Name: google-java-format
Version: 1.17.0
Revision: d6b1bcc610a1aadfcbddaa22b9d3fbe1b4c429d7
License: Apache 2.0
License File: LICENSE
Security Critical: no
Shipped: no
google-java-format is a program that reformats Java source code to comply with
Google Java Style (
Local Modifications:
- Customized import order to match Chromium style guide.
To see changes: diff -ur originals local_modifications
Update instructions:
- Find latest version available via
- Update DEPS and the version in this README.chromium.
- Run gclient sync and verify locally that the formatter works:
1) Modify a Java file and including it in the patch
2) Run "git cl format"
3) Revert the Java file change
To update local modifications:
1) Create patch file:
diff -ur originals local_modifications > chromium.patch
2) Update source files:
curl -o originals/java/com/google/googlejavaformat/java/ ''
curl -o local_modifications/java/com/google/googlejavaformat/java/ ''
(cd local_modifications && patch -p1 < ../chromium.patch && rm ../chromium.patch)
3) Rebuild chromium-overrides.jar: