// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = 'proto3';
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package lens;
import "lens_overlay_geometry.proto";
// The text reading order.
enum WritingDirection {
// The text alignment.
enum Alignment {
message Text {
// Optional. Information describing the text.
TextLayout text_layout = 1;
// Optional. Dominant content language of the text. Language
// code is CLDR/BCP-47.
string content_language = 2;
reserved 3;
// Nested text structure.
message TextLayout {
message Word {
// Required. Unique id within TextLayout.
TextEntityIdentifier id = 1;
// Optional. The text in a plain text.
string plain_text = 2;
// Optional. The text separator that should be appended after this word when
// it is concatenated with the subsequent word in the same or next
// line/paragraph into a single-line string. This is specified as optional
// because there is a distinction between the absence of a separator and
// the empty string as a separator.
optional string text_separator = 3;
// Optional. The geometry of the word.
Geometry geometry = 4;
enum Type {
// Printed text.
TEXT = 0;
// Formula type, including mathematical or chemical formulas.
// Optional. The type of this word.
Type type = 5;
message FormulaMetadata {
// Optional. LaTeX representation of a formula. Can be the same as
// `plain_text`. Example: "\frac{2}{x}=y". The plain text
// representation of this is available in Word.plain_text.
string latex = 1;
// Optional. Metadata for formulas. This is populated for entities of
// `type=FORMULA`.
FormulaMetadata formula_metadata = 6;
message Line {
// Optional. List of words in natural reading order.
repeated Word words = 1;
// Optional. The geometry of the line.
Geometry geometry = 2;
message Paragraph {
// Required. Unique id within TextLayout.
TextEntityIdentifier id = 1;
// Optional. List of lines in natural reading order (see also
// `writing_direction`).
repeated Line lines = 2;
// Optional. Geometry of the paragraph.
Geometry geometry = 3;
// Optional. The text writing direction (aka reading order).
WritingDirection writing_direction = 4;
// Optional. BCP-47 language code of the dominant language in this
// paragraph.
string content_language = 5;
// Optional. List of paragraphs in natural reading order.
repeated Paragraph paragraphs = 1;
message TextEntityIdentifier {
// Required. Unique entity id used to reference (and match) text entities and
// ranges.
int64 id = 1;