* @license
* Copyright 2020 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Tests for create_closure_releases.ts.
import * as assert from 'assert';
import {clientImplementationsForTesting, createClosureReleases} from './create_closure_releases';
import {Change, GitClient} from './git_client';
import {GitHubClient} from './github_client';
/** The fake GitHub API token to use in tests. */
const FAKE_TOKEN = 'my-github-token';
/** The fake GitHub Release URL to use in tests. */
const FAKE_RELEASE_URL = 'http://my-github-release';
/** A fake rollback hash used in several tests. */
const FAKE_ROLLBACK_HASH = '0123456701234567012345670123456701234567';
* An interface that describes data needed to fake GitClient prototype methods.
interface FakeGitData {
/** A fake commit hash. */
hash: string;
/** A fake commit message. */
message: string;
/** A fake commit body. Omit as a shorthand for setting it to ''. */
body?: string;
/** The value of the 'version' property in package.json at a fake commit. */
pJsonVersion: string;
* A template tag that formats templated strings, under the
* release-body-specific assumptions that (1) there are no string substitutions
* and (2) a trailing newline is desired.
function stripIndentForReleaseBody(
strings: TemplateStringsArray, ...subs: unknown[]) {
assert.strictEqual(strings.length - 1, subs.length);
let output = '';
for (let i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
output += strings[i] + `${subs[i]}`;
output += strings[strings.length - 1];
return output.trimStart().split('\n').map(str => str.trim()).join('\n');
* Enable spies on GitClient and GitHub client, and provides fake data for
* these functions to return when they are called.
* @param fakeLatestReleaseHash The hash to return when
* GitHubClient#getLatestRelease is called.
* @param fakeGitCommits An array of objects that describe commit data returned
* by GitClient instance methods.
function spyOnClients(
fakeLatestReleaseHash: string, fakeGitCommits: FakeGitData[]) {
// Validate that no hashes are the same in `fakeGitCommits`.
new Set([...fakeGitCommits.map(x => x.hash)]).size,
// Add a `body` to objects that are missing it.
const gitCommits: Change[] =
fakeGitCommits.map(commit => Object.assign({body: ''}, commit));
// Make GitClient#listCommits list commits in `fakeGitCommits`.
spyOn(GitClient.prototype, 'listCommits').and.callFake(async ({from, to}) => {
assert.strictEqual(to, 'HEAD');
// + 1 because listCommits excludes `from`.
return gitCommits.slice(
gitCommits.findIndex(commit => commit.hash === from) + 1);
// Make GitClient#getFile return a minimal package.json with data from
// `fakeGitCommits`.
spyOn(GitClient.prototype, 'getFile')
.and.callFake(async (commitish, file) => {
assert.strictEqual(file, 'package.json');
const {pJsonVersion} =
fakeGitCommits.find(commit => commit.hash === commitish);
return JSON.stringify({version: pJsonVersion});
// Make GitHubClient#getLatestReleaseTag return `fakeLatestReleaseHash`.
spyOn(GitHubClient.prototype, 'getLatestReleaseTag')
// Make GitHubClient#getLatestRelease return `FAKE_RELEASE_URL`.
spyOn(GitHubClient.prototype, 'draftRelease')
describe('createClosureReleases', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// For capturing logs and preventing logspam.
spyOn(console, 'error');
// This isn't a real tested behavior of createClosureReleases, but it ensures
// that spying on client prototype methods in other tests is safe.
it('constructs exactly one instance of each client class', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
spyOn(clientImplementationsForTesting, 'GitClient').and.callThrough();
spyOn(clientImplementationsForTesting, 'GitHubClient').and.callThrough();
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
it('passes a Closure-library specific args and release token to GitHubClient',
async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
spyOn(clientImplementationsForTesting, 'GitHubClient').and.callThrough();
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
owner: 'google',
repo: 'closure-library',
userAgent: 'Google-Closure-Library',
token: FAKE_TOKEN,
it('creates a release with a correctly-formatted tag', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
{hash: '01', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '01',
body: 'No release notes.',
it('displays a URL to the drafted GitHub Notes', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
{hash: '01', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
`Drafted release for v20201010 at ${FAKE_RELEASE_URL}`);
it('creates one release per new version bump', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
{hash: '01', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
{hash: '02', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
{hash: '03', pJsonVersion: '20201011.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '01',
body: 'No release notes.',
name: 'Closure Library v20201011',
tagName: 'v20201011',
commit: '03',
body: 'No release notes.',
it(`doesn't create a release when there are no new commits found`,
async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
it('doesn\'t create a release when there are no version bumps found',
async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
{hash: '01', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
it('properly handles 3 types of RELNOTES', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: Stuff happened',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 2\nRELNOTES[NEW]: New API',
hash: '03',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 3\nRELNOTES[INC]: You are broken',
hash: '04',
pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0',
message: 'commit 4\nRELNOTES: A version bump',
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '04',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`
**New Additions**
* New API (02)
**Backwards Incompatible Changes**
* You are broken (03)
**Other Changes**
* Stuff happened (01)
* A version bump (04)
it('places multiple commits under the same release notes section',
async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES[NEW]: New API',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES[NEW]: Even newer API',
{hash: '03', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '03',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`
**New Additions**
* New API (01)
* Even newer API (02)
it('de-duplicates release notes with the same text and change type',
async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES[NEW]:Stuff happened',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES[NEW]: Stuff happened',
hash: '03',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES:Stuff happened',
hash: '04',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES: Stuff happened',
{hash: '05', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '05',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`
**New Additions**
* Stuff happened (01, 02)
**Other Changes**
* Stuff happened (03, 04)
it(`doesn't write valid rollback or rolled back release notes`, async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES[NEW]: Stuff happened',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: `Automated rollback of commit ${FAKE_ROLLBACK_HASH}.`,
{hash: '03', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '03',
body: 'No release notes.',
it('writes a release notes entry for invalid rollbacks under "Other Changes"',
async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: `Automated rollback of commit ${FAKE_ROLLBACK_HASH}.`,
{hash: '02', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '02',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`
**Other Changes**
* __TODO(user):__ Rollback of ${FAKE_ROLLBACK_HASH} (01)
it(`omits a rollback commit for an originally omitted change`, async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES: n/a',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: `Automated rollback of commit ${FAKE_ROLLBACK_HASH}.`,
{hash: '03', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '03',
body: 'No release notes.',
it('doesn\'t write headers for empty sections in release notes', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: Stuff happened',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 2\nRELNOTES[NEW]: New API',
{hash: '03', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '04',
pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0',
message: 'commit 3\nRELNOTES[INC]: You are broken',
{hash: '05', pJsonVersion: '20201011.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '03',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`
**New Additions**
* New API (02)
**Other Changes**
* Stuff happened (01)
name: 'Closure Library v20201011',
tagName: 'v20201011',
commit: '05',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`
**Backwards Incompatible Changes**
* You are broken (04)
it('ignores none or empty release notes', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES:',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: n/a',
hash: '03',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: na',
hash: '04',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: NA',
hash: '05',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: Na',
hash: '06',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: none',
hash: '07',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: NONE',
hash: '08',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1\nRELNOTES: NoNe',
{hash: '09', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '09',
body: 'No release notes.',
it('escapes GitHub Markdown', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES: *Stuff* #happened <div>',
hash: '02',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES: [Stuff] @happened _surely_',
hash: '03',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'RELNOTES: (Stuff) `happened`',
{hash: '04', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '04',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`**Other Changes**
* \\*Stuff\\* \\#happened \\<div\\> (01)
* \\[Stuff\\] \`@happened\` \\_surely\\_ (02)
* \\(Stuff\\) \`happened\` (03)
it('treats the commit body as part of the description', async () => {
spyOnClients('00', [
{hash: '00', pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0', message: ''},
hash: '01',
pJsonVersion: '20201009.0.0',
message: 'commit 1',
body: 'RELNOTES: Stuff happened'
{hash: '02', pJsonVersion: '20201010.0.0', message: ''},
await createClosureReleases(FAKE_TOKEN);
name: 'Closure Library v20201010',
tagName: 'v20201010',
commit: '02',
body: stripIndentForReleaseBody`**Other Changes**
* Stuff happened (01)