* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview The default renderer for a goog.dom.DimensionPicker. A
* dimension picker allows the user to visually select a row and column count.
* It looks like a palette but in order to minimize DOM load it is rendered.
* using CSS background tiling instead of as a grid of nodes.
* Default renderer for {@link goog.ui.DimensionPicker}s. Renders the
* palette as two divs, one with the un-highlighted background, and one with the
* highlighted background.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.ui.ControlRenderer}
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer = function() {
'use strict';
/** @private {goog.a11y.aria.Announcer} */
this.announcer_ = new goog.a11y.aria.Announcer();
goog.inherits(goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer, goog.ui.ControlRenderer);
* Default CSS class to be applied to the root element of components rendered
* by this renderer.
* @type {string}
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.CSS_CLASS =
* Return the underlying div for the given outer element.
* @param {Element} element The root element.
* @return {Element} The underlying div.
* @private
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getUnderlyingDiv_ = function(
element) {
'use strict';
return /** @type {Element} */ (element.firstChild.childNodes[1]);
* Return the highlight div for the given outer element.
* @param {Element} element The root element.
* @return {Element} The highlight div.
* @private
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getHighlightDiv_ = function(element) {
'use strict';
return /** @type {Element} */ (element.firstChild.lastChild);
* Return the status message div for the given outer element.
* @param {Element} element The root element.
* @return {Element} The status message div.
* @private
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getStatusDiv_ = function(element) {
'use strict';
return /** @type {Element} */ (element.lastChild);
* Return the invisible mouse catching div for the given outer element.
* @param {Element} element The root element.
* @return {Element} The invisible mouse catching div.
* @private
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getMouseCatcher_ = function(element) {
'use strict';
return /** @type {Element} */ (element.firstChild.firstChild);
* Overrides {@link goog.ui.ControlRenderer#canDecorate} to allow decorating
* empty DIVs only.
* @param {Element} element The element to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether if the element is an empty div.
* @override
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.canDecorate = function(element) {
'use strict';
return element.tagName == goog.dom.TagName.DIV && !element.firstChild;
* Overrides {@link goog.ui.ControlRenderer#decorate} to decorate empty DIVs.
* @param {goog.ui.Control} control goog.ui.DimensionPicker to decorate.
* @param {Element} element The element to decorate.
* @return {Element} The decorated element.
* @override
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.decorate = function(
control, element) {
'use strict';
var palette = /** @type {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} */ (control);
this, palette, element);
this.addElementContents_(palette, element);
this.updateSize(palette, element);
return element;
* Scales various elements in order to update the palette's size.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The palette object.
* @param {Element} element The element to set the style of.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.updateSize = function(
palette, element) {
'use strict';
var size = palette.getSize();
element.style.width = size.width + 'em';
var underlyingDiv = this.getUnderlyingDiv_(element);
underlyingDiv.style.width = size.width + 'em';
underlyingDiv.style.height = size.height + 'em';
if (palette.isRightToLeft()) {
this.adjustParentDirection_(palette, element);
* Adds the appropriate content elements to the given outer DIV.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The palette object.
* @param {Element} element The element to decorate.
* @private
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.addElementContents_ = function(
palette, element) {
'use strict';
// First we create a single div containing three stacked divs. The bottom div
// catches mouse events. We can't use document level mouse move detection as
// we could lose events to iframes. This is especially important in Firefox 2
// in which TrogEdit creates iframes. The middle div uses a css tiled
// background image to represent deselected tiles. The top div uses a
// different css tiled background image to represent selected tiles.
var mouseCatcherDiv = palette.getDomHelper().createDom(
goog.getCssName(this.getCssClass(), 'mousecatcher'));
var unhighlightedDiv =
palette.getDomHelper().createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, {
'class': goog.getCssName(this.getCssClass(), 'unhighlighted'),
'style': 'width:100%;height:100%'
var highlightedDiv = palette.getDomHelper().createDom(
goog.dom.TagName.DIV, goog.getCssName(this.getCssClass(), 'highlighted'));
goog.dom.TagName.DIV, {
'style': 'width:100%;height:100%;touch-action:none;'
mouseCatcherDiv, unhighlightedDiv, highlightedDiv));
// Lastly we add a div to store the text version of the current state.
goog.dom.TagName.DIV, goog.getCssName(this.getCssClass(), 'status')));
* Creates a div and adds the appropriate contents to it.
* @param {goog.ui.Control} control Picker to render.
* @return {!Element} Root element for the palette.
* @override
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.createDom = function(control) {
'use strict';
var palette = /** @type {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} */ (control);
var classNames = this.getClassNames(palette);
// Hide the element from screen readers so they don't announce "1 of 1" for
// the perceived number of items in the palette.
var element = palette.getDomHelper().createDom(
{'class': classNames ? classNames.join(' ') : '', 'aria-hidden': 'true'});
this.addElementContents_(palette, element);
this.updateSize(palette, element);
return element;
* Initializes the control's DOM when the control enters the document. Called
* from {@link goog.ui.Control#enterDocument}.
* @param {goog.ui.Control} control Palette whose DOM is to be
* initialized as it enters the document.
* @override
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.initializeDom = function(control) {
'use strict';
var palette = /** @type {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} */ (control);
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.superClass_.initializeDom.call(this, palette);
// Make the displayed highlighted size match the dimension picker's value.
var highlightedSize = palette.getValue();
palette, highlightedSize.width, highlightedSize.height);
* Get the element to listen for mouse move events on.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The palette to listen on.
* @return {Element} The element to listen for mouse move events on.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getMouseMoveElement = function(
palette) {
'use strict';
return /** @type {Element} */ (palette.getElement().firstChild);
* Returns the x offset in to the grid for the given mouse x position.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The table size palette.
* @param {number} x The mouse event x position.
* @return {number} The x offset in to the grid.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getGridOffsetX = function(
palette, x) {
'use strict';
// TODO(robbyw): Don't rely on magic 18 - measure each palette's em size.
return Math.min(palette.maxColumns, Math.ceil(x / 18));
* Returns the y offset in to the grid for the given mouse y position.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The table size palette.
* @param {number} y The mouse event y position.
* @return {number} The y offset in to the grid.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getGridOffsetY = function(
palette, y) {
'use strict';
return Math.min(palette.maxRows, Math.ceil(y / 18));
* Sets the highlighted size. Does nothing if the palette hasn't been rendered.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The table size palette.
* @param {number} columns The number of columns to highlight.
* @param {number} rows The number of rows to highlight.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.setHighlightedSize = function(
palette, columns, rows) {
'use strict';
var element = palette.getElement();
// Can't update anything if DimensionPicker hasn't been rendered.
if (!element) {
// Style the highlight div.
var style = this.getHighlightDiv_(element).style;
style.width = columns + 'em';
style.height = rows + 'em';
// Explicitly set style.right so the element grows to the left when increase
// in width.
if (palette.isRightToLeft()) {
style.right = '0';
* @desc The dimension of the columns and rows currently selected in the
* dimension picker, as text that can be spoken by a screen reader.
'{$numCols} by {$numRows}',
{'numCols': String(columns), 'numRows': String(rows)});
// Update the size text.
goog.i18n.bidi.enforceLtrInText(columns + ' x ' + rows));
* Position the mouse catcher such that it receives mouse events past the
* selectedsize up to the maximum size. Takes care to not introduce scrollbars.
* Should be called on enter document and when the window changes size.
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The table size palette.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.positionMouseCatcher = function(
palette) {
'use strict';
var mouseCatcher = this.getMouseCatcher_(palette.getElement());
var doc = goog.dom.getOwnerDocument(mouseCatcher);
var body = doc.body;
var position = goog.style.getRelativePosition(mouseCatcher, body);
// Hide the mouse catcher so it doesn't affect the body's scroll size.
mouseCatcher.style.display = 'none';
// Compute the maximum size the catcher can be without introducing scrolling.
var xAvailableEm = (palette.isRightToLeft() && position.x > 0) ?
Math.floor(position.x / 18) :
Math.floor((body.scrollWidth - position.x) / 18);
// Computing available height is more complicated - we need to check the
// window's inner height.
var height;
if (goog.userAgent.IE) {
// Offset 20px to make up for scrollbar size.
height = goog.style.getClientViewportElement(body).scrollHeight - 20;
} else {
var win = goog.dom.getWindow(doc);
// Offset 20px to make up for scrollbar size.
height = Math.max(win.innerHeight, body.scrollHeight) - 20;
var yAvailableEm = Math.floor((height - position.y) / 18);
// Resize and display the mouse catcher.
mouseCatcher.style.width = Math.min(palette.maxColumns, xAvailableEm) + 'em';
mouseCatcher.style.height = Math.min(palette.maxRows, yAvailableEm) + 'em';
mouseCatcher.style.display = '';
// Explicitly set style.right so the mouse catcher is positioned on the left
// side instead of right.
if (palette.isRightToLeft()) {
mouseCatcher.style.right = '0';
* Returns the CSS class to be applied to the root element of components
* rendered using this renderer.
* @return {string} Renderer-specific CSS class.
* @override
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.getCssClass = function() {
'use strict';
return goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.CSS_CLASS;
* This function adjusts the positioning from 'left' and 'top' to 'right' and
* 'top' as appropriate for RTL control. This is so when the dimensionpicker
* grow in width, the containing element grow to the left instead of right.
* This won't be necessary if goog.ui.SubMenu rendering code would position RTL
* control with 'right' and 'top'.
* @private
* @param {goog.ui.DimensionPicker} palette The palette object.
* @param {Element} element The palette's element.
goog.ui.DimensionPickerRenderer.prototype.adjustParentDirection_ = function(
palette, element) {
'use strict';
var parent = palette.getParent();
if (parent) {
var parentElement = parent.getElement();
// Anchors the containing element to the right so it grows to the left
// when it increase in width.
var right = goog.style.getStyle(parentElement, 'right');
if (right == '') {
var parentPos = goog.style.getPosition(parentElement);
var parentSize = goog.style.getSize(parentElement);
if (parentSize.width != 0 && parentPos.x != 0) {
var visibleRect =
var visibleWidth = visibleRect.width;
right = visibleWidth - parentPos.x - parentSize.width;
goog.style.setStyle(parentElement, 'right', right + 'px');
// When a table is inserted, the containing elemet's position is
// recalculated the next time it shows, set left back to '' to prevent
// extra white space on the left.
var left = goog.style.getStyle(parentElement, 'left');
if (left != '') {
goog.style.setStyle(parentElement, 'left', '');
} else {
goog.style.setStyle(element, 'right', '0px');