* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @fileoverview Popup Emoji Picker implementation. This provides a UI widget
* for choosing an emoji from a grid of possible choices. The widget is a popup,
* so it is suitable for a toolbar, for instance the TrogEdit toolbar.
* @see ../demos/popupemojipicker.html for an example of how to instantiate
* an emoji picker.
* See goog.ui.emoji.EmojiPicker in emojipicker.js for more details.
* Based on goog.ui.PopupColorPicker (popupcolorpicker.js).
* @see ../../demos/popupemojipicker.html
* Constructs a popup emoji picker widget.
* @param {string} defaultImgUrl Url of the img that should be used to fill up
* the cells in the emoji table, to prevent jittering. Should be the same
* size as the emoji.
* @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper Optional DOM helper.
* @extends {goog.ui.Component}
* @constructor
* @final
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker = function(defaultImgUrl, opt_domHelper) {
'use strict';
goog.ui.Component.call(this, opt_domHelper);
this.emojiPicker_ =
new goog.ui.emoji.EmojiPicker(defaultImgUrl, opt_domHelper);
this.emojiPicker_, goog.ui.Component.EventType.ACTION,
goog.inherits(goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker, goog.ui.Component);
* Instance of an emoji picker control.
* @type {?goog.ui.emoji.EmojiPicker}
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.emojiPicker_ = null;
* Instance of goog.ui.Popup used to manage the behavior of the emoji picker.
* @type {?goog.ui.Popup}
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.popup_ = null;
* Reference to the element that triggered the last popup.
* @type {?Element}
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.lastTarget_ = null;
* Whether the emoji picker can accept focus.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.focusable_ = true;
* If true, then the emojipicker will toggle off if it is already visible.
* Default is true.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.toggleMode_ = true;
* Adds a group of emoji to the picker.
* @param {string|Element} title Title for the group.
* @param {Array<Array<?>>} emojiGroup A new group of emoji to be added. Each
* internal array contains [emojiUrl, emojiId].
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.addEmojiGroup = function(
title, emojiGroup) {
'use strict';
this.emojiPicker_.addEmojiGroup(title, emojiGroup);
* Sets whether the emoji picker should toggle if it is already open.
* @param {boolean} toggle The toggle mode to use.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setToggleMode = function(toggle) {
'use strict';
this.toggleMode_ = toggle;
* Gets whether the emojipicker is in toggle mode
* @return {boolean} toggle.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getToggleMode = function() {
'use strict';
return this.toggleMode_;
* Sets whether loading of images should be delayed until after dom creation.
* Thus, this function must be called before {@link #createDom}. If set to true,
* the client must call {@link #loadImages} when they wish the images to be
* loaded.
* @param {boolean} shouldDelay Whether to delay loading the images.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setDelayedLoad = function(
shouldDelay) {
'use strict';
if (this.emojiPicker_) {
* Sets whether the emoji picker can accept focus.
* @param {boolean} focusable Whether the emoji picker should accept focus.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setFocusable = function(focusable) {
'use strict';
this.focusable_ = focusable;
if (this.emojiPicker_) {
// TODO(user): In next revision sort the behavior of passing state to
// children correctly
* Sets the URL prefix for the emoji URLs.
* @param {string} urlPrefix Prefix that should be prepended to all URLs.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setUrlPrefix = function(urlPrefix) {
'use strict';
* Sets the location of the tabs in relation to the emoji grids. This should
* only be called before the picker has been rendered.
* @param {goog.ui.TabPane.TabLocation} tabLocation The location of the tabs.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setTabLocation = function(
tabLocation) {
'use strict';
* Sets the number of rows per grid in the emoji picker. This should only be
* called before the picker has been rendered.
* @param {number} numRows Number of rows per grid.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setNumRows = function(numRows) {
'use strict';
* Sets the number of columns per grid in the emoji picker. This should only be
* called before the picker has been rendered.
* @param {number} numCols Number of columns per grid.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setNumColumns = function(numCols) {
'use strict';
* Sets the progressive rendering aspect of this emojipicker. Must be called
* before createDom to have an effect.
* @param {boolean} progressive Whether the picker should render progressively.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setProgressiveRender = function(
progressive) {
'use strict';
if (this.emojiPicker_) {
* Returns the number of emoji groups in this picker.
* @return {number} The number of emoji groups in this picker.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getNumEmojiGroups = function() {
'use strict';
return this.emojiPicker_.getNumEmojiGroups();
* Causes the emoji imgs to be loaded into the picker. Used for delayed loading.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.loadImages = function() {
'use strict';
if (this.emojiPicker_) {
/** @override */
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.createDom = function() {
'use strict';
this.getElement().className = goog.getCssName('goog-ui-popupemojipicker');
/** @type {!Node} */ (this.emojiPicker_.getElement()));
this.popup_ = new goog.ui.Popup(this.getElement());
this.getElement().unselectable = 'on';
/** @override */
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.disposeInternal = function() {
'use strict';
this.emojiPicker_ = null;
this.lastTarget_ = null;
if (this.popup_) {
this.popup_ = null;
* Attaches the popup emoji picker to an element.
* @param {Element} element The element to attach to.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.attach = function(element) {
'use strict';
// TODO(user): standardize event type, popups should use MOUSEDOWN, but
// currently apps are using click.
this.getHandler().listen(element, goog.events.EventType.CLICK, this.show_);
* Detatches the popup emoji picker from an element.
* @param {Element} element The element to detach from.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.detach = function(element) {
'use strict';
this.getHandler().unlisten(element, goog.events.EventType.CLICK, this.show_);
* @return {goog.ui.emoji.EmojiPicker} The emoji picker instance.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getEmojiPicker = function() {
'use strict';
return this.emojiPicker_;
* Returns whether the Popup dismisses itself when the user clicks outside of
* it.
* @return {boolean} Whether the Popup autohides on an external click.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getAutoHide = function() {
'use strict';
return !!this.popup_ && this.popup_.getAutoHide();
* Sets whether the Popup dismisses itself when the user clicks outside of it -
* must be called after the Popup has been created (in createDom()),
* otherwise it does nothing.
* @param {boolean} autoHide Whether to autohide on an external click.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setAutoHide = function(autoHide) {
'use strict';
if (this.popup_) {
* Returns the region inside which the Popup dismisses itself when the user
* clicks, or null if it was not set. Null indicates the entire document is
* the autohide region.
* @return {Element} The DOM element for autohide, or null if it hasn't been
* set.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getAutoHideRegion = function() {
'use strict';
return this.popup_ && this.popup_.getAutoHideRegion();
* Sets the region inside which the Popup dismisses itself when the user
* clicks - must be called after the Popup has been created (in createDom()),
* otherwise it does nothing.
* @param {Element} element The DOM element for autohide.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.setAutoHideRegion = function(element) {
'use strict';
if (this.popup_) {
* Returns the {@link goog.ui.PopupBase} from this picker. Returns null if the
* popup has not yet been created.
* NOTE: This should *ONLY* be called from tests. If called before createDom(),
* this should return null.
* @return {goog.ui.PopupBase?} The popup, or null if it hasn't been created.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getPopup = function() {
'use strict';
return this.popup_;
* @return {Element} The last element that triggered the popup.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getLastTarget = function() {
'use strict';
return this.lastTarget_;
* @return {goog.ui.emoji.Emoji} The currently selected emoji.
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.getSelectedEmoji = function() {
'use strict';
return this.emojiPicker_.getSelectedEmoji();
* Handles click events on the element this picker is attached to and shows the
* emoji picker in a popup.
* @param {goog.events.BrowserEvent} e The browser event.
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.show_ = function(e) {
'use strict';
if (this.popup_.isOrWasRecentlyVisible() && this.toggleMode_ &&
this.lastTarget_ == e.currentTarget) {
this.lastTarget_ = /** @type {Element} */ (e.currentTarget);
new goog.positioning.AnchoredPosition(
this.lastTarget_, goog.positioning.Corner.BOTTOM_LEFT));
* Handles selection of an emoji.
* @param {goog.events.Event} e The event object.
* @private
goog.ui.emoji.PopupEmojiPicker.prototype.onEmojiPicked_ = function(e) {
'use strict';