
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = 'proto3';

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package lens;

import "lens_overlay_geometry.proto";
import "lens_overlay_text_query.proto";

// Metadata associated with an interaction request.
message LensOverlayInteractionRequestMetadata {
  // Type of interaction request.
  enum Type {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    // User's tap on the screen.
    TAP = 1;
    // User's region selection on the screenshot.
    REGION = 2;
    // User's text selection on the screenshot.
    // User selected a bounding box to region search.
    // Requests selection and fulfillment of a specific object.
  Type type = 1;

  // Metadata related to the selection associated with this interaction request.
  message SelectionMetadata {
    message Point {
      float x = 1;
      float y = 2;
    message Region {
      CenterRotatedBox region = 1;
    message Object {
      string object_id = 1;
      Geometry geometry = 2;

    oneof selection {
      Point point = 1;
      Region region = 2;
      Object object = 3;
  SelectionMetadata selection_metadata = 2;

  // Metadata related to query.
  message QueryMetadata {
    // The text query information.
    TextQuery text_query = 2;

    reserved 1;
  QueryMetadata query_metadata = 4;

  reserved 3;