// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.jni_zero;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.View;
import org.stubs.MyClass;
import org.stubs.MyClass.FirstNestedInterface;
import org.stubs.MyClass.SecondNestedInterface;
import org.stubs.MyInterface;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Sample class that uses the JNI annotation processor for static methods.
* See generated files at bottom.
class SampleForAnnotationProcessor {
class TestStruct {
int mA;
int mB;
* Static methods declared here, each of these refer to a native method
* which will have its declaration generated by our annotation processor.
* There will also be a class generated to wrap these native methods
* with the name SampleForAnnotationProcessorJni which will implement
* Natives.
interface Natives {
void foo();
SampleForAnnotationProcessor bar(SampleForAnnotationProcessor sample);
String revString(String stringToReverse);
String[] sendToNative(String[] strs);
SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] sendSamplesToNative(SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] strs);
boolean hasPhalange();
int[] testAllPrimitives(
@JniType("int") int zint,
@JniType("std::vector<int32_t>") int[] ints,
long zlong,
long[] longs,
short zshort,
short[] shorts,
@JniType("int") char zchar,
char[] chars,
byte zbyte,
byte[] bytes,
double zdouble,
double[] doubles,
float zfloat,
float[] floats,
boolean zbool,
boolean[] bools);
void testSpecialTypes(
Class clazz,
Class[] classes,
Throwable throwable,
Throwable[] throwables,
String string,
String[] strings,
@JniType("std::string") String convertedString,
@JniType("std::vector<std::string>") String[] convertedStrings,
@JniType("std::optional<std::string>") String optionalString,
TestStruct tStruct,
TestStruct[] structs,
Object obj,
@JniType("jni_zero::tests::CPPClass") Object convertedObj,
Object[] objects,
MyClass.SecondNestedInterface nestedInterface,
View view,
Context context,
@JniType("std::vector<jni_zero::tests::CPPClass>") Object[] convertedObjects);
Throwable returnThrowable();
Throwable[] returnThrowables();
Class returnClass();
Class[] returnClasses();
String returnString();
String returnConvertedString();
String[] returnStrings();
String[] returnConvertedStrings();
SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] returnConvertedAppObjects();
int[] returnConvertedInts();
TestStruct returnStruct();
TestStruct[] returnStructs();
Object returnObject();
Object[] returnObjects();
public static void test() {
// Using the imports so they are not removed.
View view = null;
Context context = null;
MyClass myclass = null;
FirstNestedInterface nested1 = null;
SecondNestedInterface nested2 = null;
MyInterface myinterface = null;
ArrayList myList = new ArrayList<String>();
int[] x = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
String[] strs = new String[] {"the", "quick", "brown", "fox"};
strs = SampleForAnnotationProcessorJni.get().sendToNative(strs);
SampleForAnnotationProcessor sample =
SampleForAnnotationProcessorJni.get().bar(new SampleForAnnotationProcessor());
SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] samples =
new SampleForAnnotationProcessor[] {sample, sample};
samples = SampleForAnnotationProcessorJni.get().sendSamplesToNative(samples);
// Instance of Natives accessed through (classname + "Jni").get().
boolean hasPhalange = SampleForAnnotationProcessorJni.get().hasPhalange();
String s = SampleForAnnotationProcessorJni.get().revString("abcd");