* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
const IterIterator = goog.require('goog.iter.Iterator');
const StopIteration = goog.require('goog.iter.StopIteration');
const googIter = goog.require('goog.iter');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
class ArrayIterator extends IterIterator {
constructor(array) {
this.array_ = array;
this.current_ = 0;
/** @override */
nextValueOrThrow() {
if (this.current_ >= this.array_.length) {
throw StopIteration;
return this.array_[this.current_++];
// Return the product of several arrays as an array
function productAsArray(var_args) {
const iter = googIter.product.apply(null, arguments);
return googIter.toArray(iter);
testForEach() {
let s = '';
const iter = new ArrayIterator(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
googIter.forEach(iter, (val, index, iter2) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter2);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
s += val;
assertEquals('abcd', s);
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
testJoin() {
let iter = new ArrayIterator(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
assertEquals('abcd', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = new ArrayIterator(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
assertEquals('a,b,c,d', googIter.join(iter, ','));
// make sure everything is treated as strings
iter = new ArrayIterator([0, 1, 2, 3]);
assertEquals('0123', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = new ArrayIterator([0, 1, 2, 3]);
assertEquals('0919293', googIter.join(iter, 9));
// Joining an empty iterator should result in an empty string
iter = new ArrayIterator([]);
assertEquals('', googIter.join(iter, ','));
testRange() {
let iter = googIter.range(0, 5, 1);
assertEquals('01234', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(0, 5, 2);
assertEquals('024', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(0, 5, 5);
assertEquals('0', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(0, 5, 10);
assertEquals('0', googIter.join(iter, ''));
// negative step
iter = googIter.range(5, 0, -1);
assertEquals('54321', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(5, 0, -2);
assertEquals('531', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(5, 0, -5);
assertEquals('5', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(5, 0, -10);
assertEquals('5', googIter.join(iter, ''));
// wrong direction should result in empty iterator
iter = googIter.range(0, 5, -1);
assertEquals('', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(5, 0, 1);
assertEquals('', googIter.join(iter, ''));
// a step of 0 is not allowed
googIter.range(0, 5, 0);
// test the opt args
iter = googIter.range(0, 5);
assertEquals('01234', googIter.join(iter, ''));
iter = googIter.range(5);
assertEquals('01234', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testFilter() {
let iter = googIter.range(5);
const iter2 = googIter.filter(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val > 1;
assertEquals('234', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
// Chaining filters
iter = googIter.range(10);
const sb = [];
const evens = googIter.filter(iter, (v) => {
return v % 2 == 0;
const evens2 = googIter.filter(evens, (v) => {
return v >= 5;
assertEquals('68', googIter.join(evens2, ''));
// Note the order here. The next calls are done lazily.
assertEquals('a0b0a1a2b2a3a4b4a5a6b6a7a8b8a9', sb.join(''));
testFilterFalse() {
let iter = googIter.range(5);
const iter2 = googIter.filterFalse(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val < 2;
assertEquals('234', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
// Chaining filters
iter = googIter.range(10);
const sb = [];
const odds = googIter.filterFalse(iter, (v) => {
return v % 2 == 0;
const odds2 = googIter.filterFalse(odds, (v) => {
return v <= 5;
assertEquals('79', googIter.join(odds2, ''));
// Note the order here. The next calls are done lazily.
assertEquals('a0a1b1a2a3b3a4a5b5a6a7b7a8a9b9', sb.join(''));
testMap() {
const iter = googIter.range(4);
const iter2 = googIter.map(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val * val;
assertEquals('0149', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
testReduce() {
const iter = googIter.range(1, 5);
10, // 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
googIter.reduce(iter, (val, el) => val + el, 0));
testReduce2() {
const iter = googIter.range(1, 5);
24, // 4!
googIter.reduce(iter, (val, el) => val * el, 1));
testSome() {
let iter = googIter.range(5);
let b = googIter.some(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val > 1;
iter = googIter.range(5);
b = googIter.some(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val > 100;
testEvery() {
let iter = googIter.range(5);
let b = googIter.every(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val >= 0;
iter = googIter.range(5);
b = googIter.every(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val > 1;
testChain() {
let iter = googIter.range(0, 2);
let iter2 = googIter.range(2, 4);
const iter3 = googIter.range(4, 6);
const iter4 = googIter.chain(iter, iter2, iter3);
assertEquals('012345', googIter.join(iter4, ''));
// empty iter
iter = new IterIterator;
iter2 = googIter.chain(iter);
assertEquals('', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
// no args
iter2 = googIter.chain();
assertEquals('', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
// arrays
const arr = [0, 1];
const arr2 = [2, 3];
const arr3 = [4, 5];
iter = googIter.chain(arr, arr2, arr3);
assertEquals('012345', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testChainFromIterable() {
const arg = [0, 1];
const arg2 = [2, 3];
const arg3 = googIter.range(4, 6);
const iter = googIter.chainFromIterable([arg, arg2, arg3]);
assertEquals('012345', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testChainFromIterable2() {
const arg = googIter.zip([0, 3], [1, 4], [2, 5]);
const iter = googIter.chainFromIterable(arg);
assertEquals('012345', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testDropWhile() {
const iter = googIter.range(10);
const iter2 = googIter.dropWhile(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val < 5;
assertEquals('56789', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
testDropWhile2() {
const iter = googIter.range(10);
const iter2 = googIter.dropWhile(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val != 5;
assertEquals('56789', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
testTakeWhile() {
const iter = googIter.range(10);
const iter2 = googIter.takeWhile(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val < 5;
assertEquals('01234', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
// next() should not have been called on iter after the first failure and
// therefore it should contain some elements. 5 failed so we should have
// the rest
assertEquals('6789', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testTakeWhile2() {
const iter = googIter.range(10);
const iter2 = googIter.takeWhile(iter, (val, index, iter3) => {
assertEquals(iter, iter3);
assertEquals('index should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof index);
return val != 5;
assertEquals('01234', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
// next() should not have been called on iter after the first failure and
// therefore it should contain some elements. 5 failed so we should have
// the rest
assertEquals('6789', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testToArray() {
let iter = googIter.range(5);
let array = googIter.toArray(iter);
assertEquals('01234', array.join(''));
// Empty
iter = new IterIterator;
array = googIter.toArray(iter);
assertEquals('Empty iterator to array', '', array.join(''));
testToArray2() {
let iterable = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
let array = googIter.toArray(iterable);
assertEquals('01234', array.join(''));
// Empty
iterable = [];
array = googIter.toArray(iterable);
assertEquals('Empty iterator to array', '', array.join(''));
testEquals() {
let iter = googIter.range(5);
let iter2 = googIter.range(5);
assertTrue('Equal iterators', googIter.equals(iter, iter2));
iter = googIter.range(4);
iter2 = googIter.range(5);
assertFalse('Second one is longer', googIter.equals(iter, iter2));
iter = googIter.range(5);
iter2 = googIter.range(4);
assertFalse('First one is longer', googIter.equals(iter, iter2));
// 2 empty iterators
iter = new IterIterator;
iter2 = new IterIterator;
assertTrue('Two empty iterators are equal', googIter.equals(iter, iter2));
iter = googIter.range(4);
assertFalse('Same iterator', googIter.equals(iter, iter));
// equality function
iter = googIter.toIterator(['A', 'B', 'C']);
iter2 = googIter.toIterator(['a', 'b', 'c']);
const equalsFn = (a, b) => a.toLowerCase() == b.toLowerCase();
'Case-insensitive equal', googIter.equals(iter, iter2, equalsFn));
testToIterator() {
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
let iter = new googIter.range(5);
let iter2 = googIter.toIterator(iter);
'toIterator on an iterator should return the same obejct', iter, iter2);
const iterLikeObject = {
next: function() {
throw StopIteration;
nextValueOrThrow() {
throw StopIteration;
const obj = {
__iterator__: function(opt_keys) {
'__iterator__ should always be called with false in toIterator',
return iterLikeObject;
'Should return the return value of __iterator_(false)', iterLikeObject,
// Array
const array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
iter = googIter.toIterator(array);
assertEquals('01234', googIter.join(iter, ''));
// Array like
const arrayLike = {'0': 0, '1': 1, '2': 2, length: 3};
iter = googIter.toIterator(arrayLike);
assertEquals('012', googIter.join(iter, ''));
// DOM
const dom = document.getElementById('t1').childNodes;
iter = googIter.toIterator(dom);
iter2 = googIter.map(iter, (el) => el.innerHTML);
assertEquals('012', googIter.join(iter2, ''));
testNextOrValue() {
const iter = googIter.toIterator([1]);
'Should return value when iterator is non-empty', 1,
googIter.nextOrValue(iter, null));
'Should return given default when iterator is empty',
googIter.nextOrValue(iter, null));
'Should return given default when iterator is (still) empty', -1,
googIter.nextOrValue(iter, -1));
testProduct() {
[[1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4]], productAsArray([1, 2], [3, 4]));
[1, 3, 5],
[1, 3, 6],
[1, 4, 5],
[1, 4, 6],
[2, 3, 5],
[2, 3, 6],
[2, 4, 5],
[2, 4, 6],
productAsArray([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]));
assertArrayEquals([[1]], productAsArray([1]));
assertArrayEquals([], productAsArray([1], []));
assertArrayEquals([], productAsArray());
const expectedResult = [];
const a = [1, 2, 3];
const b = [4, 5, 6];
const c = [7, 8, 9];
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < b.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < c.length; k++) {
expectedResult.push([a[i], b[j], c[k]]);
assertArrayEquals(expectedResult, productAsArray(a, b, c));
testProductIteration() {
let iter = googIter.product([1, 2], [3, 4]);
assertArrayEquals([1, 3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 4], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 4], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
let ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
// Ensure the iterator forever throws StopIteration.
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
iter = googIter.product();
ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
iter = googIter.product([]);
ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testCycle() {
const regularArray = [1, 2, 3];
const iter = googIter.cycle(regularArray);
// Test 3 cycles to ensure proper cache behavior
const values = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
assertArrayEquals([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], values);
testCycleSingleItemIterable() {
const singleItemArray = [1];
const iter = googIter.cycle(singleItemArray);
const values = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
assertArrayEquals([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], values);
testCycleEmptyIterable() {
const emptyArray = [];
const iter = googIter.cycle(emptyArray);
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testCountNoArgs() {
const iter = googIter.count();
const values = googIter.limit(iter, 5);
assertArrayEquals([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], googIter.toArray(values));
testCountStart() {
const iter = googIter.count(10);
const values = googIter.limit(iter, 5);
assertArrayEquals([10, 11, 12, 13, 14], googIter.toArray(values));
testCountStep() {
const iter = googIter.count(10, 2);
const values = googIter.limit(iter, 5);
assertArrayEquals([10, 12, 14, 16, 18], googIter.toArray(values));
testCountNegativeStep() {
const iter = googIter.count(10, -2);
const values = googIter.limit(iter, 5);
assertArrayEquals([10, 8, 6, 4, 2], googIter.toArray(values));
testCountZeroStep() {
const iter = googIter.count(42, 0);
assertEquals(42, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(42, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(42, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
testCountFloat() {
const iter = googIter.count(1.5, 0.5);
const values = googIter.limit(iter, 5);
assertArrayEquals([1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5], googIter.toArray(values));
testRepeat() {
const obj = {foo: 'bar'};
const iter = googIter.repeat(obj);
assertEquals(obj, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(obj, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(obj, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
testAccumulateArray() {
const iter = googIter.accumulate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
assertArrayEquals([1, 3, 6, 10, 15], googIter.toArray(iter));
testAccumulateIterator() {
const iter = googIter.accumulate(googIter.range(1, 6));
assertArrayEquals([1, 3, 6, 10, 15], googIter.toArray(iter));
testAccumulateFloat() {
const iter = googIter.accumulate([1.0, 2.5, 0.5, 1.5, 0.5]);
assertArrayEquals([1.0, 3.5, 4.0, 5.5, 6.0], googIter.toArray(iter));
testZipArrays() {
const iter = googIter.zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]);
assertArrayEquals([1, 4, 7], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 5, 8], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([3, 6, 9], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testZipSingleArg() {
const iter = googIter.zip([1, 2, 3]);
assertArrayEquals([1], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testZipUnevenArgs() {
const iter = googIter.zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [7]);
assertArrayEquals([1, 4, 7], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testZipNoArgs() {
const iter = googIter.zip();
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testZipIterators() {
const iter = googIter.zip(googIter.count(), googIter.repeat('foo'));
assertArrayEquals([0, 'foo'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 'foo'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 'foo'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([3, 'foo'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
testZipLongestArrays() {
const iter = googIter.zipLongest('-', 'ABCD'.split(''), 'xy'.split(''));
assertArrayEquals(['A', 'x'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B', 'y'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['C', '-'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['D', '-'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testZipLongestSingleArg() {
const iter = googIter.zipLongest('-', 'ABCD'.split(''));
assertArrayEquals(['A'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['D'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testZipLongestNoArgs() {
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
const iter = googIter.zipLongest();
assertArrayEquals([], googIter.toArray(iter));
const iter2 = googIter.zipLongest('fill');
assertArrayEquals([], googIter.toArray(iter2));
testZipLongestIterators() {
const iter =
googIter.zipLongest(null, googIter.range(3), googIter.range(5));
assertArrayEquals([0, 0], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 1], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 2], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([null, 3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([null, 4], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testCompressArray() {
const iter = googIter.compress('ABCDEF'.split(''), [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]);
assertEquals('ACEF', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testCompressUnevenArgs() {
const iter = googIter.compress('ABCDEF'.split(''), [false, true, true]);
assertEquals('BC', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testCompressIterators() {
const iter = googIter.compress(googIter.range(10), googIter.cycle([0, 1]));
assertArrayEquals([1, 3, 5, 7, 9], googIter.toArray(iter));
testGroupByNoKeyFunc() {
const iter = googIter.groupBy('AAABBBBCDD'.split(''));
assertArrayEquals(['A', ['A', 'A', 'A']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B', ['B', 'B', 'B', 'B']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['C', ['C']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['D', ['D', 'D']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testGroupByKeyFunc() {
const keyFunc = (x) => x.toLowerCase();
const iter = googIter.groupBy('AaAABBbbBCccddDD'.split(''), keyFunc);
assertArrayEquals(['a', ['A', 'a', 'A', 'A']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
['b', ['B', 'B', 'b', 'b', 'B']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['c', ['C', 'c', 'c']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['d', ['d', 'd', 'D', 'D']], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testStarMap() {
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
const iter = googIter.starMap([[2, 5], [3, 2], [10, 3]], Math.pow);
assertEquals(32, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(9, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(1000, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testStarMapExtraArgs() {
const func = (string, radix, undef, iterator) => {
assertEquals('undef should be undefined', 'undefined', typeof undef);
assertTrue(iterator instanceof IterIterator);
return parseInt(string, radix);
/** @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type checking */
const iter = googIter.starMap([['42', 10], ['0xFF', 16], ['101', 2]], func);
assertEquals(42, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(255, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(5, iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testTeeArray() {
const iters = googIter.tee('ABC'.split(''));
assertEquals(2, iters.length);
const it0 = iters[0];
const it1 = iters[1];
assertEquals('A', it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals('A', it1.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals('B', it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals('B', it1.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals('C', it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals('C', it1.nextValueOrThrow());
let ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testTeeIterator() {
const iters = googIter.tee(googIter.count(), 3);
assertEquals(3, iters.length);
const it0 = iters[0];
const it1 = iters[1];
const it2 = iters[2];
assertEquals(0, it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(1, it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(0, it1.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(1, it1.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(2, it1.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(2, it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(0, it2.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(1, it2.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(2, it2.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(3, it0.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(3, it1.nextValueOrThrow());
assertEquals(3, it2.nextValueOrThrow());
testEnumerateNoStart() {
const iter = googIter.enumerate('ABC'.split(''));
assertArrayEquals([0, 'A'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 'B'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 'C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testEnumerateStart() {
const iter = googIter.enumerate('DEF'.split(''), 3);
assertArrayEquals([3, 'D'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([4, 'E'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([5, 'F'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testLimitLess() {
const iter = googIter.limit('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 3);
assertEquals('ABC', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testLimitGreater() {
const iter = googIter.limit('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 10);
assertEquals('ABCDEFG', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testConsumeLess() {
const iter = googIter.consume('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 3);
assertEquals('DEFG', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testConsumeGreater() {
const iter = googIter.consume('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 10);
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testSliceStart() {
const iter = googIter.slice('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 2);
assertEquals('CDEFG', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testSliceStop() {
const iter = googIter.slice('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 2, 4);
assertEquals('CD', googIter.join(iter, ''));
testSliceStartStopEqual() {
const iter = googIter.slice('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 1, 1);
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testSliceIterator() {
const iter = googIter.slice(googIter.count(20), 0, 5);
assertArrayEquals([20, 21, 22, 23, 24], googIter.toArray(iter));
testSliceStartGreater() {
const iter = googIter.slice('ABCDEFG'.split(''), 10);
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testPermutationsNoLength() {
const iter = googIter.permutations(googIter.range(3));
assertArrayEquals([0, 1, 2], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([0, 2, 1], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 0, 2], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 2, 0], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 0, 1], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([2, 1, 0], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testPermutationsLength() {
const iter = googIter.permutations('ABC'.split(''), 2);
assertArrayEquals(['A', 'B'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['A', 'C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B', 'A'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B', 'C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['C', 'A'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['C', 'B'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
testCombinations() {
const iter = googIter.combinations(googIter.range(4), 3);
assertArrayEquals([0, 1, 2], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([0, 1, 3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([0, 2, 3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals([1, 2, 3], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testCombinationsWithReplacement() {
const iter = googIter.combinationsWithReplacement('ABC'.split(''), 2);
assertArrayEquals(['A', 'A'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['A', 'B'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['A', 'C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B', 'B'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['B', 'C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
assertArrayEquals(['C', 'C'], iter.nextValueOrThrow());
const ex = assertThrows(() => {
assertEquals(StopIteration, ex);
testNoInfiniteRecursionWhenMigratingToNextValueOrThrow() {
* This example class demonstrates the pattern used when migrating
* definitions of a goog.iter.Iterator from defining #next to defining
* #nextValueOrThrow.
* In particular, the super call is problematic when it calls back into
* `next` via `this`: this causes infinite recursion to occur.
* @extends {IterIterator}
* @template VALUE
class ExtendedIterator extends IterIterator {
* Returns the next value of the iteration. This will throw the object
* {@see goog.iter.StopIteration} when the iteration passes the end.
* @return {VALUE} Any object or value
nextValueOrThrow() {
return super.nextValueOrThrow();
* Returns the next value of the iteration. This will throw the object
* {@see goog.iter.StopIteration} when the iteration passes the end.
* @return {VALUE} Any object or value.
* @deprecated To ease migration to the ES6 Iteration Protocol, this
* method is now called `nextValueOrThrow`.
next() {
return ExtendedIterator.prototype.nextValueOrThrow.call(this);
// Without fixing base GoogIterator's next method to explicitly call the
// base implementation's nextValueOrThrow definition (instead of
// `this.nextValueOrThrow()`), attempting to iterate over this iterator will
// lead to infinite recursion.
googIter.forEach(new ExtendedIterator(), () => {});