// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = 'proto3';
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package lens;
import "lens_overlay_client_context.proto";
import "lens_overlay_cluster_info.proto";
import "lens_overlay_deep_gleam_data.proto";
import "lens_overlay_image_crop.proto";
import "lens_overlay_image_data.proto";
import "lens_overlay_interaction_request_metadata.proto";
import "lens_overlay_overlay_object.proto";
import "lens_overlay_request_id.proto";
import "lens_overlay_text.proto";
// Request context for a Lens Overlay request.
message LensOverlayRequestContext {
// Required. Identifiers for this request.
LensOverlayRequestId request_id = 3;
// The client context for the request.
LensOverlayClientContext client_context = 4;
reserved 1, 2;
message LensOverlayObjectsRequest {
// Required. Basic information and context for the request.
LensOverlayRequestContext request_context = 1;
// Required. Image Data to process.
ImageData image_data = 3;
// Optional. Data payload of the request.
// TODO(b/359638436): Mark required when clients have migrated to use Payload
// field.
Payload payload = 4;
reserved 2;
message LensOverlayObjectsResponse {
// Overlay objects.
repeated OverlayObject overlay_objects = 2;
// Text.
Text text = 3;
// Gleams.
repeated DeepGleamData deep_gleams = 4;
// The cluster info.
LensOverlayClusterInfo cluster_info = 7;
reserved 1, 5, 6;
message LensOverlayInteractionRequest {
// Basic information and context for the request.
LensOverlayRequestContext request_context = 1;
// Metadata associated with an interaction request.
LensOverlayInteractionRequestMetadata interaction_request_metadata = 2;
// The image crop data.
ImageCrop image_crop = 3;
message LensOverlayInteractionResponse {
string encoded_response = 3;
reserved 1, 2;
// Next ID: 5
message Payload {
// Currently unset, use image_data in ObjectsRequest.
// TODO(b/359638436): Move ObjectsRequest clients onto Payload.ImageData.
ImageData image_data = 2;
// Data for non-image payloads. May be sent with or without an image in the
// image_data field. If content_data is set, content_type must also be set.
bytes content_data = 3;
// The media type/MIME type of the data represented i content_data, e.g.
// "application/pdf". If content_type is set, content_data should also be set.
string content_type = 4;
reserved 1;