* @license
* Copyright The Closure Library Authors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
const KeyCodes = goog.require('goog.events.KeyCodes');
const TreeControl = goog.require('goog.ui.tree.TreeControl');
const TypeAhead = goog.require('goog.ui.tree.TypeAhead');
const dom = goog.require('goog.dom');
const testSuite = goog.require('goog.testing.testSuite');
function makeATree() {
const tree = new TreeControl('root');
const testData = [
['level2', [['eve', []], ['eve2', [['eve4', []]]]]],
['level22', [['eve', []], ['eve3', []], ['eve5', []]]],
createTreeNodeFromTestData(tree, testData, 3);
return tree;
function createTreeNodeFromTestData(node, data, maxLevels) {
if (maxLevels < 0) {
const children = data[1];
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
const child = children[i];
const childNode = node.getTree().createNode('');
createTreeNodeFromTestData(childNode, child, maxLevels - 1);
/** Test jumpToLabel_ functionality. */
testJumpToLabel() {
const tree = makeATree();
const typeAhead = tree.typeAhead_;
// Test the case when only one matching entry exists.
let handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('level1');
let selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'level1');
// Test the case when more than one matching entry exists.
handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve');
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve');
const firstEveNode = selectedItem;
// Test the case when the matching entry is at a deeper level.
handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve3');
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve3');
const leafNode = selectedItem; // eve3 is a leaf
// Test the case after leaf node removal; ensure no node is picked.
handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve3');
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
// Test the case after duplicate node removal; ensure another node is
// picked.
handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve');
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve');
const secondEveNode = selectedItem;
// Test the case after all exact matching node removal.
handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve');
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve2');
const parentNode = selectedItem; // eve2 is a parent
// Test the case after prior parent node removal of node with similar
// prefix.
handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve');
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve5');
/** Test jumpTo_ functionality. */
testJumpTo() {
const tree = makeATree();
const typeAhead = tree.typeAhead_;
// Jump to the first matching 'eve', followed by Ctrl+DOWN to jump to
// second matching 'eve'
let handled = typeAhead.jumpToLabel_('eve') &&
let selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve');
// Simulate a DOWN key on the tree, now the selection should be on 'eve3'
const e = new Object();
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.keyCode = KeyCodes.DOWN;
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.preventDefault = () => {};
handled = tree.handleKeyEvent(e);
selectedItem = tree.getSelectedItem();
assertTrue(handled && selectedItem.getHtml() == 'eve3');
/** Test handleTypeAheadChar functionality. */
testHandleTypeAheadChar() {
const tree = makeATree();
const typeAhead = tree.typeAhead_;
const e = new Object();
// Period character('.'): keyCode = 190, charCode = 46
// String.fromCharCode(190) = '3/4' <-- incorrect
// String.fromCharCode(46) = '.' <-- correct
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.keyCode = KeyCodes.PERIOD;
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.charCode = 46;
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.preventDefault = () => {};
assertEquals('.', typeAhead.buffer_);
// charCode not supplied.
// This is expected to work only for alpha-num characters.
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.keyCode = KeyCodes.A;
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.charCode = undefined;
typeAhead.buffer_ = '';
assertEquals('a', typeAhead.buffer_);
// keyCodes should not be used for keys that produce non-printable chars.
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.keyCode = KeyCodes.F5;
* @suppress {strictMissingProperties} suppression added to enable type
* checking
e.charCode = 0;
typeAhead.buffer_ = '';
assertEquals('', typeAhead.buffer_);