* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Matchers to be used with the mock utilities. They allow for
* flexible matching by type. Custom matchers can be created by passing a
* matcher function into an ArgumentMatcher instance.
* For examples, please see the unit test.
* A simple interface for executing argument matching. A match in this case is
* testing to see if a supplied object fits a given criteria. True is returned
* if the given criteria is met.
* @param {Function=} opt_matchFn A function that evaluates a given argument
* and returns true if it meets a given criteria.
* @param {?string=} opt_matchName The name expressing intent as part of
* an error message for when a match fails.
* @constructor
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher = function(
opt_matchFn, opt_matchName) {
'use strict';
* A function that evaluates a given argument and returns true if it meets a
* given criteria.
* @type {Function}
* @private
this.matchFn_ = opt_matchFn || null;
* A string indicating the match intent (e.g. isBoolean or isString).
* @type {?string}
* @private
this.matchName_ = opt_matchName || null;
* A function that takes a match argument and an optional MockExpectation
* which (if provided) will get error information and returns whether or
* not it matches.
* @param {*} toVerify The argument that should be verified.
* @param {?goog.testing.MockExpectation=} opt_expectation The expectation
* for this match.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not a given argument passes verification.
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher.prototype.matches = function(
toVerify, opt_expectation) {
'use strict';
if (this.matchFn_) {
var isamatch = this.matchFn_(toVerify);
if (!isamatch && opt_expectation) {
if (this.matchName_) {
'Expected: ' + this.matchName_ + ' but was: ' +
} else {
'Expected: missing mockmatcher' +
' description but was: ' + _displayStringForValue(toVerify));
return isamatch;
} else {
throw new Error('No match function defined for this mock matcher');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is an instance of a given class.
* @param {Function} ctor The class that will be used for verification.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
* @final
goog.testing.mockmatchers.InstanceOf = function(ctor) {
'use strict';
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher.call(this, function(obj) {
'use strict';
return obj instanceof ctor;
// NOTE: Browser differences on ctor.toString() output
// make using that here problematic. So for now, just let
// people know the instanceOf() failed without providing
// browser specific details...
}, 'instanceOf()');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is of a given type (e.g. "object").
* @param {string} type The type that a given argument must have.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
* @final
goog.testing.mockmatchers.TypeOf = function(type) {
'use strict';
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher.call(this, function(obj) {
'use strict';
return goog.typeOf(obj) == type;
}, 'typeOf(' + type + ')');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument matches a given RegExp.
* @param {RegExp} regexp The regular expression that the argument must match.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
* @final
goog.testing.mockmatchers.RegexpMatch = function(regexp) {
'use strict';
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher.call(this, function(str) {
'use strict';
return regexp.test(str);
}, 'match(' + regexp + ')');
* A matcher that always returns true. It is useful when the user does not care
* for some arguments.
* For example: mockFunction('username', 'password', new IgnoreArgument());
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
* @final
goog.testing.mockmatchers.IgnoreArgument = function() {
'use strict';
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher.call(this, function() {
'use strict';
return true;
}, 'true');
* A matcher that verifies that the argument is an object that equals the given
* expected object, using a deep comparison.
* @param {Object} expectedObject An object to match against when
* verifying the argument.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ObjectEquals = function(expectedObject) {
'use strict';
/** @private */
this.expectedObject_ = expectedObject;
/** @override */
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ObjectEquals.prototype.matches = function(
toVerify, opt_expectation) {
'use strict';
// Override the default matches implementation to provide a custom error
// message to opt_expectation if it exists.
var differences =
goog.testing.asserts.findDifferences(this.expectedObject_, toVerify);
if (differences) {
if (opt_expectation) {
opt_expectation.addErrorMessage('Expected equal objects\n' + differences);
return false;
return true;
* A matcher that saves the argument that it is verifying so that your unit test
* can perform extra tests with this argument later. For example, if the
* argument is a callback method, the unit test can then later call this
* callback to test the asynchronous portion of the call.
* @param {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher|Function=} opt_matcher
* Argument matcher or matching function that will be used to validate the
* argument. By default, argument will always be valid.
* @param {?string=} opt_matchName The name expressing intent as part of
* an error message for when a match fails.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
* @final
goog.testing.mockmatchers.SaveArgument = function(opt_matcher, opt_matchName) {
'use strict';
this, /** @type {Function} */ (opt_matcher), opt_matchName);
* All saved arguments that were verified.
* @const {!Array<*>}
this.allArgs = [];
if (opt_matcher instanceof goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher) {
* Delegate match requests to this matcher.
* @type {goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
* @private
this.delegateMatcher_ = opt_matcher;
} else if (!opt_matcher) {
this.delegateMatcher_ = goog.testing.mockmatchers.ignoreArgument;
/** @override */
goog.testing.mockmatchers.SaveArgument.prototype.matches = function(
toVerify, opt_expectation) {
'use strict';
this.arg = toVerify;
if (this.delegateMatcher_) {
return this.delegateMatcher_.matches(toVerify, opt_expectation);
return goog.testing.mockmatchers.SaveArgument.superClass_.matches.call(
this, toVerify, opt_expectation);
* The last (or only) saved argument that was verified.
* @type {*}
* An instance of the IgnoreArgument matcher. Returns true for all matches.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.IgnoreArgument}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.ignoreArgument =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.IgnoreArgument();
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is an array.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isArray =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(Array.isArray, 'isArray');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is a array-like. A NodeList is an
* example of a collection that is very close to an array.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isArrayLike =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
goog.isArrayLike, 'isArrayLike');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is a date-like.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isDateLike =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
goog.isDateLike, 'isDateLike');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is a string.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isString =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
x => typeof x === 'string', 'isString');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is a boolean.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isBoolean =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
x => typeof x === 'boolean', 'isBoolean');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is a number.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isNumber =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
x => typeof x === 'number', 'isNumber');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is a function.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isFunction =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
x => typeof x === 'function', 'isFunction');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is an object.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isObject =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(goog.isObject, 'isObject');
* A matcher that verifies that an argument is like a DOM node.
* @type {!goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher}
goog.testing.mockmatchers.isNodeLike =
new goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher(
goog.dom.isNodeLike, 'isNodeLike');
* A function that checks to see if an array matches a given set of
* expectations. The expectations array can be a mix of ArgumentMatcher
* implementations and values. True will be returned if values are identical or
* if a matcher returns a positive result.
* @param {Array<?>} expectedArr An array of expectations which can be either
* values to check for equality or ArgumentMatchers.
* @param {Array<?>} arr The array to match.
* @param {goog.testing.MockExpectation?=} opt_expectation The expectation
* for this match.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the given array matches the expectations.
goog.testing.mockmatchers.flexibleArrayMatcher = function(
expectedArr, arr, opt_expectation) {
'use strict';
return goog.array.equals(expectedArr, arr, function(a, b) {
'use strict';
var errCount = 0;
if (opt_expectation) {
errCount = opt_expectation.getErrorMessageCount();
var isamatch = a === b ||
a instanceof goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher &&
a.matches(b, opt_expectation);
var failureMessage = null;
if (!isamatch) {
failureMessage = goog.testing.asserts.findDifferences(a, b);
isamatch = !failureMessage;
if (!isamatch && opt_expectation) {
// If the error count changed, the match sent out an error
// message. If the error count has not changed, then
// we need to send out an error message...
if (errCount == opt_expectation.getErrorMessageCount()) {
// Use the _displayStringForValue() from assert.js
// for consistency...
if (!failureMessage) {
failureMessage = 'Expected: ' + _displayStringForValue(a) +
' but was: ' + _displayStringForValue(b);
return isamatch;