* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Datastructure: AvlTree.
* This file provides the implementation of an AVL-Tree datastructure. The tree
* maintains a set of unique values in a sorted order. The values can be
* accessed efficiently in their sorted order since the tree enforces an O(logn)
* maximum height. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avl_tree for more detail.
* The big-O notation for all operations are below:
* <pre>
* Method big-O
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* - add O(logn)
* - remove O(logn)
* - clear O(1)
* - contains O(logn)
* - indexOf O(logn)
* - getCount O(1)
* - getMinimum O(1), or O(logn) when optional root is specified
* - getMaximum O(1), or O(logn) when optional root is specified
* - getHeight O(1)
* - getValues O(n)
* - inOrderTraverse O(logn + k), where k is number of traversed nodes
* - reverseOrderTraverse O(logn + k), where k is number of traversed nodes
* - copy O(n * p), where p is the time complexity to copy a
* node
* </pre>
var Collection = goog.require('goog.structs.Collection');
var asserts = goog.require('goog.asserts');
* Constructs an AVL-Tree, which uses the specified comparator to order its
* values. The values can be accessed efficiently in their sorted order since
* the tree enforces a O(logn) maximum height.
* @param {?Function=} opt_comparator Function used to order the tree's nodes.
* @constructor
* @implements {Collection<T>}
* @final
* @template T
var AvlTree = function(opt_comparator) {
* Comparison function used to compare values in the tree. This function
* should take two values, a and b, and return x where:
* <pre>
* x < 0 if a < b,
* x > 0 if a > b,
* x = 0 otherwise
* </pre>
* @private @const {!Function}
this.comparator_ = opt_comparator || DEFAULT_COMPARATOR;
* Pointer to the root node of the tree.
* @private {?Node<T>}
this.root_ = null;
* Pointer to the node with the smallest value in the tree.
* @private {?Node<T>}
this.minNode_ = null;
* Pointer to the node with the largest value in the tree.
* @private {?Node<T>}
this.maxNode_ = null;
* String comparison function used to compare values in the tree. This function
* is used by default if no comparator is specified in the tree's constructor.
* @param {T} a The first value.
* @param {T} b The second value.
* @return {number} -1 if a < b, 1 if a > b, 0 if a = b.
* @template T
* @const
var DEFAULT_COMPARATOR = function(a, b) {
if (String(a) < String(b)) {
return -1;
} else if (String(a) > String(b)) {
return 1;
return 0;
* @param {?Node} node
* @return {number}
function height(node) {
return node ? node.height : 0;
* @param {?Node} node
* @return {number}
function balanceFactor(node) {
if (node) {
var lh = node.left ? node.left.height : 0;
var rh = node.right ? node.right.height : 0;
return lh - rh;
return 0;
* @param {!Node<T>} node Node to balance.
* @return {!Node<T>} Root of the modified subtree.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.balance_ = function(node) {
var bf = balanceFactor(node);
if (bf > 1) {
if (balanceFactor(node.left) < 0) {
return this.rightRotate_(node);
} else if (bf < -1) {
if (balanceFactor(node.right) > 0) {
return this.leftRotate_(node);
return node;
* Recursively find the correct place to add the given value to the tree.
* @param {T} value
* @param {!Node<T>} currentNode
* @return {boolean}
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.addInternal_ = function(value, currentNode) {
var comparison = this.comparator_(value, currentNode.value);
var added = false;
if (comparison > 0) {
if (currentNode.right) {
added = this.addInternal_(value, currentNode.right);
} else {
currentNode.right = new Node(value, currentNode);
added = true;
if (currentNode == this.maxNode_) {
this.maxNode_ = currentNode.right;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
if (currentNode.left) {
added = this.addInternal_(value, currentNode.left);
} else {
currentNode.left = new Node(value, currentNode);
added = true;
if (currentNode == this.minNode_) {
this.minNode_ = currentNode.left;
if (added) {
currentNode.height =
Math.max(height(currentNode.left), height(currentNode.right)) + 1;
return added;
* Inserts a node into the tree with the specified value if the tree does
* not already contain a node with the specified value. If the value is
* inserted, the tree is balanced to enforce the AVL-Tree height property.
* @param {T} value Value to insert into the tree.
* @return {boolean} Whether value was inserted into the tree.
* @override
AvlTree.prototype.add = function(value) {
// If the tree is empty, create a root node with the specified value
if (!this.root_) {
this.root_ = new Node(value);
this.minNode_ = this.root_;
this.maxNode_ = this.root_;
return true;
return this.addInternal_(value, this.root_);
* @param {?Node} node
* @return {number}
function count(node) {
return node ? node.count : 0;
* @param {T} value Value to remove.
* @param {?Node<T>} currentNode
* @return {{value: (T|null), root: ?Node<T>}} The value that was removed or
* null if nothing was removed in addition to the root of the modified
* subtree.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.removeInternal_ = function(value, currentNode) {
if (!currentNode) {
return {value: null, root: null};
var comparison = this.comparator_(currentNode.value, value);
if (comparison > 0) {
var removeResult = this.removeInternal_(value, currentNode.left);
currentNode.left = removeResult.root;
value = removeResult.value;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
var removeResult = this.removeInternal_(value, currentNode.right);
currentNode.right = removeResult.root;
value = removeResult.value;
} else {
value = currentNode.value;
if (!currentNode.left || !currentNode.right) {
// Zero or one children.
var replacement = currentNode.left ? currentNode.left : currentNode.right;
if (!replacement) {
if (this.maxNode_ == currentNode) {
this.maxNode_ = currentNode.parent;
if (this.minNode_ == currentNode) {
this.minNode_ = currentNode.parent;
return {value: value, root: null};
if (this.maxNode_ == currentNode) {
this.maxNode_ = replacement;
if (this.minNode_ == currentNode) {
this.minNode_ = replacement;
replacement.parent = currentNode.parent;
currentNode = replacement;
} else {
value = currentNode.value;
var nextInOrder = currentNode.right;
// Two children. Note this cannot be the max or min value. Find the next
// in order replacement (the left most child of the current node's right
// child).
this.traverse_(function(node) {
if (node.left) {
nextInOrder = node.left;
return nextInOrder;
return null;
}, currentNode.right);
currentNode.value = nextInOrder.value;
var removeResult = this.removeInternal_(
/** @type {?} */ (nextInOrder.value), currentNode.right);
currentNode.right = removeResult.root;
currentNode.count = count(currentNode.left) + count(currentNode.right) + 1;
currentNode.height =
Math.max(height(currentNode.left), height(currentNode.right)) + 1;
return {root: this.balance_(currentNode), value: value};
* Removes a node from the tree with the specified value if the tree contains a
* node with this value. If a node is removed the tree is balanced to enforce
* the AVL-Tree height property. The value of the removed node is returned.
* @param {T} value Value to find and remove from the tree.
* @return {T} The value of the removed node or null if the value was not in
* the tree.
* @override
AvlTree.prototype.remove = function(value) {
var result = this.removeInternal_(value, this.root_);
this.root_ = result.root;
return result.value;
* Removes all nodes from the tree.
AvlTree.prototype.clear = function() {
this.root_ = null;
this.minNode_ = null;
this.maxNode_ = null;
* Returns true if the tree contains a node with the specified value, false
* otherwise.
* @param {T} value Value to find in the tree.
* @return {boolean} Whether the tree contains a node with the specified value.
* @override
AvlTree.prototype.contains = function(value) {
// Assume the value is not in the tree and set this value if it is found
var isContained = false;
// Depth traverse the tree and set isContained if we find the node
this.traverse_(function(node) {
var retNode = null;
var comparison = this.comparator_(node.value, value);
if (comparison > 0) {
retNode = node.left;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
retNode = node.right;
} else {
isContained = true;
return retNode; // If null, we'll stop traversing the tree
// Return true if the value is contained in the tree, false otherwise
return isContained;
* Returns the index (in an in-order traversal) of the node in the tree with
* the specified value. For example, the minimum value in the tree will
* return an index of 0 and the maximum will return an index of n - 1 (where
* n is the number of nodes in the tree). If the value is not found then -1
* is returned.
* @param {T} value Value in the tree whose in-order index is returned.
* @return {number} The in-order index of the given value in the
* tree or -1 if the value is not found.
AvlTree.prototype.indexOf = function(value) {
// Assume the value is not in the tree and set this value if it is found
var retIndex = -1;
var currIndex = 0;
// Depth traverse the tree and set retIndex if we find the node
this.traverse_(function(node) {
var comparison = this.comparator_(node.value, value);
if (comparison > 0) {
// The value is less than this node, so recurse into the left subtree.
return node.left;
if (node.left) {
// The value is greater than all of the nodes in the left subtree.
currIndex += node.left.count;
if (comparison < 0) {
// The value is also greater than this node.
// Recurse into the right subtree.
return node.right;
// We found the node, so stop traversing the tree.
retIndex = currIndex;
return null;
// Return index if the value is contained in the tree, -1 otherwise
return retIndex;
* Returns the number of values stored in the tree.
* @return {number} The number of values stored in the tree.
* @override
AvlTree.prototype.getCount = function() {
return this.root_ ? this.root_.count : 0;
* Returns a k-th smallest value, based on the comparator, where 0 <= k <
* this.getCount().
* @param {number} k The number k.
* @return {T} The k-th smallest value.
AvlTree.prototype.getKthValue = function(k) {
if (k < 0 || k >= this.getCount()) {
return null;
return this.getKthNode_(k).value;
* Returns the value u, such that u is contained in the tree and u < v, for all
* values v in the tree where v != u.
* @return {T} The minimum value contained in the tree.
AvlTree.prototype.getMinimum = function() {
return this.getMinNode_().value;
* Returns the value u, such that u is contained in the tree and u > v, for all
* values v in the tree where v != u.
* @return {T} The maximum value contained in the tree.
AvlTree.prototype.getMaximum = function() {
return this.getMaxNode_().value;
* Returns the height of the tree (the maximum depth). This height should
* always be <= 1.4405*(Math.log(n+2)/Math.log(2))-1.3277, where n is the
* number of nodes in the tree.
* @return {number} The height of the tree.
AvlTree.prototype.getHeight = function() {
return this.root_ ? this.root_.height : 0;
* Inserts the values stored in the tree into a new Array and returns the Array.
* @return {!Array<T>} An array containing all of the trees values in sorted
* order.
AvlTree.prototype.getValues = function() {
var ret = [];
this.inOrderTraverse(function(value) { ret.push(value); });
return ret;
* Performs an in-order traversal of the tree and calls `func` with each
* traversed node, optionally starting from the smallest node with a value >= to
* the specified start value. The traversal ends after traversing the tree's
* maximum node or when `func` returns a value that evaluates to true.
* @param {Function} func Function to call on each traversed node.
* @param {T=} opt_startValue If specified, traversal will begin on the node
* with the smallest value >= opt_startValue.
AvlTree.prototype.inOrderTraverse = function(func, opt_startValue) {
// If our tree is empty, return immediately
if (!this.root_) {
// Depth traverse the tree to find node to begin in-order traversal from
/** @type {undefined|!Node} */
var startNode;
if (opt_startValue !== undefined) {
this.traverse_(function(node) {
var retNode = null;
var comparison = this.comparator_(node.value, opt_startValue);
if (comparison > 0) {
retNode = node.left;
startNode = node;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
retNode = node.right;
} else {
startNode = node;
return retNode; // If null, we'll stop traversing the tree
if (!startNode) {
} else {
startNode = /** @type {!Node} */ (this.getMinNode_());
// Traverse the tree and call func on each traversed node's value
var node = /** @type {!Node} */ (startNode);
var prev = node.left ? node.left : node;
while (node != null) {
if (node.left != null && node.left != prev && node.right != prev) {
node = node.left;
} else {
if (node.right != prev) {
if (func(node.value)) {
var temp = node;
node =
node.right != null && node.right != prev ? node.right : node.parent;
prev = temp;
* Performs a reverse-order traversal of the tree and calls `func` with
* each traversed node, optionally starting from the largest node with a value
* <= to the specified start value. The traversal ends after traversing the
* tree's minimum node or when func returns a value that evaluates to true.
* @param {function(T):?} func Function to call on each traversed node.
* @param {T=} opt_startValue If specified, traversal will begin on the node
* with the largest value <= opt_startValue.
AvlTree.prototype.reverseOrderTraverse = function(func, opt_startValue) {
// If our tree is empty, return immediately
if (!this.root_) {
// Depth traverse the tree to find node to begin reverse-order traversal from
var startNode;
if (opt_startValue !== undefined) {
this.traverse_(goog.bind(function(node) {
var retNode = null;
var comparison = this.comparator_(node.value, opt_startValue);
if (comparison > 0) {
retNode = node.left;
} else if (comparison < 0) {
retNode = node.right;
startNode = node;
} else {
startNode = node;
return retNode; // If null, we'll stop traversing the tree
}, this));
if (!startNode) {
} else {
startNode = this.getMaxNode_();
// Traverse the tree and call func on each traversed node's value
var node = startNode, prev = startNode.right ? startNode.right : startNode;
while (node != null) {
if (node.right != null && node.right != prev && node.left != prev) {
node = node.right;
} else {
if (node.left != prev) {
if (func(node.value)) {
var temp = node;
node = node.left != null && node.left != prev ? node.left : node.parent;
prev = temp;
* Performs a traversal defined by the supplied `traversalFunc`. The first
* call to `traversalFunc` is passed the root or the optionally specified
* startNode. After that, calls `traversalFunc` with the node returned
* by the previous call to `traversalFunc` until `traversalFunc`
* returns null or the optionally specified endNode. The first call to
* traversalFunc is passed the root or the optionally specified startNode.
* @param {function(
* this:AvlTree<T>,
* !Node<T>):?Node<T>} traversalFunc
* Function used to traverse the tree.
* @param {Node<T>=} opt_startNode The node at which the
* traversal begins.
* @param {Node<T>=} opt_endNode The node at which the
* traversal ends.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.traverse_ = function(
traversalFunc, opt_startNode, opt_endNode) {
var node = opt_startNode ? opt_startNode : this.root_;
var endNode = opt_endNode ? opt_endNode : null;
while (node && node != endNode) {
node = traversalFunc.call(this, node);
* Performs a left tree rotation on the specified node.
* @param {!Node<T>} node Pivot node to rotate from.
* @return {!Node<T>} New root of the sub tree.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.leftRotate_ = function(node) {
// Re-assign parent-child references for the parent of the node being removed
if (node.isLeftChild()) {
node.parent.left = node.right;
node.right.parent = node.parent;
} else if (node.isRightChild()) {
node.parent.right = node.right;
node.right.parent = node.parent;
} else {
this.root_ = node.right;
this.root_.parent = null;
// Re-assign parent-child references for the child of the node being removed
var temp = node.right;
node.right = node.right.left;
if (node.right != null) node.right.parent = node;
temp.left = node;
node.parent = temp;
// Update counts.
temp.count = node.count;
node.count -= (temp.right ? temp.right.count : 0) + 1;
return temp;
* Performs a right tree rotation on the specified node.
* @param {!Node<T>} node Pivot node to rotate from.
* @return {!Node<T>} New root of the sub tree.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.rightRotate_ = function(node) {
// Re-assign parent-child references for the parent of the node being removed
if (node.isLeftChild()) {
node.parent.left = node.left;
node.left.parent = node.parent;
} else if (node.isRightChild()) {
node.parent.right = node.left;
node.left.parent = node.parent;
} else {
this.root_ = node.left;
this.root_.parent = null;
// Re-assign parent-child references for the child of the node being removed
var temp = node.left;
node.left = node.left.right;
if (node.left != null) node.left.parent = node;
temp.right = node;
node.parent = temp;
// Update counts.
temp.count = node.count;
node.count -= (temp.left ? temp.left.count : 0) + 1;
return temp;
* Returns the node in the tree that has k nodes before it in an in-order
* traversal, optionally rooted at `opt_rootNode`.
* @param {number} k The number of nodes before the node to be returned in an
* in-order traversal, where 0 <= k < root.count.
* @param {Node<T>=} opt_rootNode Optional root node.
* @return {Node<T>} The node at the specified index.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.getKthNode_ = function(k, opt_rootNode) {
var root = opt_rootNode || this.root_;
var numNodesInLeftSubtree = root.left ? root.left.count : 0;
if (k < numNodesInLeftSubtree) {
return this.getKthNode_(k, root.left);
} else if (k == numNodesInLeftSubtree) {
return root;
} else {
return this.getKthNode_(k - numNodesInLeftSubtree - 1, root.right);
* Returns the node with the smallest value in tree, optionally rooted at
* `opt_rootNode`.
* @param {Node<T>=} opt_rootNode Optional root node.
* @return {Node<T>} The node with the smallest value in
* the tree.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.getMinNode_ = function(opt_rootNode) {
if (!opt_rootNode) {
return this.minNode_;
var minNode = opt_rootNode;
this.traverse_(function(node) {
var retNode = null;
if (node.left) {
minNode = node.left;
retNode = node.left;
return retNode; // If null, we'll stop traversing the tree
}, opt_rootNode);
return minNode;
* Returns the node with the largest value in tree, optionally rooted at
* opt_rootNode.
* @param {Node<T>=} opt_rootNode Optional root node.
* @return {Node<T>} The node with the largest value in
* the tree.
* @private
AvlTree.prototype.getMaxNode_ = function(opt_rootNode) {
if (!opt_rootNode) {
return this.maxNode_;
var maxNode = opt_rootNode;
this.traverse_(function(node) {
var retNode = null;
if (node.right) {
maxNode = node.right;
retNode = node.right;
return retNode; // If null, we'll stop traversing the tree
}, opt_rootNode);
return maxNode;
* Copies the AVL tree.
* @param {(function(T): T)=} opt_copy - Function used to copy the elements
* contained in the tree. The identity function is used by default, which
* results in a shallow copy of the tree. Copied elements will be compared
* against their originals using the tree's comparator to ensure the
* integrity of the copied tree.
* @return {!AvlTree<T>}
AvlTree.prototype.copy = function(opt_copy) {
var tree = new AvlTree(this.comparator_);
// Empty tree
if (!this.root_) {
return tree;
// Copy instance properties
var copyInfo =
this.root_.copy(/* parent= */ null, this.comparator_, opt_copy);
tree.root_ = copyInfo.root;
tree.minNode_ = copyInfo.leftMost;
tree.maxNode_ = copyInfo.rightMost;
return tree;
* Constructs an AVL-Tree node with the specified value. If no parent is
* specified, the node's parent is assumed to be null. The node's height
* defaults to 1 and its children default to null.
* @param {T} value Value to store in the node.
* @param {Node<T>=} opt_parent Optional parent node.
* @constructor
* @final
* @template T
var Node = function(value, opt_parent) {
* The value stored by the node.
* @type {T}
this.value = value;
* The node's parent. Null if the node is the root.
* @type {?Node<T>}
this.parent = opt_parent ? opt_parent : null;
* The number of nodes in the subtree rooted at this node.
* @type {number}
this.count = 1;
* The node's left child. Null if the node does not have a left child.
* @type {?Node<T>}
this.left = null;
* The node's right child. Null if the node does not have a right child.
* @type {?Node<T>}
this.right = null;
* Height of this node.
* @type {number}
this.height = 1;
* Returns true iff the specified node has a parent and is the right child of
* its parent.
* @return {boolean} Whether the specified node has a parent and is the right
* child of its parent.
Node.prototype.isRightChild = function() {
return !!this.parent && this.parent.right == this;
* Returns true iff the specified node has a parent and is the left child of
* its parent.
* @return {boolean} Whether the specified node has a parent and is the left
* child of its parent.
Node.prototype.isLeftChild = function() {
return !!this.parent && this.parent.left == this;
* Helper method to fix the height of this node (e.g. after children have
* changed).
Node.prototype.fixHeight = function() {
this.height = Math.max(
this.left ? this.left.height : 0,
this.right ? this.right.height : 0) +
* Copies a node.
* @param {?Node<T>} parent - The parent of this node.
* @param {!Function} comparator Comparison function for values, used to assert
* that the nodes are equivalent after copying.
* @param {(function(T): T)=} opt_copy - Function used to copy the elements
* contained in the tree. The identity function is used by default, which
* results in a shallow copy of the tree. Copied elements will be compared
* against their originals using the tree's comparator to ensure the
* integrity of the copied tree.
* @return {{
* root: !Node<T>,
* leftMost: ?Node<T>,
* rightMost: ?Node<T>,
* }} subtree - Information about the copied subtree
Node.prototype.copy = function(parent, comparator, opt_copy) {
var val;
if (opt_copy) {
val = opt_copy(this.value);
asserts.assert(comparator(this.value, val) === 0);
} else {
val = this.value;
var node = new Node(val, parent);
// Copy all properties
node.count = this.count;
node.height = this.height;
var minNode = node;
var maxNode = node;
if (this.left) {
var leftInfo = this.left.copy(node, comparator, opt_copy);
node.left = leftInfo.root;
minNode = leftInfo.leftMost;
if (this.right) {
var rightInfo = this.right.copy(node, comparator, opt_copy);
node.right = rightInfo.root;
maxNode = rightInfo.rightMost;
return {root: node, leftMost: minNode, rightMost: maxNode};
exports = AvlTree;