// Copyright 2008 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* @fileoverview List of generic font names and font fallbacks.
* This file lists the font fallback for each font family for each locale or
* script. In this map, each value is an array of pair. The pair is stored
* as an array of two elements.
* First element of the pair is the generic name
* for the font family in that locale. In case of script indexed entries,
* It will be just font family name. Second element in the pair is a string
* comma separated list of font names. API to access this data is provided
* through goog.locale.genericFontNames.
* Warning: this file is automatically generated from CLDR.
* Please contact i18n team or change the script and regenerate data.
* Code location: http://go/generate_genericfontnames
// clang-format off
* Namespace for Generic Font Names
* Map from script code or language code to list of pairs of (generic name,
* font name fallback list).
* @const {!Object<string, !Object>}
/* ~!@# genmethods.genericFontNamesData() #@!~ */
goog.locale.genericFontNamesData = {
'Arab': [
'Arial,Al Bayan'
'Arabic Typesetting,Times New Roman'
'Armn': [[
'Beng': [[
'Vrinda,Lohit Bengali'
'Cans': [[
'Euphemia,Euphemia UCAS'
'Cher': [[
'Plantagenet,Plantagenet Cherokee'
'Deva': [
'Mangal,Lohit Hindi'
'Arial Unicode MS,Devanagari'
'Ethi': [[
'Geor': [[
'Gujr': [
'Shruti,Lohit Gujarati'
'Guru': [
'Raavi,Lohit Punjabi'
'Hebr': [
'Gisha,Aharoni,Arial Hebrew'
'Miriam Fixed'
'Khmr': [
'MoolBoran,Khmer OS'
'Knda': [
'Laoo': [[
'DokChampa,Phetsarath OT'
'Mlym': [
'Mong': [[
'Mongolian Baiti'
'Nkoo': [[
'Orya': [[
'Sinh': [[
'Iskoola Pota,Malithi Web'
'Syrc': [[
'Estrangelo Edessa'
'Taml': [
'Latha,Lohit Tamil'
'Inai Mathi'
'Telu': [
'Thaa': [[
'MV Boli'
'Thai': [
'Tibt': [[
'Microsoft Himalaya'
'Yiii': [[
'Microsoft Yi Baiti'
'Zsym': [[
'Apple Symbols'
'jp': [
'MS PGothic,\uff2d\uff33 \uff30\u30b4\u30b7\u30c3\u30af,Hiragino Kaku G' +
'othic Pro,\u30d2\u30e9\u30ae\u30ce\u89d2\u30b4 Pro W3,Sazanami Gothic' +
'MS PMincho,\uff2d\uff33 \uff30\u660e\u671d,Hiragino Mincho Pro,\u30d2' +
'\u30e9\u30ae\u30ce\u660e\u671d Pro W3,Sazanami Mincho,\u3055\u3056' +
'MS Gothic,\uff2d\uff33 \u30b4\u30b7\u30c3\u30af,Osaka-Mono,Osaka\uff0d' +
'ko': [
'Gulim,\uad74\ub9bc,AppleGothic,\uc560\ud50c\uace0\ub515,UnDotum,\uc740' +
' \ub3cb\uc6c0,Baekmuk Gulim,\ubc31\ubb35 \uad74\ub9bc,sans-serif'
'Malgun Gothic,\ub9d1\uc740\uace0\ub515,sans-serif'
'Batang,\ubc14\ud0d5,AppleMyungjo,\uc560\ud50c\uba85\uc870,UnBatang,' +
'\uc740 \ubc14\ud0d5,Baekmuk Batang,\ubc31\ubb35 \ubc14\ud0d5,serif'
'GulimChe,\uad74\ub9bc\uccb4,AppleGothic,\uc560\ud50c\uace0\ub515,monos' +
'root': [
'transpose': {
'zh': {
'zh_Hant': {
'\u5b8b\u4f53': '\u65b0\u7d30\u660e\u9ad4',
'\u9ed1\u4f53': '\u5fae\u8edf\u6b63\u9ed1\u9ad4'
'ug': [[
'Microsoft Uighur'
'zh': [
'Microsoft JhengHei,\u5fae\u8edf\u6b63\u9ed1\u9ad4,SimHei,\u9ed1\u4f53,' +
'MS Hei,STHeiti,\u534e\u6587\u9ed1\u4f53,Apple LiGothic Medium,\u860b' +
'\u679c\u5137\u4e2d\u9ed1,LiHei Pro Medium,\u5137\u9ed1 Pro,STHeiti Li' +
'ght,\u534e\u6587\u7ec6\u9ed1,AR PL ZenKai Uni,\u6587\u9f0ePL\u4e2d' +
'Microsoft YaHei,\u5fae\u8f6f\u96c5\u9ed1\u5b57\u4f53,sans-serif'
'SimSun,\u5b8b\u4f53,MS Song,STSong,\u534e\u6587\u5b8b\u4f53,Apple LiSu' +
'ng Light,\u860b\u679c\u5137\u7d30\u5b8b,LiSong Pro Light,\u5137\u5b8b' +
' Pro,STFangSong,\u534e\u6587\u4eff\u5b8b,AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni,\u6587' +
'\u9f0ePL\u7ec6\u4e0a\u6d77\u5b8bUni,AR PL New Sung,\u6587\u9f0e PL ' +
/* ~!@# END #@!~ */