* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Defines test classes for tests that can wait for conditions.
* Normal unit tests must complete their test logic within a single function
* execution. This is ideal for most tests, but makes it difficult to test
* routines that require real time to complete. The tests and TestCase in this
* file allow for tests that can wait until a condition is true before
* continuing execution.
* Each test has the typical three phases of execution: setUp, the test itself,
* and tearDown. During each phase, the test function may add wait conditions,
* which result in new test steps being added for that phase. All steps in a
* given phase must complete before moving on to the next phase. An error in
* any phase will stop that test and report the error to the test runner.
* This class should not be used where adequate mocks exist. Time-based routines
* should use the MockClock, which runs much faster and provides equivalent
* results. Continuation tests should be used for testing code that depends on
* browser behaviors that are difficult to mock. For example, testing code that
* relies on Iframe load events, event or layout code that requires a setTimeout
* to become valid, and other browser-dependent native object interactions for
* which mocks are insufficient.
* Sample usage:
* <pre>
* var testCase = new goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase();
* testCase.autoDiscoverTests();
* if (typeof G_testRunner != 'undefined') {
* G_testRunner.initialize(testCase);
* }
* function testWaiting() {
* var someVar = true;
* waitForTimeout(function() {
* assertTrue(someVar)
* }, 500);
* }
* function testWaitForEvent() {
* var et = goog.events.EventTarget();
* waitForEvent(et, 'test', function() {
* // Test step runs after the event fires.
* })
* et.dispatchEvent(et, 'test');
* }
* function testWaitForCondition() {
* var counter = 0;
* waitForCondition(function() {
* // This function is evaluated periodically until it returns true, or it
* // times out.
* return ++counter >= 3;
* }, function() {
* // This test step is run once the condition becomes true.
* assertEquals(3, counter);
* });
* }
* </pre>
* Constructs a test case that supports tests with continuations. Test functions
* may issue "wait" commands that suspend the test temporarily and continue once
* the wait condition is met.
* @param {string=} opt_name Optional name for the test case.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.TestCase}
* @deprecated ContinuationTestCase is deprecated. Prefer returning Promises
* for tests that assert Asynchronous behavior.
* @final
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase = function(opt_name) {
'use strict';
goog.testing.TestCase.call(this, opt_name);
* An event handler for waiting on Closure or browser events during tests.
* @type {goog.events.EventHandler<!goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase>}
* @private
this.handler_ = new goog.events.EventHandler(this);
goog.inherits(goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase, goog.testing.TestCase);
* The default maximum time to wait for a single test step in milliseconds.
* @type {number}
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.MAX_TIMEOUT = 1000;
* Lock used to prevent multiple test steps from running recursively.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
* The current test being run.
* @type {?goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest}
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.currentTest_ = null;
* Enables or disables the wait functions in the global scope.
* @param {boolean} enable Whether the wait functions should be exported.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.enableWaitFunctions_ = function(
enable) {
'use strict';
if (enable) {
'waitForCondition', goog.bind(this.waitForCondition, this));
goog.exportSymbol('waitForEvent', goog.bind(this.waitForEvent, this));
goog.exportSymbol('waitForTimeout', goog.bind(this.waitForTimeout, this));
} else {
// Internet Explorer doesn't allow deletion of properties on the window.
goog.global['waitForCondition'] = undefined;
goog.global['waitForEvent'] = undefined;
goog.global['waitForTimeout'] = undefined;
/** @override */
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.runTests = function() {
'use strict';
/** @override */
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.finalize = function() {
'use strict';
/** @override */
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.cycleTests = function() {
'use strict';
// Get the next test in the queue.
if (!this.currentTest_) {
this.currentTest_ = this.createNextTest_();
// Run the next step of the current test, or exit if all tests are complete.
if (this.currentTest_) {
} else {
* Creates the next test in the queue.
* @return {goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest} The next test to
* execute, or null if no pending tests remain.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.createNextTest_ = function() {
'use strict';
var test = this.next();
if (!test) {
return null;
var name = test.name;
goog.testing.TestCase.currentTestName = name;
this.log('Running test: ' + name);
return new goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest(
new goog.testing.TestCase.Test(name, this.setUp, this), test,
new goog.testing.TestCase.Test(name, this.tearDown, this));
* Cleans up a finished test and cycles to the next test.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.finishTest_ = function() {
'use strict';
var err = this.currentTest_.getError();
if (err) {
this.recordError(this.currentTest_.name, err);
} else {
goog.testing.TestCase.currentTestName = null;
this.currentTest_ = null;
this.locked_ = false;
this.timeout(goog.bind(this.cycleTests, this), 0);
* Executes the next step in the current phase, advancing through each phase as
* all steps are completed.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.runNextStep_ = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.locked_) {
// Attempting to run a step before the previous step has finished. Try again
// after that step has released the lock.
var phase = this.currentTest_.getCurrentPhase();
if (!phase || !phase.length) {
// No more steps for this test.
// Find the next step that is not in a wait state.
var stepIndex = phase.findIndex(function(step) {
'use strict';
return !step.waiting;
if (stepIndex < 0) {
// All active steps are currently waiting. Return until one wakes up.
this.locked_ = true;
var step = phase[stepIndex];
try {
// Remove the successfully completed step. If an error is thrown, all steps
// will be removed for this phase.
goog.array.removeAt(phase, stepIndex);
} catch (e) {
// An assertion has failed, or an exception was raised. Clear the current
// phase, whether it is setUp, test, or tearDown.
// Cancel the setUp and test phase no matter where the error occurred. The
// tearDown phase will still run if it has pending steps.
this.locked_ = false;
* Creates a new test step that will run after a user-specified
* timeout. No guarantee is made on the execution order of the
* continuation, except for those provided by each browser's
* window.setTimeout. In particular, if two continuations are
* registered at the same time with very small delta for their
* durations, this class can not guarantee that the continuation with
* the smaller duration will be executed first.
* @param {function()} continuation The test function to invoke after the timeout.
* @param {number=} opt_duration The length of the timeout in milliseconds.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.waitForTimeout = function(
continuation, opt_duration) {
'use strict';
var step = this.addStep_(continuation);
goog.bind(this.handleComplete_, this, step), opt_duration || 0);
* Creates a new test step that will run after an event has fired. If the event
* does not fire within a reasonable timeout, the test will fail.
* @param {goog.events.EventTarget|EventTarget} eventTarget The target that will
* fire the event.
* @param {string} eventType The type of event to listen for.
* @param {function()} continuation The test function to invoke after the event
* fires.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.waitForEvent = function(
eventTarget, eventType, continuation) {
'use strict';
var step = this.addStep_(continuation);
var duration = goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.MAX_TIMEOUT;
goog.bind(this.handleTimeout_, this, step, duration), duration);
eventTarget, eventType, goog.bind(this.handleComplete_, this, step));
* Creates a new test step which will run once a condition becomes true. The
* condition will be polled at a user-specified interval until it becomes true,
* or until a maximum timeout is reached.
* @param {Function} condition The condition to poll.
* @param {function()} continuation The test code to evaluate once the condition
* becomes true.
* @param {number=} opt_interval The polling interval in milliseconds.
* @param {number=} opt_maxTimeout The maximum amount of time to wait for the
* condition in milliseconds (defaults to 1000).
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.waitForCondition = function(
condition, continuation, opt_interval, opt_maxTimeout) {
'use strict';
var interval = opt_interval || 100;
var timeout = opt_maxTimeout || goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.MAX_TIMEOUT;
var step = this.addStep_(continuation);
this.testCondition_(step, condition, goog.now(), interval, timeout);
* Creates a new asynchronous test step which will be added to the current test
* phase.
* @param {function()} func The test function that will be executed for this step.
* @return {!goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step} A new test step.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.addStep_ = function(func) {
'use strict';
if (!this.currentTest_) {
throw new Error('Cannot add test steps outside of a running test.');
var step = new goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step(
this.currentTest_.name, func, this.currentTest_.scope);
return step;
* Handles completion of a step's wait condition. Advances the test, allowing
* the step's test method to run.
* @param {goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step} step The step that has
* finished waiting.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.handleComplete_ = function(step) {
'use strict';
step.waiting = false;
* Handles the timeout event for a step that has exceeded the maximum time. This
* causes the current test to fail.
* @param {goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step} step The timed-out step.
* @param {number} duration The length of the timeout in milliseconds.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.handleTimeout_ = function(
step, duration) {
'use strict';
step.ref = function() {
'use strict';
fail('Continuation timed out after ' + duration + 'ms.');
// Since the test is failing, cancel any other pending event listeners.
* Tests a wait condition and executes the associated test step once the
* condition is true.
* If the condition does not become true before the maximum duration, the
* interval will stop and the test step will fail in the kill timer.
* @param {goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step} step The waiting test step.
* @param {Function} condition The test condition.
* @param {number} startTime Time when the test step began waiting.
* @param {number} interval The duration in milliseconds to wait between tests.
* @param {number} timeout The maximum amount of time to wait for the condition
* to become true. Measured from the startTime in milliseconds.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.prototype.testCondition_ = function(
step, condition, startTime, interval, timeout) {
'use strict';
var duration = goog.now() - startTime;
if (condition()) {
} else if (duration < timeout) {
this.testCondition_, this, step, condition, startTime, interval,
} else {
this.handleTimeout_(step, duration);
* Creates a continuation test case, which consists of multiple test steps that
* occur in several phases.
* The steps are distributed between setUp, test, and tearDown phases. During
* the execution of each step, 0 or more steps may be added to the current
* phase. Once all steps in a phase have completed, the next phase will be
* executed.
* If any errors occur (such as an assertion failure), the setUp and Test phases
* will be cancelled immediately. The tearDown phase will always start, but may
* be cancelled as well if it raises an error.
* @param {goog.testing.TestCase.Test} setUp A setUp test method to run before
* the main test phase.
* @param {goog.testing.TestCase.Test} test A test method to run.
* @param {goog.testing.TestCase.Test} tearDown A tearDown test method to run
* after the test method completes or fails.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.TestCase.Test}
* @final
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest = function(
setUp, test, tearDown) {
'use strict';
// This test container has a name, but no evaluation function or scope.
goog.testing.TestCase.Test.call(this, test.name, function() {}, null);
* The list of test steps to run during setUp.
* @type {Array<goog.testing.TestCase.Test>}
* @private
this.setUp_ = [setUp];
* The list of test steps to run for the actual test.
* @type {Array<goog.testing.TestCase.Test>}
* @private
this.test_ = [test];
* The list of test steps to run during the tearDown phase.
* @type {Array<goog.testing.TestCase.Test>}
* @private
this.tearDown_ = [tearDown];
* The first error encountered during the test run, if any.
* @type {?Error}
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.error_ = null;
* @return {Error} The first error to be raised during the test run or null if
* no errors occurred.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.getError =
function() {
'use strict';
return this.error_;
* Sets an error for the test so it can be reported. Only the first error set
* during a test will be reported. Additional errors that occur in later test
* phases will be discarded.
* @param {Error} e An error.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.setError =
function(e) {
'use strict';
this.error_ = this.error_ || e;
* @return {Array<!goog.testing.TestCase.Test>} The current phase of steps
* being processed. Returns null if all steps have been completed.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.getCurrentPhase =
function() {
'use strict';
if (this.setUp_.length) {
return this.setUp_;
if (this.test_.length) {
return this.test_;
if (this.tearDown_.length) {
return this.tearDown_;
return null;
* Adds a new test step to the end of the current phase. The new step will wait
* for a condition to be met before running, or will fail after a timeout.
* @param {!goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step} step The test step to add.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.addStep = function(
step) {
'use strict';
var phase = this.getCurrentPhase();
if (phase) {
} else {
throw new Error('Attempted to add a step to a completed test.');
* Cancels all remaining steps in the current phase. Called after an error in
* any phase occurs.
.cancelCurrentPhase = function() {
'use strict';
* Skips the rest of the setUp and test phases, but leaves the tearDown phase to
* clean up.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.cancelTestPhase =
function() {
'use strict';
* Clears a test phase and cancels any pending steps found.
* @param {Array<goog.testing.TestCase.Test>} phase A list of test steps.
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.ContinuationTest.prototype.cancelPhase_ =
function(phase) {
'use strict';
while (phase && phase.length) {
var step = phase.pop();
if (step instanceof goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step) {
* Constructs a single step in a larger continuation test. Each step is similar
* to a typical TestCase test, except it may wait for an event or timeout to
* occur before running the test function.
* @param {string} name The test name.
* @param {function()} ref The test function to run.
* @param {Object=} opt_scope The object context to run the test in.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.TestCase.Test}
* @final
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step = function(name, ref, opt_scope) {
'use strict';
goog.testing.TestCase.Test.call(this, name, ref, opt_scope);
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step, goog.testing.TestCase.Test);
* Whether the step is currently waiting for a condition to continue. All new
* steps begin in wait state.
* @override
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.prototype.waiting = true;
* A saved reference to window.clearTimeout so that MockClock or other overrides
* don't affect continuation timeouts.
* @type {Function}
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.protectedClearTimeout_ =
* A saved reference to window.setTimeout so that MockClock or other overrides
* don't affect continuation timeouts.
* @type {Function}
* @private
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.protectedSetTimeout_ = window.setTimeout;
* Key to this step's timeout. If the step is waiting for an event, the timeout
* will be used as a kill timer. If the step is waiting
* @type {number}
* @private
* Starts a timeout for this step. Each step may have only one timeout active at
* a time.
* @param {Function} func The function to call after the timeout.
* @param {number} duration The number of milliseconds to wait before invoking
* the function.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.prototype.setTimeout = function(
func, duration) {
'use strict';
var setTimeout = goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.protectedSetTimeout_;
this.timeout_ = setTimeout(func, duration);
* Clears the current timeout if it is active.
goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.prototype.clearTimeout = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.timeout_) {
var clear = goog.testing.ContinuationTestCase.Step.protectedClearTimeout_;
delete this.timeout_;