// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = 'proto2';
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package lens;
import "lens_overlay_polygon.proto";
// Information about a center bounding box rotated around its center.
message CenterRotatedBox {
optional float center_x = 1;
optional float center_y = 2;
optional float width = 3;
optional float height = 4;
// Clockwise rotation around the center in radians. The rotation angle is
// computed before normalizing the coordinates.
optional float rotation_z = 5;
// Specifies the coordinate type of center and size.
// @note default is COORDINATE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, please initialize this value
// to NORMALIZED or IMAGE for Lens detection API usage.
optional CoordinateType coordinate_type = 6;
// Geometric shape(s) used for tracking and detection.
message Geometry {
// Specifies the bounding box for this geometry.
optional CenterRotatedBox bounding_box = 1;
// Specifies the segmentation polygon. The vertices of the outer-boundaries
// are in clockwise, and the ones of inner-boundaries are in counter-clockwise
// ordering.
repeated Polygon segmentation_polygon = 5;
reserved 2, 3, 4, 6;
// A cropped and potentially re-scaled image region, rectangular subregion of a
// canonical image.
message ZoomedCrop {
// The cropped region of the parent image in parent coordinates.
optional CenterRotatedBox crop = 1;
// Width of the parent image.
optional int32 parent_width = 2;
// Height of the parent image.
optional int32 parent_height = 3;
// The ratio of the pixel dimensions of the child image to the pixel
// dimensions of the 'crop' in parent coordinates.
optional float zoom = 4;