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* @fileoverview The canvas that handles gesture typing for inputview.
goog.scope(function() {
var Css = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.Css;
var ElementType = i18n.input.chrome.ElementType;
var GestureStroke = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.elements.content.GestureStroke;
var Point = i18n.input.chrome.inputview.elements.content.Point;
var TagName = goog.dom.TagName;
* The gesture canvas view.
* This view is used to display the strokes for gesture typing, and handles
* stroke lifetime management and rendering logic.
* @param {goog.events.EventTarget=} opt_eventTarget The parent event target.
* @constructor
* @extends {i18n.input.chrome.inputview.elements.Element}
i18n.input.chrome.inputview.elements.content.GestureCanvasView =
function(opt_eventTarget) {
GestureCanvasView.base(this, 'constructor', '',
ElementType.GESTURE_CANVAS_VIEW, opt_eventTarget);
* Flag used to indicate whether or not gesturing is currently occuring.
* @type {boolean}
this.isGesturing = false;
* Actual canvas for drawing the gesture trail.
* @private {!Element}
* Context for drawing the gesture trail.
* @private {!CanvasRenderingContext2D}
* A list of list of gesture points to be rendered on the canvas as strokes.
* @private {!Array<!GestureStroke>}
this.strokeList_ = [];
var GestureCanvasView =
goog.inherits(GestureCanvasView, i18n.input.chrome.inputview.elements.Element);
* Draws the gesture trail.
* @private
GestureCanvasView.prototype.draw_ = function() {
// First, clear the canvas.
0, 0, this.drawingCanvas_.width, this.drawingCanvas_.height);
for (var i = 0; i < this.strokeList_.length; i++) {
/** @override */
GestureCanvasView.prototype.createDom = function() {
GestureCanvasView.base(this, 'createDom');
var dom = this.getDomHelper();
var elem = this.getElement();
goog.dom.classlist.add(elem, Css.GESTURE_CANVAS_VIEW);
// Create the HTML5 canvas where the gesture trail is actually rendered.
this.drawingCanvas_ = dom.createDom(TagName.CANVAS, Css.DRAWING_CANVAS);
this.drawingContext_ = this.drawingCanvas_.getContext('2d');
dom.appendChild(elem, this.drawingCanvas_);
/** @override */
GestureCanvasView.prototype.resize = function(width, height) {
GestureCanvasView.base(this, 'resize', width, height);
// Explicitly set the width and height of the canvas, which is necessary
// to ensure that rendered elements are not stretched.
this.drawingCanvas_.width = width;
this.drawingCanvas_.height = height;
* Converts a drag event to a gesture Point and adds it to the collection of
* points.
* @param {!i18n.input.chrome.inputview.events.DragEvent} e Drag event to draw.
GestureCanvasView.prototype.addPoint = function(e) {
// Check if the last stroke was active before this point in order to determine
// if the user is gesturing. Only check the last stroke and not all the
// strokes because all previous strokes might be rendering/degrading, but that
// does not determine if the user is currently gesturing.
var wasActive = this.latestStrokeActive_();
if (this.strokeList_.length == 0) {
this.strokeList_.push(new GestureStroke());
var lastStroke = this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1];
if (lastStroke.length() > 0 && !this.isActiveIdentifier(e.identifier)) {
// Should only add new points with the same identifier. This ignores pointer
// events created by, say, a second finger interacting with the screen while
// an existing gesture is going on.
// If the new point |e| activated the last stroke, set gesturing to true.
if (!wasActive && this.latestStrokeActive_()) {
this.isGesturing = true;
* Clears the view.
GestureCanvasView.prototype.clear = function() {
this.strokeList_ = [];
* @return {boolean} Whether or not the last stroke is active.
* @private
GestureCanvasView.prototype.latestStrokeActive_ = function() {
if (this.strokeList_.length == 0) {
return false;
return this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1].isActive();
* Begins a new gesture.
* @param {!i18n.input.chrome.inputview.events.PointerEvent} e Drag event to
* draw.
GestureCanvasView.prototype.startStroke = function(e) {
// If there is currently a stroke and it does not match the identifier of this
// new point, then ignore this call. This is to prevent a second finger from
// interrupting an existing stroke.
if (this.strokeList_.length > 0 && !this.isActiveIdentifier(e.identifier)) {
// Always start a new array to separate previous strokes from this new one.
this.strokeList_.push(new GestureStroke());
var point = this.createGesturePoint_(e);
point.action = Point.Action.DOWN;
// TODO(stevet): This line is a NOP since createGesturePoint_ already assigns
// the pointer value, but it must be called to prevent closure from optimizing
// out the pointer member. This needs to be fixed to use the true pointer ID
// of e.
point.pointer = 0;
this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1].pushPoint(point);
* Ends the current gesture.
* @param {!i18n.input.chrome.inputview.events.PointerEvent} e Final pointer
* event to handle.
GestureCanvasView.prototype.endStroke = function(e) {
// TODO(stevet): Ensure that this gets called even when the final touch event
// is not on the client.
// Ignore points that do not have the same identifier.
if (e.identifier !=
this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1].getIdentifierAt(0)) {
// Send the final event.
var point = this.createGesturePoint_(e);
point.action = Point.Action.UP;
this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1].pushPoint(point);
this.isGesturing = false;
* Returns the last stroke, or null if there are currently no strokes.
* @return {?GestureStroke}
GestureCanvasView.prototype.getLastStroke = function() {
if (this.strokeList_.length == 0) {
return null;
return this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1];
* @param {number} identifier The identifier to check.
* @return {boolean} Whether or not identifier is the same as the identifier of
* the current active stroke.
GestureCanvasView.prototype.isActiveIdentifier = function(identifier) {
return identifier == this.strokeList_[this.strokeList_.length - 1]
* Removes only empty strokes from the stroke list.
GestureCanvasView.prototype.removeEmptyStrokes = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.strokeList_.length; i++) {
if (this.strokeList_[i].isDegraded()) {
this.strokeList_.splice(i, 1);
* Animates the gesture trail.
* @private
GestureCanvasView.prototype.animateGestureTrail_ = function() {
// TODO(stevet): Currently these two methods assume callback at 60fps. They
// should technically be modified to re-draw and update based on the actual
// time passed.
* Returns a gesture point for a given event, with the correct coordinates.
* @param {!i18n.input.chrome.inputview.events.DragEvent|
* i18n.input.chrome.inputview.events.PointerEvent} e The event to
* convert.
* @return {!Point} The converted gesture point.
* @private
GestureCanvasView.prototype.createGesturePoint_ = function(e) {
var offset = goog.style.getPageOffset(this.drawingCanvas_);
return new Point(e.x - offset.x, e.y - offset.y, e.identifier);
* Degrades the ttl of the points in all gesture strokes.
* @private
GestureCanvasView.prototype.degradeStrokes_ = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.strokeList_.length; i++) {
}); // goog.scope