
% title: Hyphenation patterns for Ukrainian
% copyright: Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Maksym Polyakov
% notice: This file is part of the hyph-utf8 package.
%     See for more information.
% language:
%     name: Ukrainian
%     tag: uk
% version: 2001/05/10
% authors:
%   -
%     name: Maksym Polyakov
%     contact: polyama (at), mpoliak (at)
% licence:
%     - This file is available under any of the following licences:
%     -
%         name: MIT
%         url:
%     -
%         name: LPPL
%         url:
% hyphenmins:
%     typesetting:
%         left: 2
%         right: 2
% texlive:
%     encoding: t2a
%     babelname: ukrainian
%     use_old_patterns_comment: The old system allows choosing patterns and encodings manually. That mechanism needs to be implemented first in this package, so we still fall back on old system.
%     legacy_patterns: ukrhyph.tex
%     message: Ukrainian hyphenation patterns
%     description: |-
%         Hyphenation patterns for Ukrainian in T2A and UTF-8 encodings.
%         For 8-bit engines, the 'ukrhyph' package provides a number of
%         different pattern sets, as well as different (8-bit) encodings, that
%         can be chosen at format-generation time.  The UTF-8 version only
%         provides the default pattern set.  A mechanism similar to the one used
%         for 8-bit patterns may be implemented in the future.