// Copyright 2006 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview
* Implementations of DataNode for wrapping XML data.
* Data source whose backing is an xml node
* @param {Node} node The XML node. Can be null.
* @param {goog.ds.XmlDataSource} parent Parent of XML element. Can be null.
* @param {string=} opt_name The name of this node relative to the parent node.
* @extends {goog.ds.DataNode}
* @constructor
// TODO(arv): Use interfaces when available.
goog.ds.XmlDataSource = function(node, parent, opt_name) {
this.parent_ = parent;
this.dataName_ = opt_name || (node ? node.nodeName : '');
* Constant to select XML attributes for getChildNodes
* @type {string}
* @private
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_ = '@*';
* Set the current root nodeof the data source.
* Can be an attribute node, text node, or element node
* @param {Node} node The node. Can be null.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.setNode_ = function(node) {
this.node_ = node;
if (node != null) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
case goog.dom.NodeType.ATTRIBUTE:
case goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT:
this.value_ = node.nodeValue;
case goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT:
if (node.childNodes.length == 1 &&
node.firstChild.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
this.value_ = node.firstChild.nodeValue;
* Creates the DataNodeList with the child nodes for this element.
* Allows for only building list as needed.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.createChildNodes_ = function() {
if (this.childNodeList_) {
var childNodeList = new goog.ds.BasicNodeList();
if (this.node_ != null) {
var childNodes = this.node_.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, childNode; childNode = childNodes[i]; i++) {
if (childNode.nodeType != goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT ||
!goog.ds.XmlDataSource.isEmptyTextNodeValue_(childNode.nodeValue)) {
var newNode =
new goog.ds.XmlDataSource(childNode, this, childNode.nodeName);
this.childNodeList_ = childNodeList;
* Creates the DataNodeList with the attributes for the element
* Allows for only building list as needed.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.createAttributes_ = function() {
if (this.attributes_) {
var attributes = new goog.ds.BasicNodeList();
if (this.node_ != null && this.node_.attributes != null) {
var atts = this.node_.attributes;
for (var i = 0, att; att = atts[i]; i++) {
var newNode = new goog.ds.XmlDataSource(att, this, att.nodeName);
this.attributes_ = attributes;
* Get the value of the node
* @return {Object} The value of the node, or null if no value.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.get = function() {
return this.value_;
* Set the value of the node
* @param {*} value The new value of the node.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.set = function(value) {
throw new Error('Can\'t set on XmlDataSource yet');
/** @override */
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.getChildNodes = function(opt_selector) {
if (opt_selector &&
opt_selector == goog.ds.XmlDataSource.ATTRIBUTE_SELECTOR_) {
return this.attributes_;
} else if (
opt_selector == null ||
opt_selector == goog.ds.STR_ALL_CHILDREN_SELECTOR) {
return this.childNodeList_;
} else {
throw new Error('Unsupported selector');
* Gets a named child node of the current node
* @param {string} name The node name.
* @return {goog.ds.DataNode} The child node, or null if
* no node of this name exists.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.getChildNode = function(name) {
if (goog.string.startsWith(name, goog.ds.STR_ATTRIBUTE_START)) {
var att = this.node_.getAttributeNode(name.substring(1));
return att ? new goog.ds.XmlDataSource(att, this) : null;
} else {
return /** @type {goog.ds.DataNode} */ (this.getChildNodes().get(name));
* Gets the value of a child node
* @param {string} name The node name.
* @return {*} The value of the node, or null if no value or the child node
* doesn't exist.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.getChildNodeValue = function(name) {
if (goog.string.startsWith(name, goog.ds.STR_ATTRIBUTE_START)) {
var node = this.node_.getAttributeNode(name.substring(1));
return node ? node.nodeValue : null;
} else {
var node = this.getChildNode(name);
return node ? node.get() : null;
* Get the name of the node relative to the parent node
* @return {string} The name of the node.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.getDataName = function() {
return this.dataName_;
* Setthe name of the node relative to the parent node
* @param {string} name The name of the node.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.setDataName = function(name) {
this.dataName_ = name;
* Gets the a qualified data path to this node
* @return {string} The data path.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.getDataPath = function() {
var parentPath = '';
if (this.parent_) {
parentPath = this.parent_.getDataPath() +
(this.dataName_.indexOf(goog.ds.STR_ARRAY_START) != -1 ?
'' :
return parentPath + this.dataName_;
* Load or reload the backing data for this node
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.load = function() {
// Nothing to do
* Gets the state of the backing data for this node
* @return {goog.ds.LoadState} The state.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.prototype.getLoadState = function() {
return this.node_ ? goog.ds.LoadState.LOADED : goog.ds.LoadState.NOT_LOADED;
* Check whether a node is an empty text node. Nodes consisting of only white
* space (#x20, #xD, #xA, #x9) can generally be collapsed to a zero length
* text string.
* @param {string} str String to match.
* @return {boolean} True if string equates to empty text node.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.isEmptyTextNodeValue_ = function(str) {
return /^[\r\n\t ]*$/.test(str);
* Creates an XML document with one empty node.
* Useful for places where you need a node that
* can be queried against.
* @return {Document} Document with one empty node.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.createChildlessDocument_ = function() {
return goog.dom.xml.createDocument('nothing');
* Data source whose backing is an XMLHttpRequest,
* A URI of an empty string will mean that no request is made
* and the data source will be a single, empty node.
* @param {(string|goog.Uri)} uri URL of the XMLHttpRequest.
* @param {string} name Name of the datasource.
* implements goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.ds.XmlDataSource}
* @final
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource = function(uri, name) {
goog.ds.XmlDataSource.call(this, null, null, name);
if (uri) {
this.uri_ = new goog.Uri(uri);
} else {
this.uri_ = null;
goog.inherits(goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource, goog.ds.XmlDataSource);
* Default load state is NOT_LOADED
* @private
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.prototype.loadState_ = goog.ds.LoadState.NOT_LOADED;
* Load or reload the backing data for this node.
* Fires the XMLHttpRequest
* @override
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.prototype.load = function() {
if (this.uri_) {
goog.ds.logger, 'Sending XML request for DataSource ' +
this.getDataName() + ' to ' + this.uri_);
this.loadState_ = goog.ds.LoadState.LOADING;
goog.net.XhrIo.send(this.uri_, goog.bind(this.complete_, this));
} else {
this.node_ = goog.ds.XmlDataSource.createChildlessDocument_();
this.loadState_ = goog.ds.LoadState.NOT_LOADED;
* Gets the state of the backing data for this node
* @return {goog.ds.LoadState} The state.
* @override
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.prototype.getLoadState = function() {
return this.loadState_;
* Handles the completion of an XhrIo request. Dispatches to success or load
* based on the result.
* @param {!goog.events.Event} e The XhrIo event object.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.prototype.complete_ = function(e) {
var xhr = /** @type {goog.net.XhrIo} */ (e.target);
if (xhr && xhr.isSuccess()) {
} else {
* Success result. Checks whether valid XML was returned
* and sets the XML and loadstate.
* @param {!goog.net.XhrIo} xhr The successful XhrIo object.
* @private
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.prototype.success_ = function(xhr) {
goog.ds.logger, 'Got data for DataSource ' + this.getDataName());
var xml = xhr.getResponseXml();
// Fix for case where IE returns valid XML as text but
// doesn't parse by default
if (xml && !xml.hasChildNodes() && goog.isObject(xhr.getResponseText())) {
xml = goog.dom.xml.loadXml(xhr.getResponseText());
// Failure result
if (!xml || !xml.hasChildNodes()) {
this.loadState_ = goog.ds.LoadState.FAILED;
this.node_ = goog.ds.XmlDataSource.createChildlessDocument_();
} else {
this.loadState_ = goog.ds.LoadState.LOADED;
this.node_ = xml.documentElement;
if (this.getDataName()) {
* Failure result
* @private
goog.ds.XmlHttpDataSource.prototype.failure_ = function() {
'Data retrieve failed for DataSource ' + this.getDataName());
this.loadState_ = goog.ds.LoadState.FAILED;
this.node_ = goog.ds.XmlDataSource.createChildlessDocument_();
if (this.getDataName()) {