* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Mock of IframeIo for unit testing.
* Mock implementation of goog.net.IframeIo. This doesn't provide a mock
* implementation for all cases, but it's not too hard to add them as needed.
* @param {goog.testing.TestQueue} testQueue Test queue for inserting test
* events.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.events.EventTarget}
* @final
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo = function(testQueue) {
'use strict';
* Queue of events write to
* @type {goog.testing.TestQueue}
* @private
this.testQueue_ = testQueue;
goog.inherits(goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo, goog.events.EventTarget);
* Whether MockIFrameIo is active.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.active_ = false;
* Last content.
* @type {string}
* @private
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.lastContent_ = '';
* Last error code.
* @type {goog.net.ErrorCode}
* @private
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.lastErrorCode_ =
* Last error message.
* @type {string}
* @private
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.lastError_ = '';
* Last custom error.
* @type {?Object}
* @private
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.lastCustomError_ = null;
* Last URI.
* @type {?goog.Uri}
* @private
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.lastUri_ = null;
/** @private {Function} */
/** @private {boolean} */
/** @private {boolean} */
* Simulates the iframe send.
* @param {goog.Uri|string} uri Uri of the request.
* @param {string=} opt_method Default is GET, POST uses a form to submit the
* request.
* @param {boolean=} opt_noCache Append a timestamp to the request to avoid
* caching.
* @param {Object|goog.structs.Map=} opt_data Map of key-value pairs.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.send = function(
uri, opt_method, opt_noCache, opt_data) {
'use strict';
if (this.active_) {
throw new Error('[goog.net.IframeIo] Unable to send, already active.');
this.testQueue_.enqueue(['s', uri, opt_method, opt_noCache, opt_data]);
this.complete_ = false;
this.active_ = true;
* Simulates the iframe send from a form.
* @param {Element} form Form element used to send the request to the server.
* @param {string=} opt_uri Uri to set for the destination of the request, by
* default the uri will come from the form.
* @param {boolean=} opt_noCache Append a timestamp to the request to avoid
* caching.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.sendFromForm = function(
form, opt_uri, opt_noCache) {
'use strict';
if (this.active_) {
throw new Error('[goog.net.IframeIo] Unable to send, already active.');
this.testQueue_.enqueue(['s', form, opt_uri, opt_noCache]);
this.complete_ = false;
this.active_ = true;
* Simulates aborting the current Iframe request.
* @param {goog.net.ErrorCode=} opt_failureCode Optional error code to use -
* defaults to ABORT.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.abort = function(opt_failureCode) {
'use strict';
if (this.active_) {
this.testQueue_.enqueue(['a', opt_failureCode]);
this.complete_ = false;
this.active_ = false;
this.success_ = false;
this.lastErrorCode_ = opt_failureCode || goog.net.ErrorCode.ABORT;
* Simulates receive of incremental data.
* @param {Object} data Data.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.simulateIncrementalData = function(
data) {
'use strict';
this.dispatchEvent(new goog.net.IframeIo.IncrementalDataEvent(data));
* Simulates the iframe is done.
* @param {goog.net.ErrorCode} errorCode The error code for any error that
* should be simulated.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.simulateDone = function(errorCode) {
'use strict';
if (errorCode) {
this.success_ = false;
this.lastErrorCode_ = goog.net.ErrorCode.HTTP_ERROR;
this.lastError_ = this.getLastError();
} else {
this.success_ = true;
this.lastErrorCode_ = goog.net.ErrorCode.NO_ERROR;
this.complete_ = true;
* Simulates the IFrame is ready for the next request.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.simulateReady = function() {
'use strict';
* @return {boolean} True if transfer is complete.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.isComplete = function() {
'use strict';
return this.complete_;
* @return {boolean} True if transfer was successful.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.isSuccess = function() {
'use strict';
return this.success_;
* @return {boolean} True if a transfer is in progress.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.isActive = function() {
'use strict';
return this.active_;
* Returns the last response text (i.e. the text content of the iframe).
* Assumes plain text!
* @return {string} Result from the server.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getResponseText = function() {
'use strict';
return this.lastContent_;
* Parses the content as JSON. This is a safe parse and may throw an error
* if the response is malformed.
* @return {!Object} The parsed content.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getResponseJson = function() {
'use strict';
return /** @type {!Object} */ (JSON.parse(this.lastContent_));
* Get the uri of the last request.
* @return {goog.Uri} Uri of last request.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getLastUri = function() {
'use strict';
return this.lastUri_;
* Gets the last error code.
* @return {goog.net.ErrorCode} Last error code.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getLastErrorCode = function() {
'use strict';
return this.lastErrorCode_;
* Gets the last error message.
* @return {string} Last error message.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getLastError = function() {
'use strict';
return goog.net.ErrorCode.getDebugMessage(this.lastErrorCode_);
* Gets the last custom error.
* @return {Object} Last custom error.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getLastCustomError = function() {
'use strict';
return this.lastCustomError_;
* Sets the callback function used to check if a loaded IFrame is in an error
* state.
* @param {Function} fn Callback that expects a document object as it's single
* argument.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.setErrorChecker = function(fn) {
'use strict';
this.errorChecker_ = fn;
* Gets the callback function used to check if a loaded IFrame is in an error
* state.
* @return {Function} A callback that expects a document object as it's single
* argument.
goog.testing.net.MockIFrameIo.prototype.getErrorChecker = function() {
'use strict';
return this.errorChecker_;