
This is the concatenated contents of all files inside the placeholder srcjar.

## Contents of org/jni_zero/
// This file is an empty placeholder. It was generated by //third_party/jni_zero/

package org.jni_zero;

public interface SampleForAnnotationProcessor {
  public interface TestStruct {}
  public interface Natives {
    public org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor bar(org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor sample);
    public void foo();
    public boolean hasPhalange();
    public Class returnClass();
    public Class[] returnClasses();
    public org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] returnConvertedAppObjects();
    public int[] returnConvertedInts();
    public String returnConvertedString();
    public String[] returnConvertedStrings();
    public Object returnObject();
    public Object[] returnObjects();
    public String returnString();
    public String[] returnStrings();
    public org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor.TestStruct returnStruct();
    public org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor.TestStruct[] returnStructs();
    public Throwable returnThrowable();
    public Throwable[] returnThrowables();
    public String revString(String stringToReverse);
    public org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] sendSamplesToNative(org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] strs);
    public String[] sendToNative(String[] strs);
    public int[] testAllPrimitives(int zint, int[] ints, long zlong, long[] longs, short zshort, short[] shorts, char zchar, char[] chars, byte zbyte, byte[] bytes, double zdouble, double[] doubles, float zfloat, float[] floats, boolean zbool, boolean[] bools);
    public void testSpecialTypes(Class clazz, Class[] classes, Throwable throwable, Throwable[] throwables, String string, String[] strings, String convertedString, String[] convertedStrings, String optionalString, org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor.TestStruct tStruct, org.jni_zero.SampleForAnnotationProcessor.TestStruct[] structs, Object obj, Object convertedObj, Object[] objects, org.stubs.MyClass.SecondNestedInterface nestedInterface, android.view.View view, android.content.Context context, Object[] convertedObjects);

## Contents of android/content/
// This file is an empty placeholder. It was generated by //third_party/jni_zero/

package android.content;

public interface Context {

## Contents of android/view/
// This file is an empty placeholder. It was generated by //third_party/jni_zero/

package android.view;

public interface View {

## Contents of org/stubs/
// This file is an empty placeholder. It was generated by //third_party/jni_zero/

package org.stubs;

public interface MyClass {
  public interface SecondNestedInterface {}