* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Mock filesystem objects. These are all in the same file to
* avoid circular dependency issues.
// TODO(user): We're trying to migrate all ES5 subclasses of Closure
// Library to ES6. In ES6 this cannot be referenced before super is called. This
// file has at least one this before a super call (in ES5) and cannot be
// automatically upgraded to ES6 as a result. Please fix this if you have a
// chance. Note: This can sometimes be caused by not calling the super
// constructor at all. You can run the conversion tool yourself to see what it
// does on this file: blaze run //javascript/refactoring/es6_classes:convert.
* A mock filesystem entry object.
* @param {!goog.testing.fs.FileSystem} fs The filesystem containing this entry.
* @param {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} parent The directory entry directly
* containing this entry.
* @param {string} name The name of this entry.
* @constructor
* @implements {goog.fs.Entry}
goog.testing.fs.Entry = function(fs, parent, name) {
'use strict';
* This entry's filesystem.
* @type {!goog.testing.fs.FileSystem}
* @private
this.fs_ = fs;
* The name of this entry.
* @type {string}
* @private
this.name_ = name;
* The parent of this entry.
* @type {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry}
this.parent = parent;
* Whether or not this entry has been deleted.
* @type {boolean}
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.deleted = false;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.isFile = goog.abstractMethod;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.isDirectory = goog.abstractMethod;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.getName = function() {
'use strict';
return this.name_;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.getFullPath = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.getName() == '' || this.parent.getName() == '') {
// The root directory has an empty name
return '/' + this.name_;
} else {
return this.parent.getFullPath() + '/' + this.name_;
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.FileSystem}
* @override
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.getFileSystem = function() {
'use strict';
return this.fs_;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.getLastModified = goog.abstractMethod;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.getMetadata = goog.abstractMethod;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.moveTo = function(parent, opt_newName) {
'use strict';
const msg = 'moving ' + this.getFullPath() + ' into ' + parent.getFullPath() +
(opt_newName ? ', renaming to ' + opt_newName : '');
let newFile;
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg)
.addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return this.copyTo(parent, opt_newName);
.addCallback(function(file) {
'use strict';
newFile = file;
return this.remove();
.addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return newFile;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.copyTo = function(parent, opt_newName) {
'use strict';
goog.asserts.assert(parent instanceof goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry);
const msg = 'copying ' + this.getFullPath() + ' into ' +
parent.getFullPath() +
(opt_newName ? ', renaming to ' + opt_newName : '');
const self = this;
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
goog.asserts.assert(parent instanceof goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry);
const name = opt_newName || self.getName();
const entry = self.clone();
/** @type {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} */ (parent).children[name] =
parent.lastModifiedTimestamp_ = Date.now();
entry.name_ = name;
entry.parent = /** @type {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} */ (parent);
return entry;
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.Entry} A shallow copy of this entry object.
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.clone = goog.abstractMethod;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.toUrl = function(opt_mimetype) {
'use strict';
return 'fakefilesystem:' + this.getFullPath();
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.toUri = goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.toUrl;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.wrapEntry = goog.abstractMethod;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.remove = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'removing ' + this.getFullPath();
const self = this;
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
delete this.parent.children[self.getName()];
self.parent.lastModifiedTimestamp_ = Date.now();
self.deleted = true;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.getParent = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'getting parent of ' + this.getFullPath();
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return this.parent;
* Return a deferred that will call its errback if this entry has been deleted.
* In addition, the deferred will only run after a timeout of 0, and all its
* callbacks will run with the entry as "this".
* @param {string} action The name of the action being performed. For error
* reporting.
* @return {!goog.async.Deferred} The deferred that will be called after a
* timeout of 0.
* @protected
goog.testing.fs.Entry.prototype.checkNotDeleted = function(action) {
'use strict';
const d = new goog.async.Deferred(undefined, this);
goog.Timer.callOnce(function() {
'use strict';
if (this.deleted) {
const err = new goog.fs.Error({'name': 'NotFoundError'}, action);
} else {
}, 0, this);
return d;
* A mock directory entry object.
* @param {!goog.testing.fs.FileSystem} fs The filesystem containing this entry.
* @param {goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} parent The directory entry directly
* containing this entry. If this is null, that means this is the root
* directory and so is its own parent.
* @param {string} name The name of this entry.
* @param {!Object<!goog.testing.fs.Entry>} children The map of child names to
* entry objects.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.fs.Entry}
* @implements {goog.fs.DirectoryEntry}
* @final
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry = function(fs, parent, name, children) {
'use strict';
this, 'constructor', fs, parent || this, name);
* The map of child names to entry objects.
* @type {!Object<!goog.testing.fs.Entry>}
this.children = children;
* The modification time of the directory. Measured using Date.now, which may
* be overridden with mock time providers.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.lastModifiedTimestamp_ = Date.now();
goog.inherits(goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry, goog.testing.fs.Entry);
* Constructs and returns the metadata object for this entry.
* @return {{modificationTime: Date}} The metadata object.
* @private
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getMetadata_ = function() {
'use strict';
return {'modificationTime': new Date(this.lastModifiedTimestamp_)};
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.isFile = function() {
'use strict';
return false;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.isDirectory = function() {
'use strict';
return true;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getLastModified = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'reading last modified date for ' + this.getFullPath();
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return new Date(this.lastModifiedTimestamp_);
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'reading metadata for ' + this.getFullPath();
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return this.getMetadata_();
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.clone = function() {
'use strict';
return new goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry(
this.getFileSystem(), this.parent, this.getName(), this.children);
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.remove = function() {
'use strict';
if (!goog.object.isEmpty(this.children)) {
const d = new goog.async.Deferred();
goog.Timer.callOnce(function() {
'use strict';
d.errback(new goog.fs.Error(
{'name': 'InvalidModificationError'},
'removing ' + this.getFullPath()));
}, 0, this);
return d;
} else if (this != this.getFileSystem().getRoot()) {
return goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.base(this, 'remove');
} else {
// Root directory, do nothing.
return goog.async.Deferred.succeed();
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getFile = function(
path, opt_behavior) {
'use strict';
const msg = 'loading file ' + path + ' from ' + this.getFullPath();
opt_behavior = opt_behavior || goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.DEFAULT;
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
try {
return goog.async.Deferred.succeed(this.getFileSync(path, opt_behavior));
} catch (e) {
return goog.async.Deferred.fail(e);
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getDirectory = function(
path, opt_behavior) {
'use strict';
const msg = 'loading directory ' + path + ' from ' + this.getFullPath();
opt_behavior = opt_behavior || goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.DEFAULT;
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
try {
return goog.async.Deferred.succeed(
this.getDirectorySync(path, opt_behavior));
} catch (e) {
return goog.async.Deferred.fail(e);
* Get a file entry synchronously, without waiting for a Deferred to resolve.
* @param {string} path The path to the file, relative to this directory.
* @param {goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior=} opt_behavior The behavior for
* loading the file.
* @param {string=} opt_data The string data encapsulated by the blob.
* @param {string=} opt_type The mime type of the blob.
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.FileEntry} The loaded file.
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getFileSync = function(
path, opt_behavior, opt_data, opt_type) {
'use strict';
opt_behavior = opt_behavior || goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.DEFAULT;
return (
/** @type {!goog.testing.fs.FileEntry} */ (this.getEntry_(
path, opt_behavior, true /* isFile */,
goog.bind(function(parent, name) {
'use strict';
return new goog.testing.fs.FileEntry(
this.getFileSystem(), parent, name,
opt_data !== undefined ? opt_data : '', opt_type);
}, this))));
* Creates a file synchronously. This is a shorthand for getFileSync, useful for
* setting up tests.
* @param {string} path The path to the file, relative to this directory.
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.FileEntry} The created file.
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.createFileSync = function(path) {
'use strict';
return this.getFileSync(path, goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
* Get a directory synchronously, without waiting for a Deferred to resolve.
* @param {string} path The path to the directory, relative to this one.
* @param {goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior=} opt_behavior The behavior for
* loading the directory.
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} The loaded directory.
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getDirectorySync = function(
path, opt_behavior) {
'use strict';
opt_behavior = opt_behavior || goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.DEFAULT;
return (
/** @type {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} */ (this.getEntry_(
path, opt_behavior, false /* isFile */,
goog.bind(function(parent, name) {
'use strict';
return new goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry(
this.getFileSystem(), parent, name, {});
}, this))));
* Creates a directory synchronously. This is a shorthand for getFileSync,
* useful for setting up tests.
* @param {string} path The path to the directory, relative to this directory.
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} The created directory.
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.createDirectorySync = function(path) {
'use strict';
return this.getDirectorySync(path, goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE);
* Get a file or directory entry from a path. This handles parsing the path for
* subdirectories and throwing appropriate errors should something go wrong.
* @param {string} path The path to the entry, relative to this directory.
* @param {goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior} behavior The behavior for loading
* the entry.
* @param {boolean} isFile Whether a file or directory is being loaded.
* @param {function(!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry, string) :
* !goog.testing.fs.Entry} createFn
* The function for creating the entry if it doesn't yet exist. This is
* passed the parent entry and the name of the new entry.
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.Entry} The loaded entry.
* @private
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.getEntry_ = function(
path, behavior, isFile, createFn) {
'use strict';
// Filter out leading, trailing, and duplicate slashes.
const components = path.split('/').filter(goog.functions.identity);
const basename = /** @type {string} */ (goog.array.peek(components)) || '';
let dir =
goog.string.startsWith(path, '/') ? this.getFileSystem().getRoot() : this;
components.slice(0, -1).forEach(function(p) {
'use strict';
const subdir = dir.children[p];
if (!subdir) {
throw new goog.fs.Error(
{'name': 'NotFoundError'},
'loading ' + path + ' from ' + this.getFullPath() + ' (directory ' +
dir.getFullPath() + '/' + p + ')');
dir = subdir;
}, this);
// If there is no basename, the path must resolve to the root directory.
let entry = basename ? dir.children[basename] : dir;
if (!entry) {
if (behavior == goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.DEFAULT) {
throw new goog.fs.Error(
{'name': 'NotFoundError'},
'loading ' + path + ' from ' + this.getFullPath());
} else {
behavior == goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE ||
behavior == goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE_EXCLUSIVE);
entry = createFn(dir, basename);
dir.children[basename] = entry;
this.lastModifiedTimestamp_ = Date.now();
return entry;
} else if (behavior == goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE_EXCLUSIVE) {
throw new goog.fs.Error(
{'name': 'InvalidModificationError'},
'loading ' + path + ' from ' + this.getFullPath());
} else if (entry.isFile() != isFile) {
throw new goog.fs.Error(
{'name': 'TypeMismatchError'},
'loading ' + path + ' from ' + this.getFullPath());
} else {
if (behavior == goog.fs.DirectoryEntry.Behavior.CREATE) {
this.lastModifiedTimestamp_ = Date.now();
return entry;
* Returns whether this directory has a child with the given name.
* @param {string} name The name of the entry to check for.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not this has a child with the given name.
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.hasChild = function(name) {
'use strict';
return name in this.children;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.removeRecursively = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'removing ' + this.getFullPath() + ' recursively';
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
const d = goog.async.Deferred.succeed(null);
goog.object.forEach(this.children, function(child) {
'use strict';
child.isDirectory() ? child.removeRecursively() : child.remove());
d.addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return this.remove();
}, this);
return d;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.listDirectory = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'listing ' + this.getFullPath();
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return goog.object.getValues(this.children);
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry.prototype.createPath =
// This isn't really type-safe.
/** @type {!Function} */ (goog.fs.DirectoryEntryImpl.prototype.createPath);
* A mock file entry object.
* @param {!goog.testing.fs.FileSystem} fs The filesystem containing this entry.
* @param {!goog.testing.fs.DirectoryEntry} parent The directory entry directly
* containing this entry.
* @param {string} name The name of this entry.
* @param {string} data The data initially contained in the file.
* @param {string=} opt_type The mime type of the blob.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.fs.Entry}
* @implements {goog.fs.FileEntry}
* @final
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry = function(fs, parent, name, data, opt_type) {
'use strict';
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.base(this, 'constructor', fs, parent, name);
* The internal file blob referenced by this file entry.
* @type {!goog.testing.fs.File}
* @private
this.file_ =
new goog.testing.fs.File(name, new Date(Date.now()), data, opt_type);
* The metadata for file.
* @type {{modificationTime: Date}}
* @private
this.metadata_ = {'modificationTime': this.file_.lastModifiedDate};
goog.inherits(goog.testing.fs.FileEntry, goog.testing.fs.Entry);
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.isFile = function() {
'use strict';
return true;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.isDirectory = function() {
'use strict';
return false;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.clone = function() {
'use strict';
return new goog.testing.fs.FileEntry(
this.getFileSystem(), this.parent, this.getName(),
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.getLastModified = function() {
'use strict';
return this.file().addCallback(function(file) {
'use strict';
return file.lastModifiedDate;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.getMetadata = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'getting metadata for ' + this.getFullPath();
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return this.metadata_;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.createWriter = function() {
'use strict';
const d = new goog.async.Deferred();
goog.bind(d.callback, d, new goog.testing.fs.FileWriter(this)));
return d;
/** @override */
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.file = function() {
'use strict';
const msg = 'getting file for ' + this.getFullPath();
return this.checkNotDeleted(msg).addCallback(function() {
'use strict';
return this.fileSync();
* Get the internal file representation synchronously, without waiting for a
* Deferred to resolve.
* @return {!goog.testing.fs.File} The internal file blob referenced by this
* FileEntry.
goog.testing.fs.FileEntry.prototype.fileSync = function() {
'use strict';
return this.file_;