// This file is generated by TypeBuilder_cpp.template.
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include {{format_domain_include(config.protocol.package, domain.domain)}}
#include {{format_include(config.protocol.package, "Protocol")}}
#include "{{config.crdtp.dir}}/cbor.h"
#include "{{config.crdtp.dir}}/find_by_first.h"
#include "{{config.crdtp.dir}}/span.h"
{% for namespace in config.protocol.namespace %}
namespace {{namespace}} {
{% endfor %}
namespace {{domain.domain}} {
using {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::DeserializerState;
using {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::ProtocolTypeTraits;
// ------------- Enum values from types.
const char Metainfo::domainName[] = "{{domain.domain}}";
const char Metainfo::commandPrefix[] = "{{domain.domain}}.";
const char Metainfo::version[] = "{{domain.version}}";
{% for type in domain.types %}
{% if not protocol.generate_type(domain.domain, type.id) %}{% continue %} {% endif %}
{% if "enum" in type %}
namespace {{type.id}}Enum {
{% for literal in type.enum %}
const char {{ literal | dash_to_camelcase}}[] = "{{literal}}";
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{type.id}}Enum
{% if protocol.is_exported(domain.domain, type.id) %}
namespace API {
namespace {{type.id}}Enum {
{% for literal in type.enum %}
const char* {{ literal | dash_to_camelcase}} = "{{literal}}";
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{type.id}}Enum
} // namespace API
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% for property in type.properties %}
{% if "enum" in property %}
{% for literal in property.enum %}
const char* {{type.id}}::{{property.name | to_title_case}}Enum::{{literal | dash_to_camelcase}} = "{{literal}}";
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not (type.type == "object") or not ("properties" in type) %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% for property in type.properties | sort(attribute = 'name', case_sensitive=True) %}
{% if property.optional %}
CRDTP_DESERIALIZE_FIELD_OPT("{{property.name}}", m_{{property.name}}),
{% else %}
CRDTP_DESERIALIZE_FIELD("{{property.name}}", m_{{property.name}}),
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for property in type.properties %}
CRDTP_SERIALIZE_FIELD("{{property.name}}", m_{{property.name}});
{% endfor %}
{% if protocol.is_exported(domain.domain, type.id) %}
// static
std::unique_ptr<API::{{type.id}}> API::{{type.id}}::fromBinary(const uint8_t* data, size_t length)
return protocol::{{domain.domain}}::{{type.id}}::FromBinary(data, length);
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
// ------------- Enum values from params.
{% for command in join_arrays(domain, ["commands", "events"]) %}
{% for param in join_arrays(command, ["parameters", "returns"]) %}
{% if "enum" in param %}
namespace {{command.name | to_title_case}} {
namespace {{param.name | to_title_case}}Enum {
{% for literal in param.enum %}
const char* {{ literal | to_title_case}} = "{{literal}}";
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{param.name | to_title_case}}Enum
} // namespace {{command.name | to_title_case }}
{% if protocol.is_exported(domain.domain, command.name + "." + param.name) %}
namespace API {
namespace {{command.name | to_title_case}} {
namespace {{param.name | to_title_case}}Enum {
{% for literal in param.enum %}
const char* {{ literal | to_title_case}} = "{{literal}}";
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{param.name | to_title_case}}Enum
} // namespace {{command.name | to_title_case }}
} // namespace API
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
// ------------- Frontend notifications.
{% for event in domain.events %}
{% if not protocol.generate_event(domain.domain, event.name) %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
void Frontend::{{event.name | to_method_case}}(
{%- for parameter in event.parameters %}
{% if "optional" in parameter -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif %} {{parameter.name}}{%- if not loop.last -%}, {% endif -%}
{% endfor -%})
if (!frontend_channel_)
{% if event.parameters %}
{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::ObjectSerializer serializer;
{% for parameter in event.parameters %}
serializer.AddField({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::MakeSpan("{{parameter.name}}"), {{parameter.name}});
{% endfor %}
frontend_channel_->SendProtocolNotification({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::CreateNotification("{{domain.domain}}.{{event.name}}", serializer.Finish()));
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
void Frontend::flush()
void Frontend::sendRawNotification(std::unique_ptr<Serializable> notification)
// --------------------- Dispatcher.
class DomainDispatcherImpl : public protocol::DomainDispatcher {
DomainDispatcherImpl(FrontendChannel* frontendChannel, Backend* backend)
: DomainDispatcher(frontendChannel)
, m_backend(backend) {}
~DomainDispatcherImpl() override { }
using CallHandler = void (DomainDispatcherImpl::*)(const {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Dispatchable& dispatchable);
std::function<void(const {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Dispatchable&)> Dispatch({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t> command_name) override;
{% for command in domain.commands %}
{% if "redirect" in command %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if not protocol.generate_command(domain.domain, command.name) %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
void {{command.name}}(const {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Dispatchable& dispatchable);
{% endfor %}
Backend* m_backend;
namespace {
// This helper method with a static map of command methods (instance methods
// of DomainDispatcherImpl declared just above) by their name is used immediately below,
// in the DomainDispatcherImpl::Dispatch method.
DomainDispatcherImpl::CallHandler CommandByName({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t> command_name) {
static auto* commands = [](){
auto* commands = new std::vector<std::pair<{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t>,
{% for command in domain.commands|sort(attribute="name",case_sensitive=True) %}
{% if "redirect" in command %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if not protocol.generate_command(domain.domain, command.name) %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
return commands;
return {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::FindByFirst<DomainDispatcherImpl::CallHandler>(*commands, command_name, nullptr);
} // namespace
std::function<void(const {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Dispatchable&)> DomainDispatcherImpl::Dispatch({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t> command_name) {
CallHandler handler = CommandByName(command_name);
if (!handler) return nullptr;
return [this, handler](const {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Dispatchable& dispatchable) {
{% for command in domain.commands %}
{% set command_name_title = command.name | to_title_case %}
{% if "redirect" in command %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if not protocol.generate_command(domain.domain, command.name) %}{% continue %}{% endif %}
{% if protocol.is_async_command(domain.domain, command.name) %}
class {{command_name_title}}CallbackImpl : public Backend::{{command_name_title}}Callback, public DomainDispatcher::Callback {
{{command_name_title}}CallbackImpl(std::unique_ptr<DomainDispatcher::WeakPtr> backendImpl, int callId, {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t> message)
: DomainDispatcher::Callback(std::move(backendImpl), callId,
{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::SpanFrom("{{domain.domain}}.{{command.name}}"), message) { }
void sendSuccess(
{%- for parameter in command.returns -%}
{%- if "optional" in parameter -%}
Maybe<{{protocol.resolve_type(parameter).raw_type}}> {{parameter.name}}
{%- else -%}
{{protocol.resolve_type(parameter).pass_type}} {{parameter.name}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if not loop.last -%}, {% endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}) override
{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::ObjectSerializer serializer;
{% for parameter in command.returns %}
serializer.AddField({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::MakeSpan("{{parameter.name}}"), {{parameter.name}});
{% endfor %}
sendIfActive(serializer.Finish(), DispatchResponse::Success());
void fallThrough() override
void sendFailure(const DispatchResponse& response) override
sendIfActive(nullptr, response);
{% endif %}
namespace {
{% if "parameters" in command %}
struct {{command.name}}Params : public {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::DeserializableProtocolObject<{{command.name}}Params> {
{% for parameter in command.parameters %}
{% set parameter_type = protocol.resolve_type(parameter) %}
{% if parameter.optional %}
Maybe<{{parameter_type.raw_type}}> {{parameter.name}};
{% else %}
{{parameter_type.type}} {{parameter.name}};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for parameter in command.parameters | sort(attribute = 'name', case_sensitive=True) %}
{% if parameter.optional %}
CRDTP_DESERIALIZE_FIELD_OPT("{{parameter.name}}", {{parameter.name}}),
{% else %}
CRDTP_DESERIALIZE_FIELD("{{parameter.name}}", {{parameter.name}}),
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
} // namespace
void DomainDispatcherImpl::{{command.name}}(const {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Dispatchable& dispatchable)
// Prepare input parameters.
{% if "parameters" in command %}
auto deserializer = {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::DeferredMessage::FromSpan(dispatchable.Params())->MakeDeserializer();
{{command.name}}Params params;
if (!{{command.name}}Params::Deserialize(&deserializer, ¶ms)) {
ReportInvalidParams(dispatchable, deserializer);
{% endif -%}
{% if "returns" in command and not protocol.is_async_command(domain.domain, command.name) %}
// Declare output parameters.
{% for parameter in command.returns %}
{% if "optional" in parameter %}
Maybe<{{protocol.resolve_type(parameter).raw_type}}> out_{{parameter.name}};
{% else %}
{{protocol.resolve_type(parameter).type}} out_{{parameter.name}};
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if not protocol.is_async_command(domain.domain, command.name) %}
std::unique_ptr<DomainDispatcher::WeakPtr> weak = weakPtr();
DispatchResponse response = m_backend->{{command.name | to_method_case}}(
{%- for parameter in command.parameters -%}
{%- if not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
{%- if "optional" in parameter -%}
{%- else -%}
{{protocol.resolve_type(parameter).to_pass_type % ("params." + parameter.name)}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if "returns" in command %}
{%- for parameter in command.returns -%}
{%- if not loop.first or command.parameters -%}, {% endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
{% endif %});
if (response.IsFallThrough()) {
channel()->FallThrough(dispatchable.CallId(), {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::SpanFrom("{{domain.domain}}.{{command.name}}"), dispatchable.Serialized());
{% if "returns" in command %}
if (weak->get()) {
std::unique_ptr<{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::Serializable> result;
if (response.IsSuccess()) {
{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::ObjectSerializer serializer;
{% for parameter in command.returns %}
serializer.AddField({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::MakeSpan("{{parameter.name}}"), out_{{parameter.name}});
{% endfor %}
result = serializer.Finish();
} else {
result = Serializable::From({});
weak->get()->sendResponse(dispatchable.CallId(), response, std::move(result));
{% else %}
if (weak->get())
weak->get()->sendResponse(dispatchable.CallId(), response);
{% endif %}
{% else %}
m_backend->{{command.name | to_method_case}}(
{%- for property in command.parameters -%}
{%- if not loop.first -%}, {% endif -%}
{%- if "optional" in property -%}
{%- else -%}
{{protocol.resolve_type(property).to_pass_type % ("params." + property.name)}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if command.parameters -%}, {% endif -%}
std::make_unique<{{command_name_title}}CallbackImpl>(weakPtr(), dispatchable.CallId(), dispatchable.Serialized()));
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
namespace {
// This helper method (with a static map of redirects) is used from Dispatcher::wire
// immediately below.
const std::vector<std::pair<{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t>, {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t>>>& SortedRedirects() {
static auto* redirects = [](){
auto* redirects = new std::vector<std::pair<{{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t>, {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::span<uint8_t>>>{
{% for command in domain.commands|sort(attribute="name",case_sensitive=True) %}
{% if "redirect" in command %}
{ {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::SpanFrom("{{domain.domain}}.{{command.name}}"), {{config.crdtp.namespace}}::SpanFrom("{{command.redirect}}.{{command.name}}") },
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
return redirects;
return *redirects;
} // namespace
// static
void Dispatcher::wire(UberDispatcher* uber, Backend* backend)
auto dispatcher = std::make_unique<DomainDispatcherImpl>(uber->channel(), backend);
uber->WireBackend({{config.crdtp.namespace}}::SpanFrom("{{domain.domain}}"), SortedRedirects(), std::move(dispatcher));
} // {{domain.domain}}
{% for namespace in config.protocol.namespace %}
} // namespace {{namespace}}
{% endfor %}