
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package J;

// This file is autogenerated by
//     third_party/jni_zero/
// Please do not change its content.

public class N {

      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_bar
    public static native Object M$zHpGqF(Object sample);
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_foo
    public static native void MFxD5gzE();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_hasPhalange
    public static native boolean Mts1shVs();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnClass
    public static native Object MHC2XaYW();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnClasses
    public static native Object MPl4TY3m();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnConvertedAppObjects
    public static native Object MbcaLfAT(Class __arrayClazz);
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnConvertedInts
    public static native Object MrxydxEH();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnConvertedString
    public static native Object MaQxW6t6();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnConvertedStrings
    public static native Object M8wEusw1();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnObject
    public static native Object MpVxNDSC();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnObjects
    public static native Object M7jE3q3$();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnString
    public static native Object MHY_jLL4();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnStrings
    public static native Object MF8oFFVb();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnStruct
    public static native Object Mq7V3oMs();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnStructs
    public static native Object MRdQpdMz();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnThrowable
    public static native Object M6SdcGCv();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_returnThrowables
    public static native Object Mnt3ot24();
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_revString
    public static native Object Mepwik1_(Object stringToReverse);
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_sendSamplesToNative
    public static native Object M5Naw4MO(Object strs);
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_sendToNative
    public static native Object M3btId9A(Object strs);
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_testAllPrimitives
    public static native Object M3dkhKZM(int zint, Object ints, long zlong, Object longs, short zshort, Object shorts, char zchar, Object chars, byte zbyte, Object bytes, double zdouble, Object doubles, float zfloat, Object floats, boolean zbool, Object bools);
      // Original name: org_jni_1zero_SampleForAnnotationProcessor_testSpecialTypes
    public static native void MomokuWo(Object clazz, Object classes, Object throwable, Object throwables, Object string, Object strings, Object convertedString, Object convertedStrings, Object optionalString, Object tStruct, Object structs, Object obj, Object convertedObj, Object objects, Object nestedInterface, Object view, Object context, Object convertedObjects);