// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = 'proto2';
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package lens;
// Request Id definition to support request sequencing and state lookup.
message LensOverlayRequestId {
// A unique identifier for a sequence of related Lens requests.
optional uint64 uuid = 1;
// An id to indicate the order of the current request within a sequence of
// requests sharing the same uuid. Starts from 1, increments by 1 if there is
// a new request with the same uuid.
optional int32 sequence_id = 2;
// An id to indicate the order of image payload sent within a sequence of
// requests sharing the same uuid. Starts from 1, increments by 1 if there is
// a new request with an image payload with the same uuid.
// Note, region search request does not increment this id.
optional int32 image_sequence_id = 3;
// Analytics ID for the Lens request. Will be updated on the initial request
// and once per interaction request.
optional bytes analytics_id = 4;