* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
const TagName = goog.require('goog.dom.TagName');
const dom = goog.require('goog.dom');
/** @suppress {extraRequire} */
const layoutasserts = goog.require('goog.testing.style.layoutasserts');
const style = goog.require('goog.style');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
let div1;
let div2;
const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 200;
const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 100;
setUp() {
div1 = dom.createDom(TagName.DIV, {
id: 'test',
className: 'test',
style: 'position:absolute;top:0;left:0;' +
'width:' + DEFAULT_WIDTH + 'px;' +
'height:' + DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 'px;' +
innerHTML: 'abc',
div2 = dom.createDom(TagName.DIV, {
id: 'test2',
className: 'test2',
style: 'position:absolute;' +
'top:0;left:0;' +
'width:' + DEFAULT_WIDTH + 'px;' +
'height:' + DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 'px;' +
innerHTML: 'abc',
tearDown() {
div1 = null;
div2 = null;
/** Tests assertIsVisible. */
testAssertIsVisible() {
// Exception should be thrown when asserting visibility.
assertThrows(goog.bind(assertIsVisible, null, null));
// Attach it to BODY tag and assert that it is visible.
assertIsVisible('Div should be visible.', div1);
// Tests with hidden element
style.setElementShown(div1, false /* display */);
// Exception should be thrown when asserting visibility.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertIsVisible, null, div1));
// Clean up.
/** Tests assertNotVisible. */
testAssertNotVisible() {
// Tests null as a parameter.
const element = null;
// Attach the element to BODY element, assert should fail.
// Exception should be thrown when asserting visibility.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertNotVisible, null, div1));
// Clean up.
/** Tests assertIsIntersect. */
testAssertIntersect() {
// No intersection
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 500, 500);
// Exception should be thrown when asserting intersection.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertIntersect, null, div1, div2));
assertNoIntersect(div1, div2);
// Some intersection
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 50, 50);
// Exception should be thrown when asserting no intersection.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertNoIntersect, null, div1, div2));
assertIntersect(div1, div2);
// Completely superimposed.
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 0, 0);
// Exception should be thrown when asserting no intersection.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertNoIntersect, null, div1, div2));
assertIntersect(div1, div2);
Tests assertWidth. @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable type
testAssertWidth() {
// Test correct width
assertWidth(div1, DEFAULT_WIDTH);
// Test wrong width
// Exception should be thrown when asserting no intersection.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertWidth, null, div1, 400));
// Test a valid tolerance value
assertWidthWithinTolerance(div1, 180, 20);
// Test exceeding tolerance value
// Exception should be thrown when element\'s width exceeds tolerance
goog.bind(assertWidthWithinTolerance, null, div1, 100, 0.1));
Tests assertHeight. @suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable
type checking
testAssertHeight() {
// Test correct height
assertHeight(div1, DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
// Test wrong height
goog.bind(assertHeightWithinTolerance, null, div1, 300, undefined, undefined));
// Test a valid tolerance value
assertHeightWithinTolerance(div1, 90, 10);
// Test exceeding tolerance value
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertHeight, null, div1, 50, 0.2));
/** Tests assertIsLeftOf. */
testAssertIsLeftOf() {
// Test elements of same size & location
// Exception should be thrown when elements intersect.,
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertIsLeftOf, null, div1, div2));
// Exception should be thrown when elements intersect.
goog.bind(assertIsStrictlyLeftOf, null, div1, div2));
// Test elements that are not left to right
style.setPosition(div1, 100, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 0, 0);
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertIsLeftOf, null, div1, div2));
// Exception should be thrown when elements are not left to right.
goog.bind(assertIsStrictlyLeftOf, null, div1, div2));
// Test elements that intersect, but is left to right
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 100, 0);
assertIsLeftOf(div1, div2);
// Exception should be thrown when elements are not left to right.
goog.bind(assertIsStrictlyLeftOf, null, div1, div2));
// Test elements that are strictly left to right
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 999, 0);
assertIsLeftOf(div1, div2);
assertIsStrictlyLeftOf(div1, div2);
/** Tests assertIsAbove. */
testAssertIsAbove() {
// Test elements of same size & location
// Exception should be thrown when elements are not left to right.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertIsAbove, null, div1, div2));
// Exception should be thrown when elements are not left to right.
goog.bind(assertIsStrictlyAbove, null, div1, div2));
// Test elements that are not top to bottom
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 999);
style.setPosition(div2, 0, 0);
// Exception should be thrown when elements are not top to bottom.
assertThrowsJsUnitException(goog.bind(assertIsAbove, null, div1, div2));
// Exception should be thrown when elements are not top to bottom.
goog.bind(assertIsStrictlyAbove, null, div1, div2));
// Test elements that intersect, but is top to bottom
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 0, 50);
assertIsAbove(div1, div2);
// Exception should be thrown when elements intersect.
goog.bind(assertIsStrictlyAbove, null, div1, div2));
// Test elements that are top to bottom
style.setPosition(div1, 0, 0);
style.setPosition(div2, 0, 999);
assertIsAbove(div1, div2);
assertIsStrictlyAbove(div1, div2);