* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
const AbstractDragDrop = goog.require('goog.fx.AbstractDragDrop');
const Box = goog.require('goog.math.Box');
const Coordinate = goog.require('goog.math.Coordinate');
const DragDropItem = goog.require('goog.fx.DragDropItem');
const EventType = goog.require('goog.events.EventType');
const TagName = goog.require('goog.dom.TagName');
const array = goog.require('goog.array');
const dom = goog.require('goog.dom');
const events = goog.require('goog.events');
const functions = goog.require('goog.functions');
const style = goog.require('goog.style');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
const testingEvents = goog.require('goog.testing.events');
const {ActiveDropTarget} = AbstractDragDrop.TEST_ONLY;
const targets = [
{box_: new Box(0, 3, 1, 1)}, {box_: new Box(0, 7, 2, 6)},
{box_: new Box(2, 2, 3, 1)}, {box_: new Box(4, 1, 6, 1)},
{box_: new Box(4, 9, 7, 6)}, {box_: new Box(9, 9, 10, 1)}
const targets2 = [
{box_: new Box(10, 50, 20, 10)}, {box_: new Box(20, 50, 30, 10)},
{box_: new Box(60, 50, 70, 10)}, {box_: new Box(70, 50, 80, 10)}
const targets3 = [
{box_: new Box(0, 4, 1, 1)}, {box_: new Box(1, 6, 4, 5)},
{box_: new Box(5, 5, 6, 2)}, {box_: new Box(2, 1, 5, 0)}
* An enum describing how two ranges overlap (non-symmetrical relation).
* @enum {number}
const RangeOverlap = {
LEFT: 1, // First range is placed to the left of the second.
LEFT_IN: 2, // First range overlaps on the left side of the second.
IN: 3, // First range is completely contained in the second.
RIGHT_IN: 4, // First range overlaps on the right side of the second.
RIGHT: 5, // First range is placed to the right side of the second.
CONTAINS: 6 // First range contains the second.
* Computes how two one dimensional ranges overlap.
* @param {number} left1 Left inclusive bound of the first range.
* @param {number} right1 Right exclusive bound of the first range.
* @param {number} left2 Left inclusive bound of the second range.
* @param {number} right2 Right exclusive bound of the second range.
* @return {RangeOverlap} The enum value describing the type of the overlap.
function rangeOverlap(left1, right1, left2, right2) {
if (right1 <= left2) return RangeOverlap.LEFT;
if (left1 >= right2) return RangeOverlap.RIGHT;
const leftIn = left1 >= left2;
const rightIn = right1 <= right2;
if (leftIn && rightIn) return RangeOverlap.IN;
if (leftIn) return RangeOverlap.RIGHT_IN;
if (rightIn) return RangeOverlap.LEFT_IN;
return RangeOverlap.CONTAINS;
* Tells whether two boxes overlap.
* @param {!Box} box1 First box in question.
* @param {!Box} box2 Second box in question.
* @return {boolean} Whether boxes overlap in any way.
function boxOverlaps(box1, box2) {
const horizontalOverlap =
rangeOverlap(box1.left, box1.right, box2.left, box2.right);
const verticalOverlap =
rangeOverlap(box1.top, box1.bottom, box2.top, box2.bottom);
return horizontalOverlap != RangeOverlap.LEFT &&
horizontalOverlap != RangeOverlap.RIGHT &&
verticalOverlap != RangeOverlap.LEFT &&
verticalOverlap != RangeOverlap.RIGHT;
* Checks whether a given box overlaps any of given DnD target boxes.
* @param {!Box} box The box to check.
* @param {!Array<!Object>} targets The array of targets with boxes to check
* if they overlap with the given box.
* @return {boolean} Whether the box overlaps any of the target boxes.
function boxOverlapsTargets(box, targets) {
return array.some(
targets, /**
@suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to
enable type checking
function(target) {
return boxOverlaps(box, target.box_);
* Helper function for manual debugging.
* @param {!Array<*>} targets
* @param {number} multiplier
function drawTargets(targets, multiplier) {
const colors = ['green', 'blue', 'red', 'lime', 'pink', 'silver', 'orange'];
const cont = document.getElementById('cont');
cont.innerHTML = '';
for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
const box = targets[i].box_;
const el = dom.createElement(TagName.DIV);
el.style.top = (box.top * multiplier) + 'px';
el.style.left = (box.left * multiplier) + 'px';
el.style.width = ((box.right - box.left) * multiplier) + 'px';
el.style.height = ((box.bottom - box.top) * multiplier) + 'px';
el.style.backgroundColor = colors[i];
* Test the utility function which tells how two one dimensional ranges
* overlap.
testRangeOverlap() {
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.LEFT, rangeOverlap(1, 2, 3, 4));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.LEFT, rangeOverlap(2, 3, 3, 4));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.LEFT_IN, rangeOverlap(1, 3, 2, 4));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.IN, rangeOverlap(1, 3, 1, 4));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.IN, rangeOverlap(2, 3, 1, 4));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.IN, rangeOverlap(3, 4, 1, 4));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.RIGHT_IN, rangeOverlap(2, 4, 1, 3));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.RIGHT, rangeOverlap(2, 3, 1, 2));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.RIGHT, rangeOverlap(3, 4, 1, 2));
assertEquals(RangeOverlap.CONTAINS, rangeOverlap(1, 4, 2, 3));
* Tests if the utility function to compute box overlapping functions
* properly.
testBoxOverlaps() {
// Overlapping tests.
let box2 = new Box(1, 4, 4, 1);
// Corner overlaps.
assertTrue('NW overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 2, 2, 0), box2));
assertTrue('NE overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 5, 2, 3), box2));
assertTrue('SE overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(3, 5, 5, 3), box2));
assertTrue('SW overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(3, 2, 5, 0), box2));
// Inside.
assertTrue('Inside overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 3, 3, 2), box2));
// Around.
assertTrue('Outside overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 5, 5, 0), box2));
// Edge overlaps.
assertTrue('N overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 3, 2, 2), box2));
assertTrue('E overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 5, 3, 3), box2));
assertTrue('S overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(3, 3, 5, 2), box2));
assertTrue('W overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 2, 3, 0), box2));
assertTrue('N-in overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 5, 2, 0), box2));
assertTrue('E-in overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 5, 5, 3), box2));
assertTrue('S-in overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(3, 5, 5, 0), box2));
assertTrue('W-in overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 2, 5, 0), box2));
// Does not overlap.
box2 = new Box(3, 6, 6, 3);
// Along the edge - shorter.
assertFalse('N-in no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(1, 5, 2, 4), box2));
assertFalse('E-in no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(4, 8, 5, 7), box2));
assertFalse('S-in no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(7, 5, 8, 4), box2));
assertFalse('N-in no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(4, 2, 5, 1), box2));
// By the corner.
assertFalse('NE no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(1, 8, 2, 7), box2));
assertFalse('SE no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(7, 8, 8, 7), box2));
assertFalse('SW no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(7, 2, 8, 1), box2));
assertFalse('NW no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(1, 2, 2, 1), box2));
// Perpendicular to an edge.
assertFalse('NNE no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(1, 7, 2, 5), box2));
assertFalse('NEE no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 8, 4, 7), box2));
assertFalse('SEE no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(5, 8, 7, 7), box2));
assertFalse('SSE no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(7, 7, 8, 5), box2));
assertFalse('SSW no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(7, 4, 8, 2), box2));
assertFalse('SWW no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(5, 2, 7, 1), box2));
assertFalse('NWW no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 2, 4, 1), box2));
assertFalse('NNW no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(1, 4, 2, 2), box2));
// Along the edge - longer.
assertFalse('N no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(0, 7, 1, 2), box2));
assertFalse('E no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 9, 7, 8), box2));
assertFalse('S no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(8, 7, 9, 2), box2));
assertFalse('W no overlap', boxOverlaps(new Box(2, 1, 7, 0), box2));
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition() {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = targets;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(0, 9, 10, 1);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
let target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(3, 3);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(3, 3, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(2, 4);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(2, 4, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(2, 7);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(2, 7, target.box_));
testGroup.targetList_.push({box_: new Box(5, 6, 6, 0)});
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(3, 3);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(3, 3, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(2, 7);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(2, 7, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(6, 3);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(6, 3, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(0, 3);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(9, 0);
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition2() {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = targets2;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(10, 50, 80, 10);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
let target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(30, 40);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(30, 40, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(45, 40);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(45, 40, target.box_));
testGroup.targetList_.push({box_: new Box(40, 50, 50, 40)});
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(30, 40);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(45, 35);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition3BoxHasDecentSize() {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = targets3;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(0, 6, 6, 0);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(3, 3);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(3, 3, target.box_));
assertEquals('(1t, 5r, 5b, 1l)', target.box_.toString());
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition4() {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = targets;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(0, 9, 10, 1);
for (/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
let x = testGroup.targetBox_.left; x < testGroup.targetBox_.right;
x++) {
for (/**
@suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking
let y = testGroup.targetBox_.top; y < testGroup.targetBox_.bottom;
y++) {
let inRealTarget = false;
for (let i = 0; i < testGroup.targetList_.length; i++) {
if (testGroup.isInside(x, y, testGroup.targetList_[i].box_)) {
inRealTarget = true;
if (!inRealTarget) {
* @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking
const target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(x, y);
if (target) {
'Fake target for point(' + x + ',' + y + ') should ' +
'not overlap any real targets.',
boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(x, y, target.box_));
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_NegativePositions() {
const negTargets =
[{box_: new Box(-20, 10, -5, 1)}, {box_: new Box(20, 10, 30, 1)}];
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = negTargets;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(-20, 10, 30, 1);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const target = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(1, 5);
assertFalse(boxOverlapsTargets(target.box_, testGroup.targetList_));
assertTrue(testGroup.isInside(1, 5, target.box_));
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetOutsideScrollableContainer() {
const targets =
[{box_: new Box(0, 3, 10, 1)}, {box_: new Box(20, 3, 30, 1)}];
const target = targets[0];
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = targets;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(0, 3, 30, 1);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const container = testGroup.scrollableContainers_[0];
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
container.box_ = new Box(0, 3, 5, 1); // shorter than target
target.scrollableContainer_ = container;
// mouse cursor is below scrollable target but not the actual target
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const dummyTarget = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(2, 7);
// dummy target should not overlap the scrollable container
assertFalse(boxOverlaps(dummyTarget.box_, container.box_));
// but should overlap the actual target, since not all of it is visible
assertTrue(boxOverlaps(dummyTarget.box_, target.box_));
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMaybeCreateDummyTargetInsideScrollableContainer() {
const targets =
[{box_: new Box(0, 3, 10, 1)}, {box_: new Box(20, 3, 30, 1)}];
const target = targets[0];
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = targets;
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetBox_ = new Box(0, 3, 30, 1);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const container = testGroup.scrollableContainers_[0];
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
container.box_ = new Box(0, 3, 20, 1); // longer than target
target.scrollableContainer_ = container;
// mouse cursor is below both the scrollable and the actual target
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const dummyTarget = testGroup.maybeCreateDummyTargetForPosition_(2, 15);
// dummy target should overlap the scrollable container
assertTrue(boxOverlaps(dummyTarget.box_, container.box_));
// but not overlap the actual target
assertFalse(boxOverlaps(dummyTarget.box_, target.box_));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testCalculateTargetBox() {
let testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = [];
targets, /**
@suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type
function(target) {
assertTrue(Box.equals(testGroup.targetBox_, new Box(0, 9, 10, 1)));
testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = [];
targets2, /**
@suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type
function(target) {
assertTrue(Box.equals(testGroup.targetBox_, new Box(10, 50, 80, 10)));
testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testGroup.targetList_ = [];
targets3, /**
@suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type
function(target) {
assertTrue(Box.equals(testGroup.targetBox_, new Box(0, 6, 6, 0)));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testIsInside() {
const add = new AbstractDragDrop();
// The box in question.
// 10,20+++++20,20
// + |
// 10,30-----20,30
const box = new Box(20, 20, 30, 10);
'A point somewhere in the middle of the box should be inside.',
add.isInside(15, 25, box));
'A point in top-left corner should be inside the box.',
add.isInside(10, 20, box));
'A point on top border should be inside the box.',
add.isInside(15, 20, box));
'A point in top-right corner should be outside the box.',
add.isInside(20, 20, box));
'A point on right border should be outside the box.',
add.isInside(20, 25, box));
'A point in bottom-right corner should be outside the box.',
add.isInside(20, 30, box));
'A point on bottom border should be outside the box.',
add.isInside(15, 30, box));
'A point in bottom-left corner should be outside the box.',
add.isInside(10, 30, box));
'A point on left border should be inside the box.',
add.isInside(10, 25, box));
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testAddingRemovingScrollableContainers() {
const group = new AbstractDragDrop();
const el1 = dom.createElement(TagName.DIV);
const el2 = dom.createElement(dom.TagName.DIV);
assertEquals(0, group.scrollableContainers_.length);
assertEquals(1, group.scrollableContainers_.length);
assertEquals(2, group.scrollableContainers_.length);
assertEquals(0, group.scrollableContainers_.length);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testScrollableContainersCalculation() {
const group = new AbstractDragDrop();
const target = new AbstractDragDrop();
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
const container = group.scrollableContainers_[0];
const item1 = new DragDropItem(document.getElementById('child1'));
const item2 = new DragDropItem(document.getElementById('child2'));
assertEquals(1, container.containedTargets_.length);
assertEquals(container, group.targetList_[0].scrollableContainer_);
assertEquals(1, container.containedTargets_.length);
assertEquals(2, container.containedTargets_.length);
assertEquals(container, group.targetList_[1].scrollableContainer_);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
testMouseDownEventDefaultAction() {
const group = new AbstractDragDrop();
const target = new AbstractDragDrop();
const item1 = new DragDropItem(document.getElementById('child1'));
const mousedownDefaultPrevented =
'Default action of mousedown event should not be cancelled.',
// See http://b/7494613.
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMouseUpOutsideElement() {
const group = new AbstractDragDrop();
const target = new AbstractDragDrop();
const item1 = new DragDropItem(document.getElementById('child1'));
group.startDrag = functions.error('startDrag should not be called.');
// This should have no effect (not start a drag) since the previous event
// should have cleared the listeners.
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testScrollBeforeMoveDrag() {
const group = new AbstractDragDrop();
const target = new AbstractDragDrop();
const container = document.getElementById('container1');
const childEl = document.getElementById('child1');
const item = new DragDropItem(childEl);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
item.currentDragElement_ = childEl;
// Simulare starting a drag.
const moveEvent = {
'clientX': 8,
'clientY': 10,
'type': EventType.MOUSEMOVE,
'relatedTarget': childEl,
'preventDefault': function() {}
group.startDrag(moveEvent, item);
// Simulate scrolling before the first move drag event.
const scrollEvent = {'target': container};
goog.bind(group.containerScrollHandler_, group, scrollEvent));
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testMouseMove_mouseOutBeforeThreshold() {
// Setup dragdrop and item
const itemEl = dom.createElement(TagName.DIV);
const childEl = dom.createElement(TagName.DIV);
const add = new AbstractDragDrop();
const item = new DragDropItem(itemEl);
// Simulate maybeStartDrag
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
item.startPosition_ = new Coordinate(10, 10);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
item.currentDragElement_ = itemEl;
// Test
let draggedItem = null;
add.startDrag = function(event, item) {
draggedItem = item;
let event = new testingEvents.Event(EventType.MOUSEOUT, childEl);
// Drag distance is only 2.
event.clientX = 8;
event.clientY = 10;
'DragStart should not be fired for mouseout on child element.', null,
event = new testingEvents.Event(EventType.MOUSEOUT, itemEl);
// Drag distance is only 2.
event.clientX = 8;
event.clientY = 10;
'DragStart should be fired for mouseout on main element.', item,
testGetDragElementPosition() {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
const sourceEl = dom.createElement(TagName.DIV);
let pageOffset = style.getPageOffset(sourceEl);
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
let pos = testGroup.getDragElementPosition(sourceEl);
'Drag element position should be source element page offset',
pageOffset.x, pos.x);
'Drag element position should be source element page offset',
pageOffset.y, pos.y);
sourceEl.style.marginLeft = '5px';
sourceEl.style.marginTop = '7px';
pageOffset = style.getPageOffset(sourceEl);
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
pos = testGroup.getDragElementPosition(sourceEl);
'Drag element position should be adjusted for source element ' +
pageOffset.x - 10, pos.x);
'Drag element position should be adjusted for source element ' +
pageOffset.y - 14, pos.y);
testDragEndEvent() {
* @suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
* checking
function testDragEndEventInternal(shouldContainItemData) {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
const childEl = document.getElementById('child1');
const item = new DragDropItem(childEl);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
item.currentDragElement_ = childEl;
// Simulate starting a drag
const startEvent = {
'clientX': 0,
'clientY': 0,
'type': EventType.MOUSEMOVE,
'relatedTarget': childEl,
'preventDefault': function() {}
testGroup.startDrag(startEvent, item);
* @suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
* checking
testGroup.activeTarget_ =
new ActiveDropTarget(new Box(0, 0, 0, 0), testGroup, item, childEl);
testGroup, AbstractDragDrop.EventType.DRAGEND, function(event) {
if (shouldContainItemData) {
'The drag end event should contain a drop target', testGroup,
'The drag end event should contain a drop target item', item,
'The drag end event should contain a drop target element',
childEl, event.dropTargetElement);
} else {
'The drag end event shouldn\'t contain a drop target',
'The drag end event shouldn\'t contain a drop target item',
'The drag end event shouldn\'t contain a drop target element',
{'clientX': 0, 'clientY': 0, 'dragCanceled': !shouldContainItemData});
@suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testDropEventHasBrowserEvent() {
const testGroup = new AbstractDragDrop();
const childEl = document.getElementById('child1');
const item = new DragDropItem(childEl);
/** @suppress {visibility} suppression added to enable type checking */
item.currentDragElement_ = childEl;
// Simulate starting a drag
const startBrowserEvent = {
'clientX': 0,
'clientY': 0,
'type': EventType.MOUSEMOVE,
'relatedTarget': childEl,
'preventDefault': function() {},
testGroup.startDrag(startBrowserEvent, item);
* @suppress {visibility,checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
* checking
testGroup.activeTarget_ =
new ActiveDropTarget(new Box(0, 0, 0, 0), testGroup, item, childEl);
const endBrowserEvent = {
'clientX': 0,
'clientY': 0,
'type': EventType.MOUSEUP,
'ctrlKey': false,
'altKey': true
events.listen(testGroup, AbstractDragDrop.EventType.DROP, function(event) {
const browserEvent = event.browserEvent;
'The drop event should contain the browser event', endBrowserEvent,
'clientX': 0,
'clientY': 0,
'dragCanceled': false,
'browserEvent': endBrowserEvent