
* Gets the last part of the expression.
* @return {?string} Last part of the expression.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getLast = function() {
return this.last_;
* Gets the parent expression of this expression, or null if this is top level
* @return {goog.ds.Expr} The parent.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getParent = function() {
if (!this.parentExprSet_) {
if (this.size_ > 1) {
this.parentExpr_ = goog.ds.Expr.createInternal_(
null, this.parts_.slice(0, this.parts_.length - 1), this, null);
this.parentExprSet_ = true;
return this.parentExpr_;
* Gets the parent expression of this expression, or null if this is top level
* @return {goog.ds.Expr} The parent.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getNext = function() {
if (!this.nextExprSet_) {
if (this.size_ > 1) {
this.nextExpr_ =
goog.ds.Expr.createInternal_(null, this.parts_.slice(1), null, this);
this.nextExprSet_ = true;
return this.nextExpr_;
* Evaluate an expression on a data node, and return a value
* Recursively walks through child nodes to evaluate
* TODO(user) Support other expression functions
* @param {goog.ds.DataNode=} opt_ds Optional datasource to evaluate against.
* If not provided, evaluates against DataManager global root.
* @return {*} Value of the node, or null if doesn't exist.
* @suppress {missingRequire} Cannot depend on goog.ds.DataManager because
* it creates a circular dependency.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getValue = function(opt_ds) {
if (opt_ds == null) {
opt_ds = goog.ds.DataManager.getInstance();
} else if (this.isAbsolute_) {
opt_ds = opt_ds.getDataRoot ? opt_ds.getDataRoot() :
if (this.isCount_) {
var nodes = this.getNodes(opt_ds);
return nodes.getCount();
if (this.size_ == 1) {
return opt_ds.getChildNodeValue(this.root_);
} else if (this.size_ == 0) {
return opt_ds.get();
var nextDs = opt_ds.getChildNode(this.root_);
if (nextDs == null) {
return null;
} else {
return this.getNext().getValue(nextDs);
* Evaluate an expression on a data node, and return matching nodes
* Recursively walks through child nodes to evaluate
* @param {goog.ds.DataNode=} opt_ds Optional datasource to evaluate against.
* If not provided, evaluates against data root.
* @param {boolean=} opt_canCreate If true, will try to create new nodes.
* @return {goog.ds.DataNodeList} Matching nodes.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getNodes = function(opt_ds, opt_canCreate) {
return /** @type {goog.ds.DataNodeList} */ (
this.getNodes_(opt_ds, false, opt_canCreate));
* Evaluate an expression on a data node, and return the first matching node
* Recursively walks through child nodes to evaluate
* @param {goog.ds.DataNode=} opt_ds Optional datasource to evaluate against.
* If not provided, evaluates against DataManager global root.
* @param {boolean=} opt_canCreate If true, will try to create new nodes.
* @return {goog.ds.DataNode} Matching nodes, or null if doesn't exist.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getNode = function(opt_ds, opt_canCreate) {
return /** @type {goog.ds.DataNode} */ (
this.getNodes_(opt_ds, true, opt_canCreate));
* Evaluate an expression on a data node, and return the first matching node
* Recursively walks through child nodes to evaluate
* @param {goog.ds.DataNode=} opt_ds Optional datasource to evaluate against.
* If not provided, evaluates against DataManager global root.
* @param {boolean=} opt_selectOne Whether to return single matching DataNode
* or matching nodes in DataNodeList.
* @param {boolean=} opt_canCreate If true, will try to create new nodes.
* @return {goog.ds.DataNode|goog.ds.DataNodeList} Matching node or nodes,
* depending on value of opt_selectOne.
* @private
* @suppress {missingRequire} Cannot depend on goog.ds.DataManager because
* it creates a circular dependency.
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.getNodes_ = function(
opt_ds, opt_selectOne, opt_canCreate) {
if (opt_ds == null) {
opt_ds = goog.ds.DataManager.getInstance();
} else if (this.isAbsolute_) {
opt_ds = opt_ds.getDataRoot ? opt_ds.getDataRoot() :
if (this.size_ == 0 && opt_selectOne) {
return opt_ds;
} else if (this.size_ == 0 && !opt_selectOne) {
return new goog.ds.BasicNodeList([opt_ds]);
} else if (this.size_ == 1) {
if (opt_selectOne) {
return opt_ds.getChildNode(this.root_, opt_canCreate);
} else {
var possibleListChild = opt_ds.getChildNode(this.root_);
if (possibleListChild && possibleListChild.isList()) {
return possibleListChild.getChildNodes();
} else {
return opt_ds.getChildNodes(this.root_);
} else {
var nextDs = opt_ds.getChildNode(this.root_, opt_canCreate);
if (nextDs == null && opt_selectOne) {
return null;
} else if (nextDs == null && !opt_selectOne) {
return new goog.ds.EmptyNodeList();
return this.getNext().getNodes_(nextDs, opt_selectOne, opt_canCreate);
* Whether the expression can be null.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.canBeEmpty_ = false;
* The parsed paths in the expression
* @type {Array<string>}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.parts_ = [];
* Number of paths in the expression
* @type {?number}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.size_ = null;
* The root node path in the expression
* @type {string}
* @private
* The last path in the expression
* @type {?string}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.last_ = null;
* Whether the expression evaluates to current node
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.isCurrent_ = false;
* Whether the expression is just an attribute
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.isJustAttribute_ = false;
* Does this expression select all DOM-style child nodes (element and text)
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.isAllChildNodes_ = false;
* Does this expression select all DOM-style attribute nodes (starts with '@')
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.isAllAttributes_ = false;
* Does this expression select all DOM-style element child nodes
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.isAllElements_ = false;
* The function used by this expression
* @type {?string}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.exprFn_ = null;
* Cached value for the parent expression.
* @type {goog.ds.Expr?}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.parentExpr_ = null;
* Cached value for the next expression.
* @type {goog.ds.Expr?}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.prototype.nextExpr_ = null;
* Create an expression from a string, can use cached values
* @param {string} expr The expression string.
* @return {goog.ds.Expr} The expression object.
goog.ds.Expr.create = function(expr) {
var result = goog.ds.Expr.cache_[expr];
if (result == null) {
result = new goog.ds.Expr(expr);
goog.ds.Expr.cache_[expr] = result;
return result;
* Create an expression from a string, can use cached values
* Uses hints from related expressions to help in creation
* @param {?string=} opt_expr The string expression source.
* @param {Array=} opt_parts Array of the parts of an expression.
* @param {goog.ds.Expr=} opt_childExpr Optional child of this expression,
* passed in as a hint for processing.
* @param {goog.ds.Expr=} opt_prevExpr Optional preceding expression
* (i.e. $A/B/C is previous expression to B/C) passed in as a hint for
* processing.
* @return {goog.ds.Expr} The expression object.
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.createInternal_ = function(
opt_expr, opt_parts, opt_childExpr, opt_prevExpr) {
var expr = opt_expr || opt_parts.join('/');
var result = goog.ds.Expr.cache_[expr];
if (result == null) {
result = new goog.ds.Expr();
result.setSource_(expr, opt_parts, opt_childExpr, opt_prevExpr);
goog.ds.Expr.cache_[expr] = result;
return result;
* Cache of pre-parsed expressions
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.cache_ = {};
* Commonly used strings in expressions.
* @enum {string}
* @private
goog.ds.Expr.String_ = {
NAME_EXPR: 'name()',
COUNT_EXPR: 'count()',
POSITION_EXPR: 'position()',
* Standard expressions
* The current node
goog.ds.Expr.CURRENT =
* For DOM interop - all DOM child nodes (text + element).
* Text nodes have dataName #text
goog.ds.Expr.ALL_CHILD_NODES =
* For DOM interop - all DOM element child nodes
goog.ds.Expr.ALL_ELEMENTS =
* For DOM interop - all DOM attribute nodes
* Attribute nodes have dataName starting with "@"
goog.ds.Expr.ALL_ATTRIBUTES =
* Get the dataName of a node
goog.ds.Expr.NAME = goog.ds.Expr.create(goog.ds.Expr.String_.NAME_EXPR);
* Get the count of nodes matching an expression
goog.ds.Expr.COUNT = goog.ds.Expr.create(goog.ds.Expr.String_.COUNT_EXPR);
* Get the position of the "current" node in the current node list
* This will only apply for datasources that support the concept of a current
* node (none exist yet). This is similar to XPath position() and concept of
* current node
goog.ds.Expr.POSITION = goog.ds.Expr.create(goog.ds.Expr.String_.POSITION_EXPR);