# Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import java_types
import common
class _Context:
def __init__(self, jni_obj, gen_jni_class, script_name, per_file_natives):
self.jni_obj = jni_obj
self.gen_jni_class = gen_jni_class
self.script_name = script_name
self.per_file_natives = per_file_natives
self.interface_name = jni_obj.proxy_interface.name_with_dots
self.proxy_class = java_types.JavaClass(
self.type_resolver = java_types.TypeResolver(self.proxy_class)
self.type_resolver.imports = jni_obj.GetClassesToBeImported()
def _implicit_array_class_param(native, type_resolver):
return_type = native.return_type
class_name = return_type.to_array_element_type().to_java(type_resolver)
return class_name + '.class'
def _proxy_method(sb, ctx, native, method_fqn):
return_type_str = native.return_type.to_java(ctx.type_resolver)
sig_params = native.params.to_java_declaration(ctx.type_resolver)
public {return_type_str} {native.name}({sig_params})""")
with sb.block():
if native.first_param_cpp_type:
sb(f'assert {native.params[0].name} != 0;\n')
for p in native.params:
if not p.java_type.nullable:
sb(f'assert {p.name} != null;\n')
with sb.statement():
if not native.return_type.is_void():
sb(f'return ({return_type_str}) ')
with sb.param_list() as plist:
plist.extend(p.name for p in native.params)
if native.needs_implicit_array_element_class_param:
plist.append(_implicit_array_class_param(native, ctx.type_resolver))
def _native_method(sb, native, method_fqn):
params = native.proxy_params.to_java_declaration()
return_type = native.proxy_return_type.to_java()
sb(f'private static native {return_type} {method_fqn}({params});\n')
def _get_method(sb, ctx):
sb(f'\npublic static {ctx.interface_name} get()')
with sb.block():
if not ctx.per_file_natives:
if ({ctx.gen_jni_class.name}.TESTING_ENABLED) {{
if (testInstance != null) {{
return testInstance;
if ({ctx.gen_jni_class.name}.REQUIRE_MOCK) {{
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"No mock found for the native implementation of {ctx.interface_name}. "
+ "The current configuration requires implementations be mocked.");
return new {ctx.proxy_class.name}();
def _class_body(sb, ctx):
private static {ctx.interface_name} testInstance;
public static final JniStaticTestMocker<{ctx.interface_name}> TEST_HOOKS =
new JniStaticTestMocker<{ctx.interface_name}>()""")
with sb.block(end='};\n'):
public void setInstanceForTesting({ctx.interface_name} instance)""")
with sb.block():
if not ctx.per_file_natives:
if (!{ctx.gen_jni_class.name}.TESTING_ENABLED) {{
throw new RuntimeException(
"Tried to set a JNI mock when mocks aren't enabled!");
sb('testInstance = instance;\n')
for native in ctx.jni_obj.proxy_natives:
if ctx.per_file_natives:
method_fqn = f'native{common.capitalize(native.name)}'
method_fqn = f'{ctx.gen_jni_class.name}.{native.proxy_name}'
_proxy_method(sb, ctx, native, method_fqn)
if ctx.per_file_natives:
_native_method(sb, native, method_fqn)
_get_method(sb, ctx)
def _imports(sb, ctx):
classes = {
if not ctx.per_file_natives:
for c in ctx.type_resolver.imports:
# Since this is pure Java, the class generated here will go through jarjar
# and thus we want to avoid prefixes.
c = c.class_without_prefix
if c.is_nested:
# We will refer to all nested classes by OuterClass.InnerClass. We do this
# to reduce risk of naming collisions.
c = c.get_outer_class()
for c in sorted(classes):
sb(f'import {c};\n')
def Generate(jni_obj, *, gen_jni_class, script_name, per_file_natives=False):
ctx = _Context(jni_obj, gen_jni_class, script_name, per_file_natives)
sb = common.StringBuilder()
// This file was generated by {script_name}
package {jni_obj.java_class.class_without_prefix.package_with_dots};
_imports(sb, ctx)
visibility = 'public ' if jni_obj.proxy_visibility == 'public' else ''
class_name = ctx.proxy_class.name
if not per_file_natives:
sb(f'{visibility}class {class_name} implements {ctx.interface_name}')
with sb.block():
_class_body(sb, ctx)
return sb.to_string()