
 * @license
 * Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

 * @fileoverview Provides the typeahead functionality for the tree class.



 * Constructs a TypeAhead object.
 * @constructor
 * @final
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead = function() {
  'use strict';
   * Map of tree nodes to allow for quick access by characters in the label
   * text.
   * @private {goog.structs.Trie<Array<goog.ui.tree.BaseNode>>}
  this.nodeMap_ = new goog.structs.Trie();

   * Buffer for storing typeahead characters.
   * @private {string}
  this.buffer_ = '';

   * Matching labels from the latest typeahead search.
   * @private {?Array<string>}
  this.matchingLabels_ = null;

   * Matching nodes from the latest typeahead search. Used when more than
   * one node is present with the same label text.
   * @private {?Array<?goog.ui.tree.BaseNode>}
  this.matchingNodes_ = null;

   * Specifies the current index of the label from the latest typeahead search.
   * @private {number}
  this.matchingLabelIndex_ = 0;

   * Specifies the index into matching nodes when more than one node is found
   * with the same label.
   * @private {number}
  this.matchingNodeIndex_ = 0;

 * Enum for offset values that are used for ctrl-key navigation among the
 * multiple matches of a given typeahead buffer.
 * @enum {number}
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.Offset = {
  DOWN: 1,
  UP: -1

 * Handles navigation keys.
 * @param {} e The browser event.
 * @return {boolean} The handled value.
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.handleNavigation = function(e) {
  'use strict';
  let handled = false;

  switch (e.keyCode) {
    // Handle ctrl+down, ctrl+up to navigate within typeahead results.
      if (e.ctrlKey) {
            e.keyCode == ?
                goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.Offset.DOWN :
        handled = true;

    // Remove the last typeahead char.
      const length = this.buffer_.length - 1;
      handled = true;
      if (length > 0) {
        this.buffer_ = this.buffer_.substring(0, length);
      } else if (length == 0) {
        // Clear the last character in typeahead.
        this.buffer_ = '';
      } else {
        handled = false;

    // Clear typeahead buffer.
      this.buffer_ = '';
      handled = true;

  return handled;

 * Handles the character presses.
 * @param {} e The browser event.
 *    Expected event type is
 * @return {boolean} The handled value.
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.handleTypeAheadChar = function(e) {
  'use strict';
  let handled = false;

  if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey) {
    // Since goog.structs.Trie.getKeys compares characters during
    // lookup, we should use charCode instead of keyCode where possible.
    // Convert to lowercase, typeahead is case insensitive.
    let ch = '';
    if (!!e.charCode) {
      ch = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode).toLowerCase();
    } else if ( {
      ch = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode).toLowerCase();
    if (ch && goog.string.isUnicodeChar(ch) && (ch != ' ' || this.buffer_)) {
      this.buffer_ += ch;
      handled = this.jumpToLabel_(this.buffer_);

  return handled;

 * Adds or updates the given node in the nodemap. The label text is used as a
 * key and the node id is used as a value. In the case that the key already
 * exists, such as when more than one node exists with the same label, then this
 * function creates an array to hold the multiple nodes.
 * @param {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} node Node to be added or updated.
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.setNodeInMap = function(node) {
  'use strict';
  let labelText = node.getText();
  if (labelText &&
      !goog.string.isEmptyOrWhitespace(goog.string.makeSafe(labelText))) {
    // Typeahead is case insensitive, convert to lowercase.
    labelText = labelText.toLowerCase();

    const previousValue = this.nodeMap_.get(labelText);
    if (previousValue) {
      // Found a previously created array, add the given node.
    } else {
      // Create a new array and set the array as value.
      const nodeList = [node];
      this.nodeMap_.set(labelText, nodeList);

 * Removes the given node from the nodemap.
 * @param {goog.ui.tree.BaseNode} node Node to be removed.
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.removeNodeFromMap = function(node) {
  'use strict';
  let labelText = node.getText();
  if (labelText &&
      !goog.string.isEmptyOrWhitespace(goog.string.makeSafe(labelText))) {
    labelText = labelText.toLowerCase();

    const nodeList = this.nodeMap_.get(labelText);
    if (nodeList) {
      // Remove the node's descendants from the nodemap.
      const count = node.getChildCount();
      for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      // Remove the node from the array.
      goog.array.remove(nodeList, node);
      if (!nodeList.length) {

 * Select the first matching node for the given typeahead.
 * @param {string} typeAhead Typeahead characters to match.
 * @return {boolean} True iff a node is found.
 * @private
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.jumpToLabel_ = function(typeAhead) {
  'use strict';
  let handled = false;
  const labels = this.nodeMap_.getKeys(typeAhead);

  // Make sure we have at least one matching label.
  if (labels && labels.length) {
    this.matchingNodeIndex_ = 0;
    this.matchingLabelIndex_ = 0;

    const nodes = this.nodeMap_.get(labels[0]);
    if ((handled = this.selectMatchingNode_(nodes))) {
      this.matchingLabels_ = labels;

  // TODO(annams): beep when no node is found
  return handled;

 * Select the next or previous node based on the offset.
 * @param {goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.Offset} offset DOWN or UP.
 * @return {boolean} Whether a node is found.
 * @private
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.jumpTo_ = function(offset) {
  'use strict';
  let handled = false;
  const labels = this.matchingLabels_;

  if (labels) {
    let nodes = null;
    let nodeIndexOutOfRange = false;

    // Navigate within the nodes array.
    if (this.matchingNodes_) {
      const newNodeIndex = this.matchingNodeIndex_ + offset;
      if (newNodeIndex >= 0 && newNodeIndex < this.matchingNodes_.length) {
        this.matchingNodeIndex_ = newNodeIndex;
        nodes = this.matchingNodes_;
      } else {
        nodeIndexOutOfRange = true;

    // Navigate to the next or previous label.
    if (!nodes) {
      const newLabelIndex = this.matchingLabelIndex_ + offset;
      if (newLabelIndex >= 0 && newLabelIndex < labels.length) {
        this.matchingLabelIndex_ = newLabelIndex;

      if (labels.length > this.matchingLabelIndex_) {
        nodes = this.nodeMap_.get(labels[this.matchingLabelIndex_]);

      // Handle the case where we are moving beyond the available nodes,
      // while going UP select the last item of multiple nodes with same label
      // and while going DOWN select the first item of next set of nodes
      if (nodes && nodes.length && nodeIndexOutOfRange) {
        this.matchingNodeIndex_ =
            (offset == goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.Offset.UP) ? nodes.length - 1 : 0;

    if ((handled = this.selectMatchingNode_(nodes))) {
      this.matchingLabels_ = labels;

  // TODO(annams): beep when no node is found
  return handled;

 * Given a nodes array reveals and selects the node while using node index.
 * @param {Array<goog.ui.tree.BaseNode>|undefined} nodes Nodes array to select
 *     the node from.
 * @return {boolean} Whether a matching node was found.
 * @private
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.selectMatchingNode_ = function(nodes) {
  'use strict';
  let node;

  if (nodes) {
    // Find the matching node.
    if (this.matchingNodeIndex_ < nodes.length) {
      node = nodes[this.matchingNodeIndex_];
      this.matchingNodes_ = nodes;

    if (node) {

  return !!node;

 * Clears the typeahead buffer.
goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead.prototype.clear = function() {
  'use strict';
  this.buffer_ = '';