* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview
* @suppress {missingRequire} Stubbing goog.net.XhrIo
const ArgumentMatcher = goog.require('goog.testing.mockmatchers.ArgumentMatcher');
const MockControl = goog.require('goog.testing.MockControl');
const NetXhrIo = goog.require('goog.testing.net.XhrIo');
const RichRemoteArrayMatcher = goog.require('goog.ui.ac.RichRemoteArrayMatcher');
/** @suppress {extraRequire} */
const XhrIo = goog.require('goog.net.XhrIo');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
const url = 'http://www.google.com';
const token = 'goog';
const maxMatches = 5;
const responseJsonText =
'[["type1", {"name":"eric"}, {"name":"larry"}, {"name":"sergey"}]]';
// This matcher is used to match the value used in the `matchHandler` callback
// in tests.
// The `RichRemoteArrayMatcher` takes in the parsed `responseJsonTest`
// above and augments each object within the array with methods that it defines.
// By default mocks do === comparison between the expected and actual value,
// so to avoid copying those method implementations into the test, we instead
// implement a matcher that checks to see that the value given to the callback
// is roughly what we expected it to be: an array whose objects have the names
// listed above.
// Effectively, this is structurally matching the following:
// [{name: 'eric'},{name:'larry'},{name:'sergey'}]
const ignoresRenderAndSelectMatcher = new ArgumentMatcher((arg) => {
if (!Array.isArray(arg)) {
return false;
return arg[0].name === 'eric' && arg[1].name === 'larry' &&
arg[2].name === 'sergey';
}, 'matchesType1');
let mockControl;
let mockMatchHandler;
* Callback for type1 responses.
* @param {string} response
* @return {string}
function type1(response) {
return response;
setUp() {
goog.net.XhrIo = /** @type {?} */ (NetXhrIo);
mockControl = new MockControl();
mockMatchHandler = mockControl.createFunctionMock();
@suppress {checkTypes,visibility,strictMissingProperties} suppression
added to enable type checking
testRequestMatchingRows() {
const matcher = new RichRemoteArrayMatcher(url);
mockMatchHandler(token, ignoresRenderAndSelectMatcher);
matcher.requestMatchingRows(token, maxMatches, mockMatchHandler);
matcher.xhr_.simulateResponse(200, responseJsonText);
@suppress {checkTypes,visibility,strictMissingProperties} suppression
added to enable type checking
testSetRowBuilder() {
const matcher = new RichRemoteArrayMatcher(url);
@suppress {checkTypes} suppression added to enable
type checking
(type, response) => {
assertEquals('type1', type);
return response;
mockMatchHandler(token, ignoresRenderAndSelectMatcher);
matcher.requestMatchingRows(token, maxMatches, mockMatchHandler);
matcher.xhr_.simulateResponse(200, responseJsonText);