* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/** @fileoverview Unit Test for the unsafe API of the HTML Sanitizer. */
const Const = goog.require('goog.string.Const');
const HtmlSanitizer = goog.require('goog.html.sanitizer.HtmlSanitizer');
const HtmlSanitizerAttributePolicy = goog.requireType('goog.html.sanitizer.HtmlSanitizerAttributePolicy');
const SafeHtml = goog.require('goog.html.SafeHtml');
const TagWhitelist = goog.require('goog.html.sanitizer.TagWhitelist');
const dom = goog.require('goog.testing.dom');
const functions = goog.require('goog.functions');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
const unsafe = goog.require('goog.html.sanitizer.unsafe');
const userAgent = goog.require('goog.userAgent');
const {AllowedAttributes} = goog.require('goog.html.sanitizer.attributeallowlists');
const isSupported = !userAgent.IE || userAgent.isVersionOrHigher(10);
const just = Const.from('test');
* Sanitizes the original HTML and asserts that it is the same as the expected
* HTML. Supports adding tags and attributes through the unsafe API.
* @param {string} originalHtml
* @param {string} expectedHtml
* @param {?Array<string>=} tags
* @param {?Array<(string|!HtmlSanitizerAttributePolicy)>=}
* attrs
* @param {?HtmlSanitizer.Builder=} opt_builder
function assertSanitizedHtml(
originalHtml, expectedHtml, tags = undefined, attrs = undefined,
opt_builder) {
let builder = opt_builder || new HtmlSanitizer.Builder();
if (tags) builder = unsafe.alsoAllowTags(just, builder, tags);
if (attrs) builder = unsafe.alsoAllowAttributes(just, builder, attrs);
const sanitizer = builder.build();
const sanitized = sanitizer.sanitize(originalHtml);
if (!isSupported) {
assertEquals('', SafeHtml.unwrap(sanitized));
expectedHtml, SafeHtml.unwrap(sanitized),
true /* opt_strictAttributes */);
testAllowEmptyTagList() {
const input = '<sdf><aaa></aaa></sdf><b></b>';
const expected = '<span><span></span></span><b></b>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, []);
testAllowBlacklistedTag() {
const input = '<div><script>aaa</script></div>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, input, ['SCriPT']);
testAllowUnknownTags() {
const input = '<hello><bye>aaa</bye></hello><zzz></zzz>';
const expected = '<hello><span>aaa</span></hello><zzz></zzz>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, ['HElLO', 'zZZ']);
testAllowAlreadyWhiteListedTag() {
const input = '<hello><p><zzz></zzz></p></hello>';
const expected = '<span><p><zzz></zzz></p></span>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, ['p', 'ZZZ']);
testAllowEmptyAttrList() {
const input = '<a href="#" qwe="nope">b</a>';
const expected = '<a href="#">b</a>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, null, []);
testAllowUnknownAttributeSimple() {
const input = '<qqq zzz="3" nnn="no"></qqq>';
const expected = '<span zzz="3"></span>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, null, ['Zzz']);
testAllowUnknownAttributeWildCard() {
const input = '<div ab="yes" bb="no"><img ab="yep" bb="no" /></div>';
const expected = '<div ab="yes"><img ab="yep" /></div>';
input, expected, null, [{tagName: '*', attributeName: 'aB'}]);
testAllowUnknownAttributeOnSpecificTag() {
const input = '<a www="3" zzz="4">fff</a><img www="3" />';
const expected = '<a www="3">fff</a><img />';
input, expected, null, [{tagName: 'a', attributeName: 'WwW'}]);
testAllowUnknownAttributePolicy() {
const input = '<img ab="yes" /><img ab="no" />';
const expected = '<img ab="yes" /><img />';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, null, [{
tagName: '*',
attributeName: 'aB',
policy: function(value, hints) {
assertEquals(hints.attributeName, 'ab');
return value === 'yes' ? value : null;
testAllowOverwriteAttrPolicy() {
const input = '<a href="yes"></a><a href="no"></a>';
const expected = '<a href="yes"></a><a></a>';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, null, [{
tagName: 'a',
attributeName: 'href',
policy: function(value) {
return value === 'yes' ? value : null;
testAllowDAttribute() {
const input = '<path d="1.5 1.5 1.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 1.5"/>';
const expected = '<path d="1.5 1.5 1.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 14.5 1.5"/>';
input, expected, ['path'], [{tagName: 'path', attributeName: 'd'}]);
testWhitelistAliasing() {
const builder = new HtmlSanitizer.Builder();
unsafe.alsoAllowTags(just, builder, ['QqQ']);
unsafe.alsoAllowAttributes(just, builder, ['QqQ']);
assertUndefined(AllowedAttributes['* QQQ']);
assertUndefined(AllowedAttributes['* QqQ']);
assertUndefined(AllowedAttributes['* qqq']);
testAllowRelaxExistingAttributePolicyWildcard() {
const input = '<a href="javascript:alert(1)"></a>';
// define a tag-specific one, takes precedence
input, input, null,
[{tagName: 'a', attributeName: 'href', policy: functions.identity}]);
// overwrite the global one
input, input, null,
[{tagName: '*', attributeName: 'href', policy: functions.identity}]);
testAllowRelaxExistingAttributePolicySpecific() {
const input = '<a target="foo"></a>';
const expected = '<a></a>';
// overwrite the global one, the specific one still has precedence
assertSanitizedHtml(input, expected, null, [
{tagName: '*', attributeName: 'target', policy: functions.identity},
// overwrite the tag-specific one, this one should take precedence
assertSanitizedHtml(input, input, null, [
{tagName: 'a', attributeName: 'target', policy: functions.identity},
testAlsoAllowTagsInBlacklist() {
const input = '<video controls><source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">';
assertSanitizedHtml(input, input, ['video', 'source'], [
{tagName: 'video', attributeName: 'controls', policy: functions.identity},
{tagName: 'source', attributeName: 'src', policy: functions.identity},
{tagName: 'source', attributeName: 'type', policy: functions.identity},